One Punch Man is a manga and anime series created by Masaaki Sakurai. The series follows the adventures of a young man named Saitama who is forced to fight in a tournament to save the world from an evil being known as Zangetsu. In the manga, Saitama is joined by other characters such as Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor. The anime series began airing in Japan on October 15, 2013 and ended on March 25, 2014. In One Punch Man, Saitama is a young man who is forced to fight in a tournament to save the world from an evil being known as Zangetsu. In the manga, Saitama is joined by other characters such as Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor. The anime series began airing in Japan on October 15, 2013 and ended on March 25, 2014. One Punch Man has been praised for its unique art style and its ability to capture the emotions of its characters. Some have also praised the show for its humor and its ability to make you laugh out loud. Punch Man: Cómo Saitama realmente obtuvo sus poderespor Screen Rant

Saitama no dio una explicación convincente de por qué los espectadores y los personajes no conocen la fuente de los poderes de Saitama. Genos, el maestro de Saitama, una vez le preguntó sobre su fuente de poderes. El héroe respondió que había estado trabajando duro durante el año pasado. Hizo 100 flexiones, 100 abdominales y cien sentadillas cada día. Genos se negó a creer la respuesta y exigió una respuesta verdadera.

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Saitama aún no ha revelado la verdadera fuente de sus poderes. Cada vez que alguien preguntaba sobre sus poderes, el héroe repetía la misma historia. Genos estaba convencido de que One Punch Man no sabe la verdad. Saitama explica su posición diciendo que era calvo debido a este entrenamiento constante. Los fanáticos creen que el cubo de Dios es verdadero, además de lo que afirma Saitama. Esta teoría fue propuesta por primera vez por Homeless Emperor, quien repitió el origen de sus poderes.

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Is Genos Dead In One Punch Man Chapter 166 & 167? : All informations

After he committed suicide, he revealed that he met God in heaven. God granted him extraordinary powers to live the next life in peace. The cube theory is a result of this. According to legend, Flashy Flash and Saitama touched the cube at The Monster Association during a street fight. One Punch Man was immediately transported to another dimension by the contact, where they were confronted by a godly man.


The floating figure asked the fighters to give up their current powers in order to acquire the god-given powers. Blast also arrived on the scene, asking from the third cube in the trinity. The host was given strange powers by touching the cube continuously, he confirmed. Three such cubes exist in the universe that could lead to the God’s Gate. Blast therefore sought the three.

In all this chaos, Saitama was imprinted with the trace of a cube. He gradually gained all the super strength he needed. This is where you might find the endurance and relentless training. One Punch Man believed that his hard work made him the ultimate superhero. This theory suggests that Saitama and Blast draw their powers from the same source. They might discover strange connections among their attacks when they fight one another. 

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Your dreams will come true if you pursue them. This simple principle has many variations. Crab man loved crabs so he became crabman. In this instance, Saitama also wants to become stronger but is more focused on exceeding his limits than becoming stronger enough so that he can achieve unlimited power.

This is how we can explain the origins of all the power in the One Punch Man universe. We also can see who is more powerful based on their appearances. Bang spent his whole life training in martial arts. He appears to be a normal person with average skills. Sourface, who is also a martial artist, looks more anime-like. Saitama, despite being strong, has a fairly normal body. This makes him stronger than Darkshine, who is cartoonishly buff.

Summarizing, anyone who displays a certain level of obsession is monsterized. Those who are more pure and dedicated to their goals control and manage their powers better than those who have a greater degree of obsession (e.g. changing their appearance or body shape to suit their power). We can conclude that Saitama was the ultimate normie, because he held true to his ideals.

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Muchas series de anime tienen un tema común de enfoque mental y conducción obsesiva como las claves del poder máximo. One-Punch Man está lleno de personajes impulsados por motivaciones singulares. Hay muchos ejemplos para apoyar la teoría de los fanáticos de que Saitama y sus colegas alcanzaron sus extraordinarios niveles de poder. Sin embargo, hay muchas contradicciones que dificultan explicar cómo Saitama se convirtió en el superhéroe definitivo, especialmente teniendo en cuenta la crisis existencial que ha enfrentado a lo largo de la serie.

Esta fue la historia de cómo One Punch Man ganó sus poderes. Aunque existen muchas teorías sobre el linaje y la genética, la teoría más fuerte es la que permanece.