When Soldier Boy and Black Noir met, they were both looking for a new home. Soldier Boy had been abandoned by his previous family and was looking for a place to belong. Black Noir had been kicked out of her home and was looking for a place to hide. The two quickly became friends, and when Soldier Boy learned about Black Noir’s past, he offered her a place to stay. But soon after, Soldier Boy found out that Black Noir was planning to betray him. In the end, it turned out that Black Noir only wanted to help Soldier Boy find his true identity - he was actually the son of a powerful warlord! Now that Soldier Boy knows the truth, he can finally start living his life to the fullest. ..

Soldier Boy era un líder egoísta y abusivo. Soldier Boy no solo era un líder despiadado, sino que tampoco quería que sus compañeros de equipo dejaran su sombra. Black Noir debería haber interpretado a Axel Foley, en el universo de The Boys. Soldier Boy criticó a Don Simpson por sus acciones, y Don decidió contratar a otro actor para interpretar al icónico policía. Black Noir confrontó a Soldier Boy sobre sus acciones frente al resto del equipo. El líder de Payback no lo apreció y lo golpeó, antes de amenazarlo con matarlo si la línea se aleja nuevamente.

Stan Edgar informó a Black Noir Vought que estaba dispuesto a sacar a Soldier Boy. Un joven Homelander ya era un reemplazo para Soldier Boy. Todos los miembros de Payback se rebelaron contra su líder durante la misión de 1984 en Nicaragua. Soldier Boy luchó duro e hirió a Black Noir. Perdió la mitad de su cerebro y su cara a las llamas, y se vio obligado a usar una máscara el resto de sus vidas. La Condesa Carmesí, amante de Soldier Boy en ese momento, sedó a Black Noir con el agente nervioso ruso Novichok. Esta era la única arma que podía evitar que el Supe alcanzara sus impresionantes poderes.

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Soldier Boy is now one of The Boys’ most important characters. Fans of the series believed that it was the Russians who orchestrated Soldier Boy’s capture in Nicaragua in 1984. This is based on Grace Mallory’s story. According to Mallory’s memories, the Russians used a weapon that was strong enough to kill Soldier Boy, and then took off with his body. He was presumed dead by the world.

Butcher and The Boys found a living Soldier Boy in Russia when they went to search for the weapon. He had been kept in a laboratory by the Russians for almost 40 years as they experimented on him. Soldier Boy found his way back home to America and quickly attempted to locate Crimson Countess.

Crimson Countess immediately stated that Payback and she were the ones who allowed the Russians take off with Soldier Boy when Butcher and Hughie first met her. Soldier Boy was aware of this when he confronted Crimson Countess. She said she had never loved him and that he hated his guts.

Soldier Boy discovered the TNT Twins while participating in the Herogasm event. They told him they had just followed the plan and it was Black Noir’s idea. Soldier Boy was rescued by Mindstorm who told him the same thing but added that Homelander was his child. Black Noir was, in essence, the one who orchestrated everything.

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Why did Black Noir and Payback trample on Soldier Boy? They betrayed Soldier Boy because they all hate him. When Soldier Boy confronted Crimson Countess, she said the same thing. He was the one they hated most. She then told him this, which led to their plot against him.


We only glimpsed Soldier Boy’s character before episode 7 of season 3. He was an idiot, a bigot and his mind was still stuck in the past due to the fact that he was a Boomer. We knew he wasn’t the most pleasant person.

Butcher confronted Gunpowder in the third season. Gunpowder used to be Soldier Boy’s sidekick. Gunpowder was told by Butcher that he knew about the abuse he suffered from Soldier Boy man many years ago while they were still friends. Gunpowder was not part of the plot to betray Soldier Boy. However, he had every reason to dislike him for the way he treated Soldier Boy.

But it was only in Black Noir’s cartoonish flashback scene, that we saw just how awful Soldier Boy was to Payback. This scene showed us that Payback had every right to hate him.

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Soldier Boy was seen in that scene beating Gunpowder as Crimson Countess cared for him. Black Noir then stormed the training area and seemed to be angry at Soldier Boy.

Gunpowder stated that he had always wanted to be Axel Foley, the character in 1984 Beverly Hills Cop. Soldier Boy, however, told the producers negative things about Black Noir so they wouldn’t have any reason to not cast him. We all know that Eddy Murphy won the role, which was a cult favorite because of his portrayal as Axel Foley.

Soldier Boy justification for his actions was that he didn’t believe Black Noir was a star, and that he wasn’t suitable for the role because he couldn’t be funny. Black Noir was then beat up by Soldier Boy in training. He told Black Noir that he couldn’t be him because he wasn’t a star. Black Noir was also told by Soldier Boy that he would place him in his place if he attempted to rise in the supe business.

Soldier Boy wanted to be the star of the show, and he didn’t want anyone else sharing the spotlight with him. He made sure all the members of Payback were below him, so they didn’t have the chance to rise up as stars in the industry. Black Noir and the rest of Payback had every reason not to like him in this regard.

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The Russians eventually took Soldier Boy, and this led to the plot to incapacitate him. Vought gave permission to Soldier Boy to betray him because they wanted to replace him by a stronger, younger, more agile supe who could fly. That supe turned out to be Homelander, which was worse than Soldier Boy.


Payback defeated Soldier Boy in Nicaragua because of their teamwork, however powerful he may have been. After the TNT Twins had able to place him on his back, Black Noir was the one who confronted him face-to-face.

Black Noir, sin embargo, no pudo derrotar a Soldier Boy porque era demasiado fuerte. Soldier Boy fue responsable de todas las heridas que sufrió Black Noir. Soldier Boy golpeó a Black Noir tan severamente que sus cerebros fueron destrozados y su rostro está desfigurado.

Mindstorm aún logró incapacitar a Soldier Boy durante el tiempo suficiente. Aunque sus habilidades psíquicas no fueron suficientes para detener el supe, la condesa carmesí usó un agente nervioso ruso llamado Novichok para acostarlo. Soldier Boy se durmió el tiempo suficiente para permitir que los rusos transportaran su cuerpo a Rusia y lo mantuvieran allí durante casi cuatro décadas.