Welcome back to the classroom of the elite. This week’s episode is all about what’s in store for our students. First, we have new student, Alice. She’s a bit of a mystery, but we’re sure she’ll be a valuable addition to our class. We can’t wait to see what she comes up with next. Second, we have our returning students working on their projects. Some are getting closer to finishing, while others are still struggling. We’re sure they’ll all be able to finish soon and show us their results. Finally, we have our guest lecturer this week: Professor X! He’s here to talk about his latest project: a super-powered suit that he hopes will help protect the world from evil villains. We’re excited to hear more about it later in the episode. Until next time, stay tuned for more exciting news from the classroom of the elite! ..

In the first episode, a test was introduced that “tests” trust and teamwork among students from different first-year classes. The school authorities have prepared the groundwork for this test. Now it’s up to each student to act in the best interests of their class to earn the “hallowed points”. Will any class survive the tough test?

Recap & Review of Classroom of the Elite Season 2 Episode 1

Akane Tachibana reports back to President Manabu Horikita, Student’s Council. She is shocked to discover that he knows the results. He seems unhappy with Kiyotaka’s achievements so far, and wonders what he will do for the next challenge. Kiyotaka, along with the other students, is still aboard the cruise ship and cannot believe the shocking revelations regarding his father.

Kiyotaka wonders how his father could have said that he would choose to expel him by his own will. He seems to be aware of something that his son doesn’t understand. The rest of the students aboard the cruise ship are having a great time. Yosuke greets Kiyotaka as he walks out of his bedroom and invites him to join Karuizawa and him for lunch.

Kiyotaka is not comfortable with this idea and sees Karuizawa’s arrival as an opportunity for him to leave. The students are informed via email that the special exam is about to begin. After following the instructions, Kiyotaka goes to room 504, where Yukimura (and Hayase) are waiting. Soon they will be joined by Karuizawa.

They learn that students are divided into eight groups, each named after a planet in the solar system. Kiyotaka’s Mars team is called. Each group needs to find the VIP and email the school. The students have plenty of time to think up a strategy that will save their interests after the initial instructions are given.

Classroom of The Elite Season 2 Episode 1 Ending Explained : What are the Rules for the Special Exam?

The special exam sees students from classes A through D randomly selected to form 14-person teams, each named after a planet in the solar system. One student is chosen to be the VIP. His identity is unknown. Each team has the opportunity to meet multiple times to convince each other of the best way forward. Four possibilities arise from such a situation.

(1) Students in the group agree to reveal the identity of the VIP to everyone so they can all send an email to school at the same moment before time runs out. All students will be able to earn 500,000 private points while the VIP will receive 1,000,000 private points. It may seem like a win-win situation but the problem is that everyone must be loyal and not undermine the whole plan by reporting on the VIP’s name first to get private points.

(2) If a student in the group answers incorrectly or not at all, the VIP will be awarded 500,000 private points.

(3) A student who correctly determines the identity of VIP and sends an email without consulting the rest of the students or waiting for the last day, will receive 500,000 private points. His classmates will earn 50 class points. The VIP class students will be able to lose 50 class points. There is a twist to this story. But there is a twist. The VIP student’s classmates can’t reveal their identities, and even if, they won’t be able to gain any points.

(4) A student who does not wait until the last day and gives the wrong answer will be punished 50 class points. The VIP will receive 500,000 points. The first scenario may seem ideal, but the reality is that classes A through D have their internal politics and are determined to defeat students from other classes.

Do Team Mars and VIPs agree to reveal their identities so that they can end up with a win-win situation?

Once students have been introduced to the game’s rules, they quickly realize how important trust and cooperation are for the success of the game. Students from different sections will be competing so it is safe to say that their fates are in their hands. All participants will not let anyone outsmart them. Ichinose decides that she will take matters into her own hands when team Mars meets for the first time.

She wants to instill confidence in students and trust. Students from class A disagree. Students from class A argue that it is possible to make a fatal decision if one member of the group betrays the team. This could lead to a disastrous outcome. The team is stuck because of the disagreement between class A and the rest of the students. This is understandable considering the school’s internal politics.

Team Mars Stand and Ichinose’s Leadership Skills

The episode showed the brief fight between Ryuen Suzune and Horikita Suzune before the test began. Ryuen challenged Horikita about how Class D won the Island test. Ayanakoji, who was the brain behind ClassD’s success, managed not to be mentioned in the discussion, as Horikita took the brunt. Although the clash ended peacefully, it suggested that Class D may be subject to more scrutiny by other classes because they outclassed all other classes in the island test.

The test starts later in the episode as Team Mars gathers. Ayanakoji and Karuizawa join the group. Ichinose and other members are also present. The meeting begins when Ichinose takes charge and assumes the leadership role. This prevents other people from questioning her leadership. She asks the team to introduce themselves, and then suggests a strategy to improve teamwork. The group discusses the VIP identities and decides to share their choices by email.

The plan was effective, but Class A members in Team Mars were unhappy with it. They stated that the best way to get a desired result is to abstain from the test. This is a sensible suggestion, as it decreases the chance of incorrectly guessing the identity of VIPs. The group’s first discussion ends in a halt, and Team Mars decides to follow the Class A members’ recommendations. A minor dispute breaks out when Karuizawa gets bullied by her group members during the break between discussions. This is most likely a cheap tactic to find out if she is VIP or not. Machida rescues Karuizawa and then the second group discussion begins.

The Class A suggestion is maintained by the team. However, the atmosphere in the room becomes dark as no one talks about the identities of the VIPs. Ichinose finally broke the ice by suggesting that everyone can have a chat to make the test more enjoyable. She is a great leader and manages to get everyone to agree with her suggestion. The season’s first episode ended with Karuizawa Kei crying in the bathroom, hinting at more to the character Classroom. Fans can only speculate about the outcome and whether Class D will win again as the test progresses.