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Агито мускулистый и высокий с черными, зализанными назад волосами. Брови Агито не сильные, но у него сильные бровные гребни. Агито узкий и суровый с темными подчеркиваниями, хорошо точеным внешним видом и хорошо выточенной структурой лица. Агито покрыл лоб небольшим звездообразным порезом, чтобы напомнить ему о поражении Куроки Гэнсая.

Агито часто можно увидеть в черном костюме и галстуке, как и телохранителей КатахараМетсудо. Когда он дерется, он носит черный, обтягивающий кожу, боди. Два года спустя Агито принял полностью черный байкерский вид.

Agito’s teenage years were marked with a short, black hairstyle and an apathetic appearance.


Agito is a mixture of two aspects of his personality. He is proud and arrogant, and is very clueless. This is evident in his confusion over Okubo Naoya’s Ultraman references. The second personality is more ruthless and sadistic and can only be seen when he uses Formatless. This personality is a twist on his animal instincts and makes him smile from ear to ear, with his pupils almost disappearing. He changes how he speaks about himself to highlight this transformation in his personas.

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Kure Raian : Everything You Need To Know

Agito is proud to be a champion and will always win his own game. A fighter who is skilled in blows will only use blows. Agito will switch to a better style of fighting if he can’t fight back, just like he did against Kaolan Wongsawat. After the fight against Kaolan, he lost all of his pride and focused on winning.

Two years after the Annihilation tourney, Agito has become noticeably more human. He is even prone to making jokes and losing much of his stoicism. He combined his human and repressed animal halves to get rid of the lag between Formless stance (and Martial Arts), as Metsudo described. Agito recognizes Gaoh Ryuki and reminds him about his past self.


Agito, a child orphaned from mainland China, was eventually found. He was made a student at The Other Niko Tokita. As part of a Gu ritual, he was sealed in a chamber together with other students of The Other Niko. This was 23 years prior to the events at Kengan Ashura Agito. He was killed, and fought his death. But Katahara Metsudo found him out and adopted him as one of his Bodyguards.

See also

Kure Karura : Everything You Need To Know

Agito broke Minoru Takayama’s right cheek and gave him an everlasting Glasgow smile during the selection process of the next “Fang of Metsudo”.

Eight years ago, Takeshi Wakashiki faced Agito for the first time. He defeated him, causing a permanent injury in his Achilles tendon.

Just a few months prior to the Annihilation tournament, Agito fought Tokumichi Tokunoo. Agito defeated Nitoku despite a difficult fight. For the injuries sustained in the fight, he had to go through six months of rehabilitation.

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At the Kengan Annihilation Tournament, Agito represented Dainippon Bank. He defeated Naoya Okubo in round 1 after an initial fight that was even. Ohma Tokita challenged him to a fight. Ohma was then subdued by Minoru Masamichi Omori who beat him.

He fought Kaolan Woongsawat in the second round. It would be one the most difficult fights of his life. Agito was overcome and hardpressed by Kaolan’s striking prowess, combination boxing, and Muay Thai. Agito narrowly won using the same tactics Ohkubo used in round one.

Later, during Hayami Katsumasa’s “revolution”, Seishu Akuya was involved in subduing the many Guardians who lived in his area.

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Tokita Ohma : Everything You Need To Know

Masamichi challenged him on the final day to take his place as representative fighter. Masamichi showed Agito his weaknesses and demonstrated what he could do in order to defeat them in their fight. Agito was able to overcome Sen Hatsumi with this knowledge. Agito fought Hatsumi in a different way and won.

He won the title, and faced Gensai Kuroki in the semi-finals. He lost to Gensai Kurodai in the semi-finals, despite having reached the highest level of career. Metsudo was stunned to discover that Metsudo invited Kuroki. Agito informed Metsudo that he would be resigning his position as “Fang from Metsudo”.

After the tournament, Takayama met Agito and gave him his keys to his motorcycle.


Agito was away from the grid for 2 years, until Ryo Himuro found his in an American biker bar. He was known as “AG”. Himuro wanted him to be a recruit for the Kengan Association VS Purgatory Tournament. Agito initially refused to be recruited, believing that Metsudo had paid his debt. When Himuro told him that Fang had been subject to many changes, he became furious. Hikaru Yumigahama was the Sixth Fang and was sent to Purgatory.

See also

Kengan Ashura Characters : All Characters Ranked And Skills Explained

Agito was one of the fighters who discovered via phone that Ohma was still alive. He and the other representatives fled when the tournament started. Retsudo suggested Misasa become the next Fang Of Metsudo. Retsudo seemed better suited to this title, he said. Agito watched the fights with the other representatives. Agito was able to witness Misasa’s fourth match, and was able see the power and might of the Fang.

Lu Tian, as he was about to enter the arena for the sixth match, pulled out an ring that immediately provoked Agito. Agito saw the fake façade Lu Tian was wearing and demanded that he show his Formless stance. Tian was revealed as not only a Worm member, but also as a student of The Other Niko. Agito switched to Martial Arts after they had engaged in Formless combat.

Martial Arts was ineffective, so Agito quickly changed tactics and combined both styles. Lu Tian was unable to anticipate the next strike because of the inexorable delay between them. Lu Tian, who was trained by The Other Niko unleashed his latent power through the Wu Clan’s Guihun. Agito managed to unleash the Dragon Shot against Lu Tian’s jaw despite being initially pressured by Lu Tian’s strength. Agito won the match and Lu Tian was sent flying. Agito then asked Koga about Ryuki Gaoh after the match.

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Kure Raian : Everything You Need To Know

After the meeting between the two teams, Agito asked Kazuo what his wishes were. Misasa Koga, Agito and Agito assisted him. They all knelt before Kazuo by RolonDonaire and Jurota Yamayama.


Agito Kanoh is an all-round fighter, and the Emperor in Kengan matches. He is a formidable opponent. His physical stats and fighting skills are unmatched. His kicks and attacks are extremely powerful. Naoya Okubo likened Agito’s kicks and Sen Hatsumi likened his kicks to a meat cutter.

He is also a remarkable endurance athlete. Despite being hit by heavy blows from Kaolan Wongsawat and Ohkubo Naoya, he managed to reach the semi-finals. Kure Erioh, the first Fang, praised his power. He considers him his worthy successor.


Metsudo names Evolution Agito’s most significant defining characteristic. Metsudo states that Agito can adapt to his opponent’s fighting style and create a unique style for him to fight in the middle. Agito’s fighting style, and “evolution,” have the effect to make him stronger each fight. Agito’s evolution and fighting style can sometimes backfire. Because of his many moves it can be difficult for him choose the right way to fight a fighter who is proficient in several styles. Agito was overwhelmed by Agito’s mix of boxing, Muay Thai, and Muay and was forced to defend himself.

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Kengan Ashura Characters : All Characters Ranked And Skills Explained


Agito’s main technique is the formless position. Agito does not have one fighting style. Agito can use a wide range of moves at any time. Agito is a fighter who will beat his opponent at their own game. Agito will fight his opponents using their tactics. Agito may use punches to fight his opponents if necessary. Agito may change to a more advantageous style if he is forced, such as grappling rather than attacking as in his fight with Kaolan. Agito can adapt to any style of opponent with “Formless”, but this has one downside: Agito’s inability to pick the best option can slow down a fighter’s reaction time. Agito is able to adapt to any type of fighting quicker than the specialists in that style. Formless is not a good option for Agito against Lu Tian. After five minutes, Agito will give up on Lu Tian.


Martial Arts ( Wu , Bu Agito is his embrace of a more aggressive but conservative style of fighting. Agito defeated Kaolan, and fought Masamichi. He abandoned the Formless stance’s flexibility, and instead improved his reflexes. Agito can use this focussed style as well. Pre-Initiative It is the ability to see and predict what your opponent is thinking before you move. Agito’s evolution allowed him to quickly switch between Formless Martial Arts (Formal) and Formless Martial Arts (Formal), allowing him the ability to throw his opponent off-guard. This enabled him to unleash devastating attacks that were enough to put pressure on Gensai. [23] Gensai could predict when Agito would switch styles.

See also

Kure Karura : Everything You Need To Know

Agito was trained two years after the tournament, which reduced the switching time between Martial Arts or Formless stances. He was able to switch styles without fear of being beaten. Agito was unable to match Lu Tian in any one of his styles, but he was able to defeat him using both. Gensai observed that Agito was still not likely to be defeated combatively despite his improvement.

Dragon Shot

This is an adaptation of the one-inch punch. Fajin is a set of principles that govern the use of firearms. Fa Jing , Hakkei ( Dragon Shot ( LongDan , Ryudan Agito can throw full-power punches from a distance of nearly zero using this technique. Agito’s attacks can be thrown at any distance, so no matter how far they are, all of them are knockout blows. This technique is Agito’s “greatest firepower” among all his techniques. Sen used this technique to defeat Sen. Sen felt like he was being stabbed with spears after the blow. Lu Tian also used it to defeat Sen in the sixth round of the Kengan Association VS Purgatory Tournament.

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Tokita Ohma : Everything You Need To Know


Agito is also well-versed in some techniques of Niko Style. One of his most famous techniques is Indestructible. We don’t know how much Agito knows about the Niko Style, but we do know that Agito was trained under The Other Niko.


Agito was his archaic title for pronouncing the jaw.  E , Agito (), to match his epithet, “Fang of Metsudo”. Sandrovich, however, spell it with Katakana, thanks to Kamen Rider Agito. Due to his birth circumstances, Agito’s date of birth is unknown. However, they celebrate it every December at Katahara Metsudo. В первоначальном тексте говорилось, что Агито изменит то, как он относится к себе, с «ваташи (Си) в его нормальном человеческом теле на «руду [Ан], когда он выпустит зверя внутрь. Ваташи (I) и руда (I) могут быть переведены на английский язык. Это переводится на то, что Агито говорит, когда он контролирует себя и когда он использует Formless. Кацудон – любимое блюдо Агито. Агито использовал панкратион в качестве своего оригинального боевого стиля. Его бой против Наои будет старомодным сражением. Яркий боди Agito основан на соревновательном купальнике LZR Racer. (Сандравич считает, что жукообразная ухабистость и блеск костюма создают впечатление, что Агито силен). Есть кадры 32 матчей Кенгана. Восемь матчей завершились в том же месте, где он мог нанести финальный удар. Шесть из его девяти боев показали, что он выиграл последний раунд. Четверо из шести его противников были убиты, а оставшиеся два бойца удалились. Он любит принимать горячие ванны, отмечая, что все, что ниже 45 ° C, по сути, является ледяной ванной. Агито не может пить газированные напитки, такие как пиво, и предпочитает ликер. Калуа с молоком и кассисом – его любимая. Он ошибочно принял один постер из фильма за предупреждение о монстре. Тема аниме — Agito Emperor by ZiNG feat. rapbit, Kento Hama.