Le train est mort dans l’épisode 6 de la saison 3 de The Boys. Cette information a été confirmée par le producteur de la série, Josh Horowitz.

Les garçons sont à peu près sur le côté droit pour le bon goût. La version Herogasm de la série est une version réduite des bandes dessinées. Vought invite des gens du monde entier sur une île pour assister à une convention de dépravation, tout en disant au public que les héros combattent un ennemi commun afin de sauver l’humanité. Les Twins, les anciens coéquipiers de Soldier Boy, sont maintenant les cerveaux derrière cette interprétation en direct. Bien qu’il y ait beaucoup de supes amoureux de l’héragasme dans leur maison du Vermont, très peu des personnages principaux y participent.

https://www.youtube.com/embed/KH0AAcY1r10?feature=oembedThe Boys Saison 3 Episode 6 Breakdown & Ending expliqué par HeavySpoilers


Chaque vendredi, la saison 3 de The Boys est devenue une excellente série télévisée de rendez-vous. La saison 1 était une préparation pour la seconde moitié. Cet épisode est plein de certains des meilleurs moments de la série. Les garçons sont là pour rester, saison 3, épisode 6 intitulé « Herogasm ». Nous avons tellement de chance de vivre à une époque où les super-héros et tous les autres types de fiction geek sont à l’honneur.

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Nelson Cragg once more takes the chair as director. This episode is a knockout! He not only knows how tension should be transmitted, but also knows that character interactions are what make this show great. Episodes 5 and 6 are distinguished by the way the dialogues and interactions look and sound like films. You pay close attention to each one.

Relationships are pushed to the limit and some characters are pushed to their limits by the episode. It’s all good TV and the best thing to watch on Friday. The end of season 4 might be more important than next week’s episode on The Boys. However, I suspect that creators of Stranger Things planned this way in advance. The next episode might be more of a bridge episode than the big finale, which will take place in episode 8 two week from now.

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The episode 6 of The Boys has some controversial content. Perhaps that is not the right word. It would be more appropriate to call it transgressive. People will be talking about the episode’s title, “Herogasm”, because it is a reference to the party that gave it its name. Although the series pushes the boundaries of good taste, it is not quite as far as it could. It’s quite shocking at first but the scene progresses and the focus shifts to the characters rather than the orgy in the background. This creates a unique battlefield.

M.M. M.M. Laz Alonso is a great actor, but this episode puts him in the center of many scenes. We couldn’t be happier. M.M.’s moral code would have been a barrier to The Boys being able to tell a story without cynicism or transgression.

Christian Keyes plays A-Train and gives a great performance. He has been on a adventure of redemption through the season. His character has witnessed firsthand how horrible supes can seem in comparison to the rest of the population. He and his family were really hurt in episode 5. This episode makes him do something unexpected, but equally satisfying.

Homelander Vs. Soldier Boy is everything we expected. We are excited to see what the creators will do with the second half of the season. It happens, and it happens in spectacular fashion. They are both used to being the best so it is quite funny to watch them finally face off against someone who can push them to the limits.

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This episode features another thrilling action sequence. It doesn’t have superpowers but it is intense. Frenchie, Kimiko and their storyline have reached its climax this season. It’s also reached it in a very bloody manner. This storyline is a mystery to us. It’s a little haphazard and seems disconnected from all the other stories on the show. It’s not surprising that everyone wishes them the best. They are deserving of it.

Season 3 Episode 6 of The Boys is full of mayhem and that’s what we want it to be every week. While it is possible for the show to keep up the pace of madness every week, it would reduce the shock factor and make the show seem routine. The Boys can keep their rhythm if they do it two times a season. This will make them a TV series that will never allow for the standard superhero story to take center stage. The Boys are more needed than ever with the release of superhero content every week.


These three teams meet in Vermont. Annie and M.M. Annie and M.M. arrive at the sex portion, and try to warn everyone about Soldier Boy coming. But no one listens to their words. Hughie, Soldier Boy and Butcher are all outside. Hughie requests three minutes to go into the house to tell Soldier Boy about the Twins to avoid any collateral damage. A-Train is found by Hughie, and they have a brief conversation. Hughie’s exgirlfriend Robin is killed by A-Train, and A-Train apologises. Annie meets Hughie, and then they see Soldier Boy arrive.

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Hughie brings Annie to the party and confesses that he doesn’t feel fulfilled in their relationship. Annie doesn’t fully understand Hughie’s feelings, and tells him that he is just an awful person. Soldier Boy is confronted by the Twins who tell him that everything was Noir’s plan. Soldier Boy is triggered by Russian music, and everything explodes. Tons of people are killed. M.M. Soldier Boy confronts Butcher, but Butcher saves his soul by stopping him.

Homelander, however, arrives at the party and the two superheroes

meet each other. They are both at the same level and find it surprising when they can’t defeat each other. Butcher and Hughie are joined in the fight and subdue Homelander. Soldier Boy is about to explode which would negate Homelanders power, but Homelander manages a quick escape.

Blue Hawk is also being confronted by A-Train about Blue Hawk’s injuries and he kills him by dragging A-Train along the road. After running one more time, A-train’s heart stops and he apparently dies. M.M. and Annie try to help as many people possible. She watches as Soldier Boy, Butcher, and Hughie go. Then, she decides to live-stream the event. She declares Homelander a murderer and quits being a superhero.

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We all know that The Boys comic book series is unapologetic. It’s downright horrific, crazy, sexual, and ridiculous in the best possible ways. The Boys draws inspiration from its comic-book counterpart, which is as controversial and unapologetic as the live action series.

It is true that source material is more insane than live-action television series. This is because comic books don’t have many limitations. Comics are the only place to see some of the most bizarre and insane things. Herogasm is one such event we have yet to see on TV. It is one of The Boys’ most beloved characters.

The Boys are insane and crazy, and it’s hard to believe there is anything that could top the madness seen in this series. Herogasm could take this series to new heights. What is Herogasm exactly?

Herogasm, un événement basé sur la bande dessinée organisé chaque année pour les supes Vought, est décrit comme un festival. Les supes participent à une fête ou à un festival qui consiste à s’amuser et à se divertir. Peu importe que les activités soient légales ou non. L’héragisme pourrait être décrit comme une orgie totale parrainée par Vought pour les femmes. C’est une sortie réelle pour les employés de Vought qui sont des supes.

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Herogasm est ouvert à tous, et les supes peuvent embaucher des travailleuses du sexe qui sont payées jusqu’à 100 000 $ par événement. C’est parce qu’ils ne se soucient pas de la sécurité. Ils ont droit à une indemnisation de 100 000 $ pour tout incident pouvant survenir pendant l’événement.

Le plus souvent, les supes d’Héragasme font des choses folles qu’ils ne peuvent pas faire dans leur vie normale. Cela signifie qu’ils peuvent se saouler, gaspiller, planer ou se coucher et faire ce qu’ils veulent pendant l’événement.

La pire chose à propos d’Héragasme? Il est dissimulé par Vought dans une crise mondiale qui exige que tous les supes se rassemblent et travaillent les uns avec les autres afin que les citoyens ne se demandent pas où sont allés tous leurs héros. Ils ne se rendent pas compte qu’ils sont sur une île éloignée, faisant la fête et ayant des relations sexuelles dans la plus grande orgie de toute la terre. Ils rentrent tous chez eux pour accueillir un héros, croyant qu’ils partaient pour se mettre en sécurité mais qu’ils s’amusaient.

L’héragasme est en quelque sorte l’aboutissement de la façon dont les supes peuvent être gâtés et fous dans la vie réelle. C’est aussi un rappel de la façon dont ils sont volatils aux tentations. On s’attend à ce qu’ils se comportent tout au long de l’année, de sorte qu’ils peuvent avoir un Herogasm sauvage où ils peuvent être aussi fous et scandaleux qu’ils le souhaitent. C’est l’ultime démonstration de la façon dont The Boys peut être sauvage et libre d’esprit.