Welcome to the fifth edition of the D&D 5e Guide! This guide is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the game’s rules and mechanics. This guide is divided into three main sections: The Basics, The Classes, and The Races. In each section, we will cover the following: The Basics: This section covers the basics of how D&D works, including how to play and win games of D&D. We will also cover some common concepts and terminology in order to help players understand the game better. The Classes: In this section, we will cover all of the available classes in D&D 5e. We will also discuss which skills are best for each class and what abilities are available to each class. Finally, we will give a brief overview of each class’ abilities. The Races: In this section, we will discuss all of the available races in D&D 5e. We will also discuss which skills are best for each race and what abilities are available to each race. Finally, we will give a brief overview of each race’s abilities.

You could draw attention to you instead of the more slimier members of your group and even turn your enemies into terror with just a few words.

It isn’t perfect and isn’t the most ideal spelling. This are the Command 5e Handbook.

The Command Spell?

Based on the descriptions of this spell in Player’s Handbook

1st level enchantmentTime to cast 1. ActionRange 60 feetComponents: VDuration 1 roundClasses Clerical, Paladin

A single command is communicated to any creature is within your reach. The creature must make an Wisdom saving throw or else it will not obey your order the next turn.

If the target isn’t alive, or is unable to comprehend your language, or if the instruction is directly harmful in its overall health the spell won’t work.

Here are some of the most commonly used commands and their results. You could issue a different command other than that given below.

The GM determines what the target’s behavior is when you perform this. The spell ends when the target does not follow your instructions.

In the event that the object is less than 5 meters away, the vehicle will proceed toward you via the most direct route. The goal releases any items it has in its possession and finishes its turn. The target is then able to take its turn and then moves away from you via the fastest means possible. The target then becomes prone and the turn is over. The target is not moving and doesn’t perform any actions. If it is able be a flying creature, it remains in the air. It will travel the distance required to remain high in the sky, regardless of whether it must move. The higher levels: you are able to cast this spell by using slots that is 2nd or higher. This spell permits you to target a different creature for each higher than 1. If you choose to target them you must have them within 30 yards of one another.

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Let’s look at the spell.

It is a spell at 1st level accessible only for players of the Paladin class and the Clerics Class. This spell is fascinating because when you think of spells, your mind is flooded with images of wizards and warlocks.

But, it has much more to offer paladins and other clerics more than just healing and killing dead.

It is able to reach up to 60 feet. The only voice component is the command. The command only lasts for more than one round, and it is only executed upon the turn of the creature affected.

To avoid the negative effects, the creature is able to make an Wisdom saving attempt.

For a person to feel impacted, the animal must be alive not dead and must be capable of hearing and understanding what you’re saying. Also read: Triton 5e D&D Guide

The instruction should not cause harm and the receiver must be able to comprehend what you’re communicating.

It is unlikely that you can be responsible for making someone fall off a cliff into traps, or do injury to them or anyone else.

It’s still extremely useful even though it could be used with a higher slot and control multiple creatures at the same time.

What commands can you give?

A single word command may be difficult for spellcasters to comprehend. In addition to the commands that are contained in the spell What other words are you able to use?

It should be one word long, it should direct the recipient to perform something, and should be understood with no additional context. It shouldn’t be directly harmful however indirect harm is fine.

A lot of people look at the messages their pets give them to determine the language they could use to control creatures. These examples can be used to teach your pet to spell-cast. Pets need to be able comprehend commands using just one word.

For instance, you could inform your opponent that they must “sit”, “stay” or “retrieve” an object that has been thrown. It’s hilarious to watch a bandit become furious as they sit in the dirt. You can also make use of phrases like’sundering or betrayal’.

This is at the discretion of the DM. Sunder could permit the enemy to break or attempt to break the weapon they carry. Even though they could not change the situation through slaying, they could not be willing to fight.

A request for “betray” could be given to an elf or wizard. They can then use a deadly spell on their friends and be able to catch them. They might also not apply a healing or buff spell.

This could enhance the excitement of battles, particularly if you are being under the command of multiple enemies at the same time. When fighting begins in the middle of the night, it could be thrilling to watch one part of the enemy team suddenly cease to move or even commit a crime against another.

Applications for Combat and Social

Command is among those rare spells that can be utilized both in and out of combat to improve social interactions.

The spell can be used or in a variety of situations. If the victim can gather information from a informant or criminal They can then use this spell to force him to confess.

The spell typically lasts one turn (6 second). Certain DMs do not violate the rule, but some may. They might permit the NPC to admit for more than six seconds , or even to force the character casting the spell to keep the spell going. Also read the Identify 5e D&D Guide

To determine if they are able to stop the order Other DM’s might require the affected character to make a saving throw of wisdom every few sentences.

Other DMs could simply request the NPC to reveal everything about their life, including their relationships, their food preferences if they’ve been a cheater at poker or any other secret which aren’t disclosed to the character. The word”confess” could be unclear.

The command spell may also be employed when characters have to secure the signature of merchants or sign contracts. By casting the spell and saying”sign “sign” can convince the person to accept the contract.

To get someone to consume dangerous food You can make use of phrases like ‘drink’ and ‘eat’. The trick works because they are unaware that the poisoned foods are poisonous.

They are used primarily for social reasons, however you can also utilize them for combat. These are just a few of the most fascinating combat strategies you’ve never thought of. They’re much more fun than telling someone “stop!”

The Combat Uses

One of the coolest phrases that you can use in combat is “Deactivate”. You can force the enemy to cease by with a focus spell for your team.

It is extremely useful and can turn the tide of combat. It is possible to prevent using the magic spell utilized by your DM however this is not likely.

Another interesting term is “Undress” particularly in the case of those who is wearing large armor. It can take about 10 minutes to make the heavy armor and 5 minutes to make lighter.

Even if they play with their buckles or clasps, they’ll not be fighting with you at your event. This will cause a distraction.

Defenestration is a popular choice for many players. It is when you throw something out of the window.

Even though the enemy may throw a shield, weapon or any other object however, they are not likely to throw it themselves.

It’s entertaining to make commands if you’re located in an area that has many windows. Be cautious to not throw anything which could endanger the person you are giving it to.

Another intriguing spell is ‘Fall’ or “Trip”. The spell is able to be cast at higher levels, and targeted at opponents who are climbing objects or riding horses.

They could be taken off the horse, and will suffer serious injuries. A few DM’s could decide that they caused direct injury.

But, it depends upon the DM. Falls are less risky when walking, and characters are more likely to fall over the course of a single turn.

Do My Targets Need to Listen?

This is common sense, however the rules do not specify that your target needs to listen to you. Also read: Faerie Fire 5e D&D Guide

The spell won’t work even if the person you’re targeting isn’t living or if it doesn’t speak your language , or when your spell could be harmful directly to the target.

It’s not stated that the target has to be able hear you. Some DM’s and gamers believe this means that the ability of the target to hear you isn’t an element.

The majority of people believe that the command is a trigger, and that magical is the reason why the target follows your instructions.

It’s your decision and your rules at home along with your personal interpretation, as the Dungeon master.

It is still common sense to say that your audience must be able to be able to hear you. For instance, how can they possibly be able to comprehend your message if they aren’t?

Does the target know that They are Under Command?

Like that charm, when the spell wears off, the timer will end and the target will be able to recognize what command has been issued.

The spell will be over when you request a seller to transfer legal title with the use of”Sign. “Sign” to be your order word. They’ll take every step to bring the business they have lost.

If your subject is in a more rank than your character could be required to follow the rules, but this isn’t something they should be worrying about.

They’re more likely be more knowledgeable than you are and may feel more naive when they’re told to do something they do not want to do.

You may be able to use the spell to play social playing however, this could cause some issues. The spell is a first-level one, so paladins and Clergy can utilize it immediately.

But, they must remain aware of implications to ensure they don’t abuse it. It is crucial to state clearly that the spell is going to end and the person who was affected will be informed. And then, watch the characters enjoy themselves playing around with it!

Do I need to use Command for large groups?

The command spell for larger groups when you’ve got two levels of spell slots.

This can be used to instruct enemies to stop, take off their clothes or even shred them to the close of their turn to give your team an opportunity to breathe space.

It’s your choice. It is highly specific and many players make use of it for their benefit. But, you don’t need to use your spell slots. Sometimes, just commanding just one person can suffice.

It’s possible to not use one of your spell slots at a higher level for a spell that is lower level once you’ve an advantage over spells with more power.