As Damian Desmond Spy X, I have always been a bit of an anomaly. I am not from the city, or from the suburbs. I am not from any of the usual backgrounds that are typically associated with kids like me. But that is what has made me so special. Because no matter what my background may be, or who my family is, I have always been able to see the world in a different way. And that is why I love being Damian Desmond Spy X. I can see the world in a way that most people can’t. And because of that, I have been able to make some really great connections and friendships while also working on some really important projects for my country and for the world at large. So when you ask me what makes me so special, it’s hard to say just one thing because it’s so many things. But one thing is for sure: without Damian Desmond Spy X, there would be no global conspiracy theories and no secret societies operating around the world!

Appearance Damian Desmond Spy X Family

A small boy with shorter brunette hair, hazel eyes that have mild skin. His eyes are slender and slightly drooping, with visible longer lower eyelashes and a short, thin eyebrow above them. He frequently wears an angry expression.

As with other students, he’s usually dressed in the Eden Academy uniform. He is seen wearing socks featuring vertical lines as well as black shoes.

Personality Damian Desmond Spy X Family

As a result of his childhood as the son of a powerful and influential person, Damian gained a highly revered position among his peers through default, which led him to become extremely arrogant, even thinking that Anya was attracted to him after she stared at him. He seems to like to be named Lord Damian when he is spoken to. He becomes annoyed when he is stared at with a smile by Anya and then quickly turns to insulting her using his limited vocabulary, and threatening Anya.

After being hit by Anya and then being embarrassment over her. After her tearful apology to Anya, Damian has developed a love affair with Anya that he does not want to admit to, so he runs away from the scene in humiliation.

In the future, it is suggested that one possible cause for Damian’s behaviour could be due to his brother’s accomplishment in his position as an Imperial Scholar and his father setting high expectations that he would strive to be an integral part of Imperial Scholars. 

The influence of his father and the absence of interest in his lifestyle pushed him more to achieve his goals which led him to judge those who aren’t in his social class as if, if they’re not beneficial to him, they’re just slowing him down from become an Imperial Scholar and in turn hindering his efforts to get the attention of his father. One rare instance is when he shields Anya by kicking a ball and then he is willingly eliminated out of the sport.

History Damian Desmond Spy X Family

Damian Desmond was born to the leader of the National Unity Party as the second son. He was given the position of a high-ranking member as a member of Ostanian society. His older brother is a member of the Imperial Scholars.

Synopsis Damian Desmond Spy X Family

Eden Beginnings Arc

At Eden Academy’s orientation day, Damian Desmond is among the 298 new students admitted to Eden Academy that year. In the classroom and homework assignments for teachers Damian has been placed in Cecile Hall together with Anya Forger, where Loid Forger has plans to make Anya become friends with him in order to get close to Donovan Desmond. If Anya is looking at Damian, Damian arrogantly assumes she’s been a lover of his.

On the school trip, Damian, along with Emile and Ewen is boasting about having the opportunity to become an Imperial Scholar soon and his father’s position as chairperson of the National Unity Party, quickly earning the respect of his peers, except Anya or Becky Blackbell. He is approached by Anya and asks her what her father’s job is and she mocks her for being considered important enough. When Anya is smiling at Damian, Damian gets angry at being mocked and starts to make fun of Anya by calling the girl “ugly.” He begins to bully Anya by throwing crumpled paper ball and threatens to kick Anya off school. When she does, she sends him flying into a chair and garbage bins. He was left with a mark of a fist cheek. He begins to cry. Henry Henderson informs his parents about what happened. 

On the next morning, Damian bumps into Anya and Becky and his co-workers. Anya and Becky start arguing. Anya will try to apologize to Becky for her actions the previous incident however, Becky takes Anya away. While in class Damian is looking at Anya from behind, becoming angry over her being the sole person to ever hurt him. He then turns away in a slight blush when Anya looks at him. In the cafeteria at school, Anya approaches Damian to apologize to him. 

When she stands up to confront her, he’s confused by the fact that he’s being tongue-tied, and his heart rate increases every time she stares at him, her face swollen. If Anya apologizes, she tears. Damian is overwhelmed and his face is all red, with an excuse to say it’s because of his anger. He is embarrassed, and he remembers that Anya had admonished him and he begins to imagine Anya gazing directly at him. He denies his crush on an “commoner,” he adamantly will not give her a second chance for the rest of his is alive and then runs off with a gush of blush. 

Stella Star Arc

In the course of the dodgeball game during the time for physical education, Damian and his group have a brief argument with Becky once more. Though he is shocked to see Anya getting away from him, he swerves away, focusing on achieving MVP in the dodgeball contest instead of achieving an Stella Star. He says that the reason he wants to be an Imperial Scholar like his brother is to attract his father’s interest. Damian will be the one to first throw the ball, and throws it at students at Wald Hall, but his throw is blocked by Bill Watkins. He argues briefly with Bill briefly.

After Bill removes a number of his fellow classmates, the team is reduced to five students, leaving Damian left alongside Anya, Ewen, Emile and one unknown student. As Damian attempts to come up with an area of weakness, Emile and Ewen sacrifice themselves to safeguard Damian from being struck by Billy. Damian is determined to leave impressions by being the person who is left standing, unaffected to others being hurt. Damian exults Anya after she evades multiple hits. 

After Anya slips and is thrown down, Damian initially thinks to abandon her , but he manages to grab the ball using his hands, but his hands shake and unable to grasp the ball, thereby removing him. Damian is confused by his actions and advises Anya not to make mistakes. When the match is over, dodgeball contest, Damian gets angry at Anya for having wasted his time by throwing a poor throw.

Relationships Damian Desmond Spy X Family

Anya Forger

A classmate with whom has mixed feelings towards. They often get into disputes, however Damian has been shown to have positive feelings towards her when he is prone to blush when speaking to her.

Becky Blackbell

Damian is in a tense relationship with Becky and Becky, who is Becky’s closest friend and they often exchange comments on any subject, whether at school or outside of it.

Emile Elman

His classmate who is a bit of a jerk and is considered to be Damian’s flanky. While Emile could represent one of Damian’s “minions,” they seem to have a close relationship, as they are seen performing various activities.

Ewen Egeburg

His classmate who is a bit of a jerk and is portrayed as Damian’s flimsy. While Ewen might belong to Damian’s “minions,” they seem to be in a good relationship since they’re shown engaging in various activities.

Donovan Desmond

The father of his son, who is in a very distant relationship. Their butler Jeeves attempts to appear as like Donovan loves Damian but Damian does not believe in it.

Skills and Abilities Damian Desmond Spy X Family

Damian has yet to become a young child therefore his abilities are quite limited.

Physical Capacity: Although his strength as a child is a bit limited however, he can be among the few players who nearly make it through the game of dodgeball in spite of having Bill Watkins as an opponent.

Endurance Damian is known to be quite tough in a position to block shots at Bill Watkins, a kid who is around three times the size of the average 6-year-old.

Awards and Demerits Of Damian Desmond Spy X Family


Chapter 27Damian scored an 94 for the History midterm. He was among the top two students for the History midterm. He also earned an award of Stella Star.