Wakana Gojo is a natural healer and yoga teacher who has been helping people in the United States for more than 20 years. She has a unique approach to healing that uses her own experience as a yoga teacher and natural healer to help her clients achieve their health goals. Gojo is also the author of the book, “The Healing Power of Yoga.” She has been featured on national television and radio, and her teachings have been featured in publications such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Huffington Post. Gojo’s unique approach to healing has helped her clients achieve their health goals by providing them with information about how to improve their overall well-being through yoga and natural healing methods. She is also available for consultations to help you achieve your health goals.


Wakana is quite tall for his age, standing at at least 180 centimeters. (When Marin asked him his height, he was interrupted before he could finish saying, meaning he’s likely taller than 180cm.) He has short, black hair and grey eyes, along with a tiny mole on the outer lower corner of his right eye.

Outside of his school uniform, he is always wearing a samue, a general work outfit consisting of a blue suit jacket and pants, with a simple white shirt underneath. He wears wooden sandals and also tends to wear a white headband while working. When not wearing his headband, he tends to have it over his shoulders.


At the start of the series, Wakana was a withdrawn person in high school, having no friends and a secret love and admiration for hina dolls. This stems from his past where a girl angrily told him that boys shouldn’t like dolls and called him a freak, something that clearly affected him very deeply to the point where he closed himself off from everyone and lived his high school life as a recluse.

Wakana notes Marin Kitagawa and how she has her own interests in anime and the like, but unlike him, is free to be completely open with them and has many friends. His solitary attitude makes him rather submissive with others, claiming that he doesn’t mind his classmates leaving him to do after class clean up, although Marin correctly pointed out that they were taking advantage of him.

Wakana’s main goal in life is to become a hina doll craftsman (a kashira-shi – 頭師) like his grandfather. He is very knowledgeable and loving towards the dolls his grandfather’s store makes and sells. He also has his own and cherishes it greatly, to the point where he keeps it on his desk by his bedside and even talks to it. When the doll slipped from his hands, he leaped in order to catch it and frantically asked it if it was hurt.

Wakana was completely mesmerized the first time he saw a hina doll, and this memory has remained with him throughout his entire life, to the point where he takes his love for them seriously and doesn’t call anything beautiful unless he means it from the heart. Due to growing up with his grandfather, Wakana has a great knowledge pertaining to outfits and sewing, having pointed out all the blatant flaws in Marin’s prototype cosplay outfit, although he profusely apologized when he saw that his harsh criticism hurt her feelings. When Marin neither labels him as a freak nor gets mad at him for criticizing her outfit, he agrees on her request to make her a cosplay outfit for Shizuku-tan.

Wakana is rather shy and modest, not doing well with embarrassing or lewd topics. He was surprised to find out that Shizuku was from an eroge (adult video game) and was reluctant to take Marin’s measurements for the outfit. Whenever flustered, he tends to freak out or freeze up, which has led to Marin gaining a joy in teasing him. After having a certain dream involving Marin, Wakana was completely ashamed to the point where it was difficult for him to look or talk to her. While he does have a natural interest in girls (evident by the dream), he isn’t at all perverted and is very self-conscious, usually apologizing in embarrassing scenarios.

This being said, Wakana’s shyness doesn’t completely dictate him. He was able to play Slippery Girls 1 and 2 to gain a better understanding of Shizuku-tan’s outfit, remaining fully observant to the details throughout and later chatted with Marin casually about it while they were out together (to the unease of some bystanders). When excited about something or helping Marin with her cosplay outfits, his shyness can be put on standstill while he’s focused.

Wakana cares a lot about others, agreeing to run his grandfather’s shop after the latter had hurt his back. Furthermore, even when he was completely exhausted from all his responsibilities (studying for his midterm exams, running his grandfather’s shop and his other daily duties), he still pulled himself together and worked throughout the night to finish the Shizuku-tan outfit. As further proof of him being a good person, when Marin revealed there was no set time that the outfit had to be done by, Wakana collapsed, but instead of getting upset or angry at her, he was instead relieved that there was more time to finish the outfit.

Wakana doesn’t appear to have much of a life outside of his grandfather’s store and helping Marin, as he always wears his work attire outside of his school uniform, and often spends his time either studying or sewing. Furthermore, he was upset when he thought that his time and friendship with Marin had reached its end upon the completion of her Shizuku-tan outfit, only to be happy when she decided to continue cosplaying and requested his help with it.

Also Read:Marin Kitagawa : Everything You Need To Know

My Dress-Up Darling: Gojo Wakana’s MBTI & What it Says About Him

Gojo Wakana is Marin’s hardworking and humble cosplay partner, and he has an MBTI personality type to match.

Gojo Wakana’s MBTI Type: ISFJ-T, The Defender

The Defender, or ISFJ, is one of the more common of the 16 personality types, and these people are easy to like thanks to being humble, selfless and generous, never drawing attention to themselves or demanding repayment for their kind deeds. Their code is ISFJ for Introverted Observant Feeling Judging, which combines to make a sensitive but quiet person with a strong sense of duty and responsibility, but without being flashy or showy about it.

Like the Protagonist type, Defenders want to support and uplift others without putting themselves on a pedestal. They are also practical and detail-oriented like Logisticians but are more focused on helping people than creating spreadsheets.

The ISFJ personality type has some apparent contradictions, but Defenders like Gojo Wakana always find good ways to figure these out to get some work done. These people are shy, quiet and introverted, hence the I, but they are also selfless and care much more about other people than themselves like quieter Protagonists. Moreover, ISFJs are meticulous and hard workers, but they don’t take pride in their good work ethic — they care more about the results in terms of helping others. If asked, a Defender would say that their hard work is its own reward. Even if they are thanked for their hard work, a Defender will be reluctant to accept credit. It’s not about them.

ISFJs have many strengths, including their selfless generosity, which is a virtue in the eyes of practically everyone. This means they are always desperately needed and appreciated everywhere they go, such as nurses and counselors. These people are patient and reliable thanks to their good work ethic, and an ISFJ won’t leave a job half-done if someone needs them. Defenders are also notably creative and imaginative, and they can figure out the solution for any problem if it means aiding someone in need.

On the downside, Defenders are prone to burning themselves out and must remember to take care of themselves as well. A worn-out Defender can’t help anyone if they don’t help themselves first. Moreover, Defenders might be too sensitive for their own good and take things too personally, which may discourage or distract them from the job at hand. Defenders can also be oddly stubborn and hesitant to change their ways.

Gojo Wakana As A Defender In My Dress-Up Darling

Gojo Wakana expresses his turbulent ISFJ-T nature in many ways, starting with his excellent work ethic. As a true Defender, Gojo is practical and detail-oriented, and he isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty to finish the job, even if he must stay up all night to get it done. He practiced long and hard to paint hina doll faces, and he shocked Marin when he pushed himself to the limit to complete her costume in time for an event. Gojo also went the extra mile to help Juju and her sister Shinju make their costumes, and he eagerly learned about new techniques and accessories to help these girls make their cosplays even more authentic.

In addition, Gojo is a humble and meek boy who takes himself seriously but never boasts about anything, even when everyone else showers him with praise for a job well done. Gojo is undeniably talented and effective as a cosplay maker, but he wouldn’t dream of hogging the spotlight or letting all this go to his head. Instead, he humbly shrugs off praise and focuses on what he can do better next time for the sake of his friends — a true Defender move.

He is also generous, compassionate and gentle, and he is quick to look away if the girls show too much skin. He respects girls’ privacy a great deal, and he can’t bear the thought of making anyone else uncomfortable, even if he is secretly tempted to take a peek. While My Dress-Up Darling has plenty of fan service, a respectful ISFJ like Gojo Wakana won’t take advantage of it or risk compromising his principles. That’s the Defender way.


Wakana Gojo is a fifteen-year-old high-school boy who was socially traumatized in the past due to his passion for the things he likes. That past left a huge mark on him which caused him to become a social recluse as a result.

My Dress-Up Darling: Gojo Wakana Turns a Classic Shonen Trope on Its Head

How Gojo Wakana Superficially Emulates Shonen Protagonists

Strictly speaking, Gojo Wakana is a seinen protagonist, but his character arc has many shonen elements to it, beginning with his demographic. As opposed to seinen heroes like the cyborg Kusanagi Motoko and Kaneki Ken the half-ghoul, Gojo is a fairly ordinary high school student — an everyman who viewers can easily relate to. That’s a key shonen trait, as many shonen heroes are typically 13-16 years of age to match the target demographic, from Kurosaki Ichigo to Uzumaki Naruto and Kamado Tanjiro, among others.

Not only is Gojo relatable to fans of shonen, but he also has his own “powers” — his skills with making hina dolls. Many non-violent shonen anime series find real-life analogies for such combat systems, such as competitive cooking in Food Wars! or high-stakes gambling in Kakegurui, and in My Dress-Up Darling‘s case, the combat system involves cosplay.

This throws open the doors for many challenges, adventures and opportunities for Gojo’s growth after he meets Marin and agrees to become her cosplay partner and friend, lending her his expertise with tailoring and fabrics. Gojo can easily switch from making doll clothes to making regular clothes, and while he’s quite skilled, there’s ample room for him to learn new tricks, overcome unexpected challenges, meet new rivals and hone his skills like any shonen-style protagonist. However, while shonen heroes like Naruto or Izuku thrive on challenges, Gojo suffers from them.

Gojo Wakana’s Struggle As A Shonen-Style Hero

While Gojogoes through many of the motions as a shonen-style protagonist, he’s not precisely the same as Ichigo or Tanjiro, partly due to My Dress-Up Darling technically being a seinen series that feels no need to cater to the shonen crowd. True, Gojo has the bare bones of a shonen hero, but his character arc differs greatly from actual shonen heroes, since My Dress-Up Darling has other priorities and themes to explore as a non-violent seinen show.

To begin with, aside from wanting to make high-quality hina dolls and paint their faces, Gojo Wakana has few dreams or goals. Shonen heroes inspire and empower their fans with goals such as “I’ll become Hokage” or “I’ll be the king of pirates!”, while Gojo lacks such aggressive goals, and that’s ideal for My Dress-Up Darling‘s narrative. This is an edutainment and novelty anime that’s about cosplay and light fanservice, not watching some kid take on the whole world. Gojo is no Luffy, nor should he be.

What’s more, Gojo’s character arc so far lacks shonen staples such as training montages and a mentor figure. Unlike Naruto training at Mt. Myoboku or Ichigo training to learn bankai, Gojo is simply practicing an ordinary trade at a steady pace. He’s not the type to train under a waterfall and emerge ten times stronger than before so he can defeat the villain. He also lacks a character such as Gojo Satoru or Jiraiya the toad sage to train him, instead having Marin as his personal muse and business partner to make her cosplay dream a reality. Gojo does have his grandfather to guide him, but for the most part, he must succeed or fail with only Marin to help him, and she’s no Jiraiya.

Lastly, Gojo has notable insecurities as a protagonist, and he doesn’t do well under pressure. Shonen heroes are always confident in their dreams and their identity, while Gojo faces more relatable self-doubt and even imposter syndrome. He’s not about to get a sudden burst of strength at the last second before overcoming a major obstacle. Instead, he pushed himself too hard to finish Marin’s costume in record time, and he looked worse for wear when he was done. It wasn’t a flattering montage, and what’s more, Gojo didn’t actually need to finish the costume by that deadline — something he found out after the fact. His shonen-style burst of strength was practically wasted — a subversion that would never happen in Naruto, Bleach or Demon Slayer.


Marin Kitagawa

Classmates that never spoke, Marin Kitagawa accidentally runs into Wakana one day sewing at school when his home sewing machine was broken. Realizing that he could help her with her love for cosplay, she asks him to make costumes for her, which he accepts. Initially, Wakana is nervous about his ability to create cosplay clothes for Marin because of his lack of experience, as he’s only made hina dolls. After the success of the first costume, his confidence in making the outfits grows and so does his love for creating them. Wakana becomes more open with Marin as the series progresses and her words of confidence can be the driving force for why cosplays turn out successful, as well as what initially drives him to improve himself.

He thinks Marin is very pretty (something he doesn’t say without meaning it) with a positive outlook on life, and admires her confidence. He gets flustered whenever Marin wears revealing clothing, which occurs often. He takes care of her when she’s sick, helps her with cooking, supports her in her decisions, and teaches her the things she needs to know in school if she falls behind, showing he cares a lot about her outside of cosplaying.

Sajuna Inui

A second-year at Sakuranomiya All-Girls High School, she is a famous cosplayer and someone Marin looks up to. Wakana has seen her nude by accident, creating an awkward first meeting; though they are friends. She is the second person he creates clothes for. She greatly admires Wakana’s work on her cosplay outfit, as well as how he helps her sister on her first one. It is hinted that the older Inui sister has developed feelings for him.

Shinju Inui

Wakana was surprised to find out that Sajuna’s younger sister, in fact, appeared far older and more mature than her. The two soon get along, and after learning of Shinju’s desire to cosplay as the older brother Soma from Flower Princess Blaze!!, Wakana decides to help her with it.


She is his elder cousin. They are on friendly terms.

Kaoru Gojo

Wakana’s grandfather whom he lives with. Kaoru teaches him about creating doll heads and deeply cares for him. Wakana is shown to care for his grandfather as well, as he took to manning his shop while he was recovering from a back injury.