In the 12th episode of the popular anime series “Love After World Domination,” our main characters, Yuki and Kakeru, are finally able to get back together after being apart for so long. However, things are not as they seem. Yuki is still in love with her ex-boyfriend, and Kakeru is still in love with his current girlfriend. What’s going on? In short, it seems that Yuki has been manipulating Kakeru into thinking that he still loves her even though he does not really do. Meanwhile, Kakeru is still in love with his current girlfriend and does not know what to do about it. In the end, these two relationships will be tested to their limits as they try to come to terms with their past and figure out what they want for themselves future.

No hay signos de explosivos. La serie es conocida por crear nuevos personajes y cambiar las relaciones, pero también tiende a introducir nuevos personajes de vez en cuando. Blue Gelato o Beast podrían ser una pareja divertida, ya que ninguno de los dos quiere comprometerse. Como es el caso con el anime de temporada, puede haber un cambio importante en el episodio final.


El episodio 11 de Love After World Domination se emitió el 17 de junio de 2022. Se titulaba «¿Cuál es el punto de acercarse?» Después de tomarse una foto con Fudo en la Luna Kokutei, Desumi regresa a su rutina habitual. Después de darse cuenta de que siempre está sola, Desumi se dispone a invitar a otra princesa a su Love After World Domination Episodio 11.

La historia se centra en judgment princess Desumi. Es solitaria y prefiere estar sola. Desumi se abrió a ella mientras estaba sola. Sus acciones casi la llevaron a descubrir su secreto. Su tacto la salvó por la anchura de un pelo, y el silenciador. El juicio es apoyado y amado por Desumi. Ella no la obliga a hacer nada de lo que pueda dudar. Es muy dulce ver a dos personajes femeninos unirse y ayudarse mutuamente.

The Judgment Princess is shy and avoids social situations at all cost. Desumi uses this to trick her into inviting her to her sleepover in her chamber with other Princesses. They enjoy takoyaki and movies together. The two then have a romantic discussion, and Judgment asks about love. She teases Desumi when she discovers she is in love with her. Desumi thanks Judgment for coming to her party that night and says she had a great time.

Desumi and Fudo are reunited in a cold retreat, where Fudo informs Desumi of a book signing for the latest. However, she does get a cold and is treated by the Blood Princess. Blood’s maternal instincts are so out of control that when she takes someone in her care, she causes her charges to become newborns. Steel is saved by Beast as she explains how Blood brainwashes her patients to behave like babies. They find Desumi dressed as one and capture her. Fudo finds Desumi in this situation as he enters the school.

In embarrassment, he reads his book to her and she quickly returns to normal. Desumi comforts him when he informs her that nobody showed up to his event and asks him for his autograph. Blood is still holding Beast and Steel hostage and treating them like children.

This episode has the best thing about it. We get to see one half of our starring duo for most of the episode. Although Desumi and Fudo make a great couple, it’s nice to see their separate lives. Desumi and her coworkers are more than enough to tell the story, even though it wasn’t worth the effort.


The season’s second sleeper hit is ending. After a few episodes, this series has reached a certain level of popularity. Love After World Domination’s Episode 12 will be fascinating to watch, as there is no plot left. Their secret is being leaked to someone who would make good drama. It’s hard for us to believe that the season is almost over.


Episode 12 of Love After World Domination airs on Friday, June 24, 2022. All regions will receive the same show on the same day. The episode will be broadcast in Japan for approximately one to two hours before it is broadcast overseas. In its first season, the series will air 12 episodes. Below is Episode 12 of Love After World Domination’s release date.

Pacific Time: 5. 00 AM PDT (June 24, 2022) Central Time: 7. 00 AM CDT (June 24, 2022) Eastern Time: 9. 00 AM EST (June 24, 2022) British Time: 1. 00 PM BST (June 24, 2022) Indian Standard Time: 5:30 PM IST (June 24, 2022) Singapore Standard Time: 8. 00 PM SGT (June 24, 2022) Philippines Standard Time: 8. 00 PM PHT (June 24, 2022) Australia Time: 10. 00 PM AEST (June 24, 2022)


Crunchyroll has licensed Episode 12 from Love After World Domination for an international audience. There are currently no other OTT platforms streaming Episode 12 from Love After World Domination. The episode will air in Japan on AT-X, Tokyo MX and BS Asahi.


Love After World Domination es una versión cómica de la serie Sentai. La serie sigue la historia del amor prohibido entre Sentai Fudo, el líder, y Desumi, la princesa segadora. Fudo reveló su amor por ella, llamándolo amor a primera vista. Comenzaron una relación secreta. No pueden tener su relación a la intemperie. Fudo pierde su posición sentai, y ambos pierden sus caras ante el público. A medida que sus admiradores sigan su ejemplo y amenacen con poner fin a su relación, las cosas serán difíciles. Tienen que saltar a través de aros para reunirse o hablar en secreto, mientras ponen en riesgo su estado e identidades.

La serie fue creada por Hiroshi Nada y Takahiro Wakamatsu. Hiroshi Nakamura es el autor, y Takahiro Wakamatsu el ilustrador prominente. Proyecto No. 9 La serie fue adaptada al anime para la primavera de 2022. En su primera temporada, emitirá doce episodios.

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Crunchyroll licenció el Episodio 12 de Love After World Domination a una audiencia internacional. En este momento, no hay otras plataformas OTT que transmitan Love After World Domination Episodio 12. Japón transmitirá el episodio en AT-X Tokyo MX, BS Asahi y TV Aichi.