The cleric knowledge domain is a comprehensive set of skills and abilities that a cleric can use to help others. This guide will introduce you to the basics of the cleric knowledge domain, including its abilities and how to use them.

Clerics who are believers in gods of wisdom such as Azuth and Oghma in The Forgotten Realms, gods of mystery and secrets like Vecna of Greyhawk and gods of craftsmanship such as Reorx as well as Reorx from Krynn.

Gods who seek to know how to attain an objective, like their counterparts from the magical gods Mystra from the Forgotten Realms, Boccob, and Wee Jas of Greyhawk, is recognized for granting Priests of their gods access to their Knowledge Domain.

Open your paper, take out your inkwells and put on your thinking caps. You’re now ready to venture into the world of knowledge.

We’ve completed our very first session of twelve classes and have mastered every item Basic Rules has to offer-as regards classes that is.

The next stage of the Class 101 series will appraise each subclass of the Player’s Handbook and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each class in terms of thematic elements and the other details students need to know prior to enrolling in that specific class.

In this regard requirement, you’ll require this Players Handbook (or purchase the subclass for each class on Marketplace) to gain the maximum benefit from this class.

Find other articles from the Cleric 101 series, like our overview of the topic of Cleric 101: A Beginner’s Guide to playing the Divine and Cleric 101: Life Domain. If you’re interested in learning additional classes, go through the entire class 101 series.

The Story of the Knowledge Domain

“Your god is fool, cleric from Boccob.” The tall man in sleek black clothes was standing at the highest point of the stairs. His complexion was light brown.

But it looked to be pale and ashen. He sat on His bridge with eyes bright and gazed at the smart religious cleric who was seated in a desk in an uncomfortable study near the bottom of the stairs.

The Clergy Boccob who is the god of magic did not want to stare at the guests who were not invited. He heard about the vampiric cleric of Vecna who repeatedly appeared before him in the past to tempt him by revealing secrets from his eyes.

Golden candlelight shined through the scholar’s purple dress as it illuminated the brown eyes which were smudge-proof and slick of sweat. We advise you to leave my room and leave, you vampire. The words of God are harmful. “

He laughed. He stood at the door into the cleric’s chamber. Outside, the rain fell and submerged the debonair beast until his flawless, blemish-free center. But the beast was trapped by the curse of his nature to enter the home of another when invited.

“Poison is that what you’re saying?” the man asked. It could be, but it’s actually an encapsulation process that smudges out all the absurdity of our minds. The universe is huge it’s true and there’s more to learn than can be learned in 1,000 years. I’m able to grant you the endless hours. My Lord Vecna can provide you with endless time. “

The cleric from the town of Boccob shut his eyes and said to not listen as the cleric did several times over the past few months. Each time a vampire showed up at his door and offered assist, he accepted the requests.

He even opened his doors for them to speak more freely. He had the power of character within his physique. The priest lifted his hands and invoked the basic spell called Thaumaturgy.

“I told you, begone!” He yelled. He screamed when the man turned his back, not seeing the vampire’s hypnotic gaze and slammed his doors close in the snooty priest’s face. He remained silent for a short time and only heard the sound of his sigh as well as rain. Then it was the guest’s voice that could be heard through his ears.

Maybe another night. We’ll meet again my friend. I’m sure that next time you see each other I’ll be invited to join you. “

Knowledge Domain Specifications:

The divine domain refers to a group of powers connected to a specific aspect of the god’s divine nature. Gods can have multiple domains with immense power however a human being is only able to benefit from the ability of only one.

Clerics with the capacity to be successful in Knowledge Domains Knowledge Domain are studious people who are seeking to enhance their knowledge, perhaps to achieve an end goal or to improve their knowledge in the interest of learning.

Clerics who are granted this power benefit from a number of advantages that show their global perspective as well as their ability to learn new things.


The cleric gets the ability to access five different subclasses in the 1st 2nd, 2nd, 6th 8th 17th, 17th as well as 17th level. You can find out more about the Knowledge Domain features in the Player’s Handbook. In short the subclass features that are available to you:

Learn to master a variety of academic subjects and more than double the level of expertise you acquire in performing intelligence checks with one of these skills. Always have a list of domain-specific terms made. You can tap into God’s power God to achieve temporary proficiency in tools or abilities or to comprehend the thoughts of creatures and change it. Increase the potential for destruction that your travels can bring about. Explore the past.

Advantages from the Knowledge Domain

Knowledge Domain The Knowledge Domain gives its clerics access abilities that allow them be skilled in the social interaction component of D&D..

A few other skills in addition to the ability to see minds and as influence others, could create this knowledge-based domain as appealing to clergymen who are participating on an intrigue-driven (or otherwise driven by character and roleplay)) campaign.

However, it’s not all they’re skilled in. If you’re looking to dig out the mysteries and legends of a gaming world, you’re probably to be Dungeon Master’s most successful player on the planet. If so you’ll find that the Knowledge Domain allows you to find hidden treasures.

It is therefore possible that, in a campaign filled with dark dungeons and dungeons, you Knowledge Domain cleric can discover techniques that will aid your team in getting an advantage in the next fight, discover some of the flaws in the beast chief, or even learn obscure mythology that can aid your team in avoiding problems during the course of the campaign.

The job is to take care for The Knowledge Domain cleric is ideal for campaigns led by an DM who enjoys hiding informationin the hope that players try to uncover it.

Your domain’s spells serve this function effectively, thanks to spells like speaking to deceased or augury that allow you to gain insight beyond what the world, or NPCs can reveal to you.

Your domain grants you access to powerful spells, like eyes of the arcane as well as confusion which aren’t available to other clergymen.

The drawbacks of the Knowledge Domain

In fact in reality, it’s true that the Knowledge Domain doesn’t have any weak features which could bring the entire subclass down.

However, the emphasis placed on the social aspects of the game could hinder your ability to take part in the combat in situations where the combat and exploration pillars are the primary focus. In these scenarios the cleric’s spells list could be so extensive that creating the the guiding bolt and shield of trust, as well as other elements of combat will let you participate in any scenario that your group encounters.

Although you might not be able to perform in combat like the War Domain Clergy might but you’ll still have plenty of energy, based upon the strength of your class.

Knowledge Domain Knowledge Domain Knowledge Domain will help you enhance your intelligence. If you want to be an intelligent cleric who is aware of many details regarding the universe, it’s only natural to possess a advanced intelligence.

However the addition of points to Intelligence can make it harder to be victorious in the field as well as influencing the subclass’s preference to low-combat missions.

Many clerics become proficient of tough armor and can aid them attain a less impressive physique, it’s not the situation of the Knowledge Domain grants you no advantage similar to the one mentioned above. In lieu of joining frontline as an Light or War Domain cleric, it is recommended to remain behind the group, much like wizards.

A suggested building

If you’re currently a Knowledge Domain cleric starting at 1st level, select one race that grants you an additional bonus on the Wisdom score, for instance, The hill dwarf.

Races which offer bonuses could be given to any trait like the human version or half-elf. You can determine your ability score using bonuses as you like, in addition to letting you acquire other desirable traits like additional skills competence.

After all, Wisdom is essential You must be able to score a high intelligence to get the most out of your skills in particular areas like Arcana as well as History.

Strength will allow you to wear moderate armor more efficiently and make use of melee weapons. Dexterity allows you to use lighter armor as well as use fine and ranged weapons. It’s all dependent on your individual preferences.

The background of the character is totally dependent on them. A large number of clerics descend from families of acolytes, and were trained to the Priestly Arts however, others were initiated later in their the course of their lives.

Perhaps you worked in military army and then devoted a number of years to the temple following a serious injury and suffering a serious injury and miraculously able to endure. Maybe you were a thief who was almost thrown to the ground in the streets of an aging city, but was saved by the kindness of a humble priest who was her disciple.

Ensure you have the appropriate equipment to create your cleric’s costume is a great idea.

Since you’re not skilled in heavier armors or in weapons designed for combat, it’s suggested to select an axe or scale mail (if your strength is greater than dexterity) along with leather armor (if you’re dexterous). The specifics, such as what type of symbol of your god you choose to wear, are only cosmetic choices that are entirely yours to decide.


As a cleric you’re able to access the entire list of spells that clerics can use when you make spells early in the day. When I am playing an cleric I like to go with an ordinary list of spells the cleric is working on, in the event that I choose another one.

This eliminates the stress of needing to pick each spell I use at the start of each day. Since you’ll be playing an important role in your group and require spells that aid allies or make enemies weaker, this will aid you.

The Domain Spells feature is geared to locate information, as well as other non-combat-related uses. So, ensure the “average daily adventure” spell selection should contain spells that will aid your friends in combat.

As a cleric at the first level, you’re acquainted with three cantrips and you’re able to craft a variety of spells at 1st level that are equivalent to 1 . Plus your Wisdom modifier.

Your Wisdom modifier will likely be to be either +2 or +3 at the moment This means that you’ll be able to select one or more spells at first level during a lengthy time off. If you’re a support character will require a guidance cantrip.

The guideline cantrip enables you to be always able to assist your team as it is able to be used in a variety of uses. If you’re in a supporting role it is essential to have at the very least the offensive option. Holy flames are an ideal choice. Beyond that, the trips you decide to go on are your own choice and many are a good match for your needs.

In the cleric spell list you can make any spell of the first level you like. But, you can use this list of spells recommended to create an all-purpose loadout with spells that are effective in all situations.

When you set out on an adventure and find out the dangers your character is subject to, you’ll be able to modify your spells’ loadout. Be sure to choose a spell that’s labeled “Support,” one that is identified as “Defense,” and the one that can be used to commit offense. If you have a high knowledge score and are able to prepare additional spells, you are able to pick other spells you like. This list contains only some spells available within The Player’s Handbook.

If you’d like to choose more obscure spells, or use other sources like The Xanathar’s Handbook for Everything, you’ll require some additional research. This list was created to aid you in your first steps at the beginning of your adventure as an Knowledge Domain Clergy.

(Note that, using this Domain Spells feature, you can always use the use the command to find spells you’ve made ready to use but they aren’t included in the amount of spells that you can make each day.)


The spell can be used for ritual purposes this means that one can use it with out any additional time, as long as you’re willing to invest an additional 10-minutes casting the spell.

guiding bolt (OFFENSE)“Healing Word” (Support)Inflict wounds (offense)Protection from bad and evil (DEFENSE) (This spell requires the equivalent of 25 grams Holy Water )Shield of Faith (DEFENSE)


When you reach the level of 4th, you have the option to decide to increase or decrease the score of your abilities or perform feats. The latter option lets you get an Ability Score increase that allows you to increase one score in the ability of your character from +2 (such as the rise to your Wisdom that your character has, from 16-18) or raise 2 scores to +1 (like the increment on you Wisdom score between 15 and 16, for instance as well as your Intelligence score rising between 13-14).

The ability score boost will make you more proficient at various things. For instance, the increment in your Wisdom score could make it harder for your opponents to block your spells, making it easier to use the spells you choose to use, and enhancing your ability to perform Wisdom checks.

Feats however give you a specific capability that is more effective in specific situations over the general benefits that an Ability Score boost can provide you. Wisdom is your most significant quality score since it determines the ability of your spellcaster.

Once you’ve increased your wisdom score to 20 (its the highest value) or maybe to 18 (a decent value) It’s possible to choose one of the actions. You can choose any feat you believe will benefit your character’s vision. But, certain actions may be more beneficial for your character than others. They include:

Keen Mind. It’s a remarkable feat and is suitable for the Knowledge Domain cleric. It grants you a 2-point increase to your intelligence as well as the unique benefit of being able recall everything you’ve read or experienced during the past month, as well as other attributes.

linguist. Like Keen Mind, the niche ability makes it easier to perform your job as an Encyclopedia. It’s only useful in dungeon-delving games However. The ability to master several languages and develop codes that are secret could be extremely useful in a highly thrilling campaign.

Lucky. It’s a wonderful achievement to be able to boast of. It’s not exactly the most exciting however it’s an important feat to have within the sport. You’ll be the only one to decide if it’s a good thing for you.

Heavyly armored If you find that your Dwarf Master makes it difficult to keep you in the back of the line or cast spells inside a secure space surrounded by warriors you may need a sturdy armor to protect yourself. This is an excellent way to defend yourself, but it’s not required.

War Caster As a character support, you’ll cast several buff spells to your pals Many of them require you to maintain your concentration.

Concentration is shattered when injuries however, War Caster can help you remain focused after suffering injury. War Caster also provides a range of additional benefits.

If you’re looking for additional ways to create an cleric, check out Cleric 101. Do you remember playing the game Knowledge Domain Clergy? What advice do you have to players looking to design an avatar similar to this?