The Elite Season 5 has come to a close and with it, the mystery of who killed Amando. The clues leading up to the reveal were tantalizing, but ultimately unsatisfying. Fans of the show are still trying to piece together what happened, but they may not have to wait much longer. According to reports, the police have arrested a suspect in connection with Amando’s death. The suspect is a man known as “El Jefe” or “The Boss” in the drug trafficking world. El Jefe is said to be responsible for many murders and he is considered one of the most dangerous men in Mexico City. El Jefe was recently released from prison after serving time for another murder. It is possible that he killed Amando because he was angry about his sentence or because he thought he could get away with it. El Jefe is a very smart man and he may have been able to cover his tracks well enough that no one would know what happened. Fans of The Elite will be anxious to find out what happened next and whether or not El Jefe was responsible for Amando’s death. ..

La nueva temporada comenzó en abril de 2022. Se centra en los eventos que tuvieron lugar después de la fiesta de Nochevieja, que terminó con Samuel y Rebeka arrojando el cuerpo de Armando a un lago.

La temporada 5 de Elite está llena de giros y vueltas inesperados. A medida que las consecuencias de la desaparición de Armando se hacen evidentes, los fanáticos se quedan con muchas preguntas y la necesidad de entender el final.


Netflix lanzó la temporada 5 de Elite el viernes 8 de abril de 2022.

Después de los eventos que terminaron en el final de la temporada 4, Ari y Mencía, junto con sus amigos, estarán vigilando por encima de sus hombros mientras lloran la pérdida de Armando, quien había estado acechando a Mencía.

La temporada 4 había terminado y el cuerpo de Armando no había sido encontrado. Sin embargo, la investigación policial sobre la desaparición de Armando llega rápidamente a Las Encinas en la temporada 5. Es solo cuestión de tiempo antes de que se pueda encontrar el cadáver desaparecido y se hagan preguntas serias. Netflix

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Elite Season 5 was the inevitable conclusion to Armando’s corpse. In episode 4, Omar discovers the corpse.

Samuel contacts him and they form a plan. Samuel, along with the rest, eventually calls the police because there is no evidence that they were the ones who murdered him.

Mencia finds evidence on a SIM card from Armando that Armando had communicated with Benjamin, prompting her to believe that Benjamin is the killer, not Guzman, as suggested in season 4.

When the police ask questions at Las Encinas about Samuel, Benjamin begins to pressure Samuel. He notices that Armando had said previously that he would never return, which suggests that Benjamin may have figured out that Samuel was involved in the disappearance.

Benjamin suggests that Samuel make a deal, whereby Samuel would take responsibility for Armando’s death and continue to support him financially. This strongly suggests that Benjamin was the one who killed de la Ossa.

Samuel agrees to Benjamin’s plan and confesses that he killed Armando. As the episodes progress, Armando is charged with Armando’s murder. Benjamin assures Samuel that Samuel will only get a brief sentence.

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Mencia tells her father, however, that she found the SIM card that contained details about Armando’s contact. He explains to Mencia that he was being blackmailed and that this gave him a motive to murder Armando. Netflix

Mencia agrees that Benjamin will delete incriminating files from the SIM card in return for Samuel being released from jail. Benjamin retorts and says he will not bail Samuel out. Mencia had a copy of this card and it was thankfully returned to Samuel.

Benjamin discovers at the end of season 5 that a copy was made of the card and that Samuel has it.

Samuel is tempted to give the card to police, but Benjamin convinces him to meet with Benjamin so that they can talk about their agreement. This will put Samuel on the right path to a successful future. Samuel will be able to attend Oxford University and work at Benjamin’s holding company.

Benjamin is furious when Samuel refuses to accept the proposal and throws himself at Benjamin, throwing him to the ground, where he smashes his head into concrete before falling into the pool. This flashback is only part of the season.

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Benjamin’s children Ari, Mencia, and Patrick arrive on the scene just in time to witness what their father did. Mencia calls police and leads to Benjamin’s arrest.

Samuel didn’t die instantly from his injuries, but he did stumble a few meters before collapsing. Elite’s characters were left in shock as the season ended. Netflix

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Sí, fue lo anunciado en octubre de 2021, meses antes de la temporada 5. Elite regresará para una sexta temporada.

El rodaje de la temporada 6 comenzó en febrero de 2022, pero aún no hay información disponible sobre cuándo se estrenará la sexta serie de Elite.

Las Encinas experimentará más cambios después de la temporada 5. La escuela requerirá un nuevo director, mientras que los hijos de Benjamin tendrán que tomar sus propias decisiones. Netflix

Los episodios de la temporada 5 de Elite ya están disponibles en Netflix.