Dark Schneider, el autor de Bastard Heavy Metal Fantasy, tiene una gran influencia en el género. Según la revista Hype Machine, él es el autor que más ha influido en el género en los últimos años. La revista indica que su obra es una referencia para muchos artistas de estilo metalcore. Schneider se dedica a escribir y pintar estudios de fantasía y horror. Sus obras son consideradas una referencia para muchas bandas metalcore, incluyendo Slipknot, Megadeth, and the Black Dahlia Murder.


Dark Schneider, el mago oscuro más poderoso de Bastard, a menudo es llamado el «verdadero Dios de la Oscuridad». Dark Schneider es capaz de usar hechizos antiguos y también ha dominado Efreet, la espada de fuego.

His dark spells include black magic, fire and lightning, as well as thunder. He doesn’t possess any cold or ice spells, even though he could.

Dark Schneider’s black magic spells include the Endless Fiery Hell of Sodom Venom, the Megadeath, the explosive Megadeath and the Blue Nail Curse of the Accused.

He is also a specialist in fire magic. His spells include Guns and Roses and Exodus, Force Barrier and Damned.

Dark Schneider is also able to cast the thunderous blasts of Balvolt, Anselm’s lightning rockets, Voivod and the arcs, electricity, Riot, Anthem’s magic arrows, energy, Raven’s flight spell and Vengeance’s lightning cannonball.

Dark Schneider is also able to cast energy magic such as the Rainbow. His summoning magic also allows him to control both the salamander-ring of fire and the legendary stone monster Golem.

Even without the magic spells, he is a force of nature. He has greater strength and endurance, but he also can use his fire sword. He can also regenerate body parts like they were never there. His illusions can also be quite impressive and can make his opponents confused.

Dark Schneider’s most important attribute is his magical immortality. Dark Schneider is able to reincarnate even if he dies. He can also dispel boundaries.

His ability to transform into his Majin form when summoning the Dragon Knight is a part of his power!

Dark Schneider must be defeated by his enemies. His eternal atoms exist on three levels of existence, physical, spiritual and soul.


https://www.youtube.com/embed/BT1FIEvJ8LU?feature=oembedThe Ungodly Power Of Dark Schneider! By Jobbers And Goons

 i will go over them individually so that the scale can be better understood starting with his base state we see that he is vastly more powerful than those around him even going as far as to allow himself to be near death before fighting sirius this is best shown in his fights with two of his old friends gaara and ashes in his fight with dara dark schneider allows himself to be ripped apart by gara then proceeds to one shot gara in his entire castle as well as saving all those in the castle despite the display of power being impressive.

 the circumstances tell us he can do way more his fight with archers is even more telling arshas starts the battle by removing dark schneider’s magic yet he was still able to cast this massive attack as well as react to arsha’s lighting-based abilities giving an impressive speed as well something that’s very prevalent with dark schneider is that he always holds back even after allowing himself to lose his magic in his fight with ashes. 

he still held back ashes realizes this when he pulls out a new spell that could have defeated her instantly this attack is in fact very impressive doing an atomic annihilation something calculated here to be large country level at 211 teratons of tnt this is extra impressive when you consider that he was still holding back at this moment.

 one thing i feel that could have been added to this calculation is the massive cloud split compressing the distance from the ground to the cloud split we find a volume of cloud being moved is nine billion three hundred and seventy two million three hundred thousand cubic meters with an estimated mass of four million six eighty 1449 kilograms now dark schneider’s attacks matches arches lighting attacks here we see the clouds moving before the attack itself reaches it meaning they are moving at 95 percent faster than lightning this gives a speed of 191 850 meters per second since this is movement we can do a kinetic energy calculation the energy for this shop wave is 86 quadrillion 240 trillion 916 billion 253 million 11 818 jewels or city level city level shock wave for a large country level attack makes logical sense.

now we have an idea for his casual levels of power let’s take a quick break to talk about his abilities as he has a lot of abilities he has a lot of abilities this is without using his chanters while i could show you all his abilities it would be hard to keep track also he uses some spells for different results on occasion like how he used exodus in his fight with an effort reaching 20 000 degrees when normally it’s just 2000 degrees probably the best example of dark schneider using a basic ability on a different way is when he fought a vampire he hit him with a lightning bolt so precisely his brain mistook his servant as dark schneider and killed him on accident.

 dark schneider literally laughs at how easy it was to do this so instead here is a better way to think about his abilities dark schneider is the teacher of both carl and archers later using their abilities as well as far surpassing them he normally sticks to firebase magic purely because that’s his preference in reality he’s known all the abilities either one of these two have used as well as more in this fight dark schneider needs to figure out which of thousands of old gods that could give petrifying ability being used on him before he turns to stone.

 despite the challenge presented dark schneider was able to figure it out which one it was just by standing there and thinking bonus points as well since he was misled as it was a demigod not a god again looking at this scene dark schneider has knowledge of thousands of gods and even some demigods each granting their own type of magic meaning he has the ability to use thousands of types of magic outside of magic we know dark schneider has got a fire sword this sword contains the effort that he previously defeated the efree can use fire magic similar to dark schneider’s lesser applications also for lifting strength.

 we get this one moment where he tosses a major abigail who is equal in size to a 100 000 ton golem we also see that dark schneider’s regeneration is so good it will recover him after he willingly kills himself as well as injuries worse later on later on we get some more impressive scaling dark schneider is near death and decides to surpass his limits to literally call carl out of the afterlife they then go on to defeat one cell of anthrax this means a single cell of anthrax is over twice as powerful as that large country level attack used before since there are 30 trillion cells in the human body and fracks himself would be at minimum 53 undecillion 66 decillion 989 812 octillion jewels or large planet level large planetary is consistent when you consider that his existence alone was sending the entire world into chaos also him being resurrected did this we also have this one lich who had the ring of satan the ring if satan was able to create small black holes because it’s arguable that scaling to this black hole may be wrong i’m not going to calculate it.

 but if you have seen my mario or palpatine video you know scaling to a small portion of it makes large planetary more consistent dark schneider can for exceed anthrax level of power his chanter ability lets him summon the heads of three demon gods he has defeated assimilating the power and abilities probably best thing here is that he can now do four spells at once being able to speak with four mouths also he gets a power boost of possibly four times greater than anthrax also attempting to defeat dark schneider is incredibly difficult not only does he have his incredible regeneration he can also just resurrect himself if need be he also has plenty of spells like this one he taught carl that can reflect magic constantly active so far dark schneider is it attack potency large planetary scaling off his lesser attacks to a single cell of anthrax speed easily faster than lightning intelligence and abilities he can figure out which of thousands of gods made a specific ability.

 he’s never seen before done in seconds as well as knows all the magic of such gods now we have post angel dark schneider anthrax is nothing compared to what’s to come as a minor pot twist and frack’s true form isn’t a demon god but an angel actually why talk about angel anthrax there are other angels and higher-order devil class that are plenty stronger about 6 600 times stronger they would scale to star level but also a supporting feat where dark schneider accidentally splits the world not really that impressive since the scaling is at star level but he did it on accident as he thought his opponent would block dark schneider also scales higher than lucian lucian was able to one-shot a group of angels and is stated to be thousands of times the power.

 while barely keeping himself present against star level scaling dark schneider also scales to michael’s attack that was compared to a supernova bonus points since he literally ate the attack this would mean he’s approaching solar system level in power.

 we also have official guides saying that the angels are light speed but they have casual feats being faster than this here is a calculation that puts this tier of characters at 7 000 times light speed also he can affect the eternal atoms of someone eternal atoms are a person’s soul life force spirit and physical body the reason for why he needs to affect eternal atoms is that characters at this point can regenerate from their eternal atoms he is also able to freeze time now as he gave such ability to lucian he also has several sealing abilities with the best being one looking to be damned nation dang nation warps space and time to seal someone inside a pocket dimension.

 also for those who want to know about lifting here is some scaling we’re told he’s thousands of times stronger to 6 600 times stronger scaling up from his 100 000 ton feet we get his new strength to be 660 million tons that’s over 10 times the great wall of china host angel dark schneider seems to be attack potency has scaling and feats point to star level possibly solar system level speed easily 7 000 times the speed of light abilities he has even more abilities regeneration to eternal atoms and sealing into other dimensions now we have majin dark schneider majin dark schneider is far more powerful than post-angel dark schneider he’s now several million times stronger scaling his power to multi-solar system level how about feats this version is really just scaling to others while he destroyed uriel down to the eternal atoms despite having 1 000 a times boost in power.

 but dark schneider was already rivaling base cereal this is just proving the several million multiplier is not hyperbolic he also gets stronger with time as well so he should be higher than multi-solar system level this is shown when he survives a galaxy level attack the best ability he has now are his constant shields his shields are practically every ability imaginable each one is more effective than cal’s shield from before which could reflect power nullification the shields also regenerated millions of times per second previously the lifting strength was scaled to 660 million tons since his margin form gives him several million times more strength i’m going to use 5 million meaning he can lift about 3 quadrillion 300 trillion tonnes or 4 000 times the mass of mount everest.

we don’t really get better speed feats just this feat that says he can attack millions of times per second which since he’s 7 000 times faster than like he should be able to do this easily majin dark schneider seems to be attack potency now has galaxy level scaling speed still 7 000 times the speed of light abilities same abilities as last time as well as numerous shields next isn’t really a transformation but it’s worth its own scale dragon knight lucifer dragon knight lucifer is immensely powerful even when compared to his margin form it’s way stronger the galaxy level uriel starts getting stronger going from 17 to 130 times stronger between people talking also has a new ability being able to create a large black hole not as impressive.

But it’s a new ability as it shows his gravity manipulation his next big feat is shattering the black abyss when clashing with uriel statement about the black abyss make this hard to quantify so let’s have a look the black abyss is best explained here we know that it’s a supermassive black hole however it’s also a prison reinforced by god’s power it’s this reinforced power that will be the impressive part of the feat sadly there isn’t much information about how strong this is.

sin embargo, dado que el ataque anterior a nivel de galaxia no hizo nada y después de varios aumentos de poder, sus ataques no afectaron la barrera hasta ahora.

Es justo llamar a esta galaxia local más derrota algo mucho más impresionante que la potencia de ataque es la velocidad podría ser infinita la velocidad podría ser una velocidad accesible o instantánea, sin embargo, es más implícito ser ambos a la vez, lo cual es alto en la declaración de velocidad accesible, también tiene una nueva capacidad para redirigir el daño a sus otros de manera efectiva, lo que hace que sus oponentes se golpeen a sí mismos la potencia de ataque mucho mayor que el nivel de galaxia probable cúmulo de galaxias Nivel velocidad alta habilidades de velocidad inaccesible todo desde antes, así como la capacidad de redirigir el daño a su oponente.

ahora tenemos su forma final en comparación con el caballero dragón lucifer adam de la oscuridad oscuro schneider es mucho más poderoso anteriormente uriel y la noche del dragón lucifer estaban aumentando en poder como rivales adam oscuridad oscuro schneider es tan fuerte que destruyó el brazo de uriel regenerándose al robar adam oscuridad lo que siempre se menciona es la escala ii dios en bastard dios es el creador en la serie y por lo tanto esto es realmente impresionante el el verdadero poder de dios o al menos lo que adán de la oscuridad escala también se puede encontrar escalando oscuro schneider a las creaciones de dios esto incluye el universo y el abismo negro también esta otra dimensión de bolsillo con una barrera de nivel de creación también algo más grande que ves.

sabemos que dios también creó el reino de donde provienen los ángeles, este es el único reino confirmado a una dimensión superior, esto significa que el poder de dios debe estar en una escala 4d, esto significa que el poder de dios debe estar en una escala 4d con dios en una escala multiversal y la escala casual que supera con creces el nivel de galaxia comentario donde lo pondrías voy a usar multiversal bajo su nueva habilidad también se muestra aquí siendo capaz de recrear átomos eternos es realmente buena potencia de ataque posiblemente baja velocidad multiversal alta velocidad inaccesible habilidades todo desde antes, así como ser capaz de restaurar recrear átomos eternos gracias por