Aniki Naruto is a new anime series that is set to air in Japan this winter. The story follows the adventures of a young ninja, Naruto, as he strives to become the strongest ninja in the world. Fans of anime will love Aniki Naruto because it is full of action and adventure. The story follows Naruto as he tries to save his friends and defeat his enemies. There are also plenty of humorous moments in the show, which will make fans laugh. If you are interested in watching Aniki Naruto, you should be aware that it is not for everyone. The series is very violent and contains scenes that may be disturbing for some viewers. However, if you are looking for an exciting adventure story, Aniki Naruto is definitely worth checking out! ..


Aniki and his friends are ninjas, but Aniki prefers to do unusual things to attract women. Aniki attempted to seduce a woman, but she was not interested in him. Kakashi Hai intervened and stopped him. Aniki and his friends were upset by this incident, which prompted them to seek revenge against the Leaf Ninja.

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The Kemurigakure ninja uniform,, consists of a gray vest with a white shield and a white vest. On his face, you can see some distinctive markings similar to the Inuzuka Clun symbol. However, unlike the Inuzuka (like Kiba),, he doesn’t have them in red but instead has them purple.


Aniki is very selfish, immature and spiteful as he can be seen in the episode where he appears. In which he took revenge on Kakashi Haitake who had embarrassed him in the past for bothering a girl that had no interest in him.



Aniki made his first appearance when he was sitting on top of a tree while he and his team planned their revenge against Kakashi. While they were working outside the village, they chased Team7. They finally reached an inn. Aniki put a type of hiccup into Kakashi’s food but then ended up crying when Kakashi pushed the table over and took a bite. Aniki attempted to hit Kakashi with the dart, but the Leaf Ninja easily dodged it, so the projectile hit a toad.

Naruto took their uniforms, but the Moya brothers had spares.When Team 7 was performing their daily tasks, the Moya Brothers noticed Naruto , Sasuke , and Sakura. They thought the children were Kakashi’s enemies. Aniki escaped from the barrel in which he was hiding to discover that Kakashi had defeated the genin.


His companions called him “aniki”, which translates to “Big Brother”, as this is what Japanese gangsters have traditionally called their superiors. He is also seen in Naruto: Path of the Ninja 2 along with his two companions in the last unlockable region.

title: “Everything You Need To Know About Aniki Naruto” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-09” author: “Catherine Peterson”

Aniki Naruto is a manga and anime series created by Masashi Kishimoto. The series follows the story of Jiraiya, a young ninja who becomes the Seventh Hokage after defeating the evil Orochimaru. The manga and anime have been popular in Japan for over 10 years, and have been translated into many languages. Aniki Naruto has been featured on various Japanese television shows and magazines, as well as in several video games. What is Aniki Naruto? Aniki Naruto is a manga and anime series created by Masashi Kishimoto. The series follows the story of Jiraiya, a young ninja who becomes the Seventh Hokage after defeating the evil Orochimaru. The manga and anime have been popular in Japan for over 10 years, and have been translated into many languages. Aniki Naruto is set before Jiraiya’s time as the Seventh Hokage, during his time as an apprentice to Sarutobi Shimura.


Aniki et ses amis sont des ninjas, mais Aniki préfère faire des choses inhabituelles pour attirer les femmes. Aniki a tenté de séduire une femme, mais elle ne s’intéressait pas à lui. Kakashi Hai est intervenu et l’a arrêté. Aniki et ses amis ont été bouleversés par cet incident, qui les a incités à se venger du Leaf Ninja.

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L’ uniforme ninja Kemurigakure, , se compose d’un gilet gris avec un bouclier blanc et un gilet blanc. Sur son visage, vous pouvez voir des marques distinctives similaires au symbole Inuzuka Clun . Cependant, contrairement à l’Inuzuka (comme Kiba) , il ne les a pas en rouge mais plutôt en violet.


Aniki est très égoïste, immature et méchant comme on peut le voir dans l’épisode où il apparaît. Dans lequel il s’est vengé de Kakashi Haitake qui l’avait embarrassé dans le passé pour avoir ennuyé une fille qui ne s’intéressait pas à lui.

Voir égalementNaruto Hokage List : tout ce que vous devez savoir



Aniki a fait sa première apparition alors qu’il était assis au sommet d’un arbre pendant que lui et son équipe planifiaient leur vengeance contre Kakashi. Alors qu’ils travaillaient à l’extérieur du village, ils ont poursuivi Team7 . Ils arrivèrent enfin à une auberge. Aniki a mis une sorte de hoquet dans la nourriture de Kakashi mais a fini par pleurer quand Kakashi a poussé la table et a pris une bouchée. Aniki a tenté de frapper Kakashi avec la fléchette, mais le Leaf Ninja l’a facilement esquivé, de sorte que le projectile a touché un crapaud.

Naruto a pris leurs uniformes, mais les frères Moya avaient des pièces de rechange.Lorsque l’équipe 7 effectuait ses tâches quotidiennes, les frères Moya remarquèrent Naruto, Sasuke et Sakura . Ils pensaient que les enfants étaient les ennemis de Kakashi. Aniki s’est échappé du tonneau dans lequel il se cachait pour découvrir que Kakashi avait vaincu le genin.


Ses compagnons l’appelaient « aniki », qui se traduit par « Big Brother », car c’est ainsi que les gangsters japonais appellent traditionnellement leurs supérieurs. Il est également vu dans Naruto: Path of the Ninja 2 avec ses deux compagnons dans la dernière région à débloquer.

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title: “Everything You Need To Know About Aniki Naruto” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-19” author: “Dorthea Beck”

ANIKI Naruto is a new anime series that is set to premiere on October 3rd. The show is based on the popular manga series of the same name by Masashi Kishimoto. ANIKI Naruto follows the story of a young ninja, Naruto Uzumaki, as he strives to become the strongest ninja in the world. Fans of the manga and anime series will love ANIKI Naruto because it features all of their favorite characters and storylines. The show is set in a new world, and follows Naruto as he trains to become a great ninja. ANIKI Naruto also features an all-new cast of characters, which makes it a unique experience for fans of the manga and anime series. If you’re looking for an exciting new show to watch, then you should definitely check out ANIKI Naruto! ..Автор: АНИКИ


Аники и его друзья — ниндзя, но Аники предпочитает делать необычные вещи, чтобы привлечь женщин. Аники пытался соблазнить женщину, но она не интересовалась им. Какаши Хай вмешался и остановил его. Аники и его друзья были расстроены этим инцидентом, который побудил их отомстить Листовому Ниндзя.

Также читайте:Така Наруто: все, что нужно знать


The Kemurigakure ninja uniform,, consists of a gray vest with a white shield and a white vest. On his face, you can see some distinctive markings similar to the Inuzuka Clun symbol. However, unlike the Inuzuka (like Kiba),, he doesn’t have them in red but instead has them purple.


Aniki is very selfish, immature and spiteful as he can be seen in the episode where he appears. In which he took revenge on Kakashi Haitake who had embarrassed him in the past for bothering a girl that had no interest in him.

See also

Naruto Hokage List : Everything You Need To Know



Аники впервые появился, когда сидел на вершине дерева, в то время как он и его команда планировали свой реванш против Какаши. Пока они работали за пределами деревни, они преследовали Team7. Наконец они добрались до постоялого двора. Аники положила икоту в еду Какаши, но затем заплакала, когда Какаши толкнул стол и перекусил. Аники попытался поразить Какаши дротиком, но Листовой Ниндзя легко увернулся от него, поэтому снаряд попал в жабу.

Наруто забрал их униформу, но у братьев Мойя были запасные части.Когда Команда 7 выполняла свои повседневные задачи, братья Мойя заметили Наруто, Саске и Сакуру. Они думали, что дети были врагами Какаши. Аники сбежал из бочки, в которой он прятался, чтобы обнаружить, что Какаши победил генина.


Его спутники называли его «аники», что переводится как «Большой брат», так как именно так японские гангстеры традиционно называли своих начальников. Он также появляется в Naruto: Path of the Ninja 2 вместе со своими двумя компаньонами в последнем разблокируемом регионе.

title: “Everything You Need To Know About Aniki Naruto” ShowToc: true date: “2022-10-25” author: “Brenda Unger”

ANIKI Naruto is a new anime series that is set to air on the Japanese network NHK from October 15th to December 15th. The show is created by Hideaki Anno and directed by Shinji Higuchi. The story follows the adventures of a young boy named Naruto, who is forced to fight in a war against the evil shinobi forces known as the Akatsuki. The show has been met with mixed reactions from fans of the Naruto manga and anime series. Some have praised the creative direction and writing of Anno, while others have found many of the plot points and characters confusing or unoriginal. However, there are some who believe that ANIKI Naruto could be one of Japan’s most successful anime series ever. What do you need to know about ANIKI Naruto? Here are some key points: -ANIKI Naruto will air on NHK from October 15th to December 15th -The show is created by Hideaki Anno and directed by Shinji Higuchi -The story follows the adventures of a young boy named Naruto, who is forced to fight in a war against the evil shinobi forces known as the AkatsukiАвтор: АНИКИ


Аники и его друзья — ниндзя, но Аники предпочитает делать необычные вещи, чтобы привлечь женщин. Аники пытался соблазнить женщину, но она не интересовалась им. Какаши Хай вмешался и остановил его. Аники и его друзья были расстроены этим инцидентом, который побудил их отомстить Листовому Ниндзя.

Также читайте:Така Наруто: все, что нужно знать


The Kemurigakure ninja uniform,, consists of a gray vest with a white shield and a white vest. On his face, you can see some distinctive markings similar to the Inuzuka Clun symbol. However, unlike the Inuzuka (like Kiba),, he doesn’t have them in red but instead has them purple.


Aniki is very selfish, immature and spiteful as he can be seen in the episode where he appears. In which he took revenge on Kakashi Haitake who had embarrassed him in the past for bothering a girl that had no interest in him.

See also

Naruto Hokage List : Everything You Need To Know



Аники впервые появился, когда сидел на вершине дерева, в то время как он и его команда планировали свой реванш против Какаши. Пока они работали за пределами деревни, они преследовали Team7. Наконец они добрались до постоялого двора. Аники положила икоту в еду Какаши, но затем заплакала, когда Какаши толкнул стол и перекусил. Аники попытался поразить Какаши дротиком, но Листовой Ниндзя легко увернулся от него, поэтому снаряд попал в жабу.

Наруто забрал их униформу, но у братьев Мойя были запасные части.Когда Команда 7 выполняла свои повседневные задачи, братья Мойя заметили Наруто, Саске и Сакуру. Они думали, что дети были врагами Какаши. Аники сбежал из бочки, в которой он прятался, чтобы обнаружить, что Какаши победил генина.


Его спутники называли его «аники», что переводится как «Большой брат», так как именно так японские гангстеры традиционно называли своих начальников. Он также появляется в Naruto: Path of the Ninja 2 вместе со своими двумя компаньонами в последнем разблокируемом регионе.