YUE is a new cryptocurrency that was created in 2017. It is designed to be more efficient and secure than other cryptocurrencies. YUE is also available in multiple languages. What is YUE? YUE is a new cryptocurrency that was created in 2017. It is designed to be more efficient and secure than other cryptocurrencies. YUE is also available in multiple languages. The main use of YUE so far has been for online payments and transactions.

Она вампир-атавист с уникальной способностью регенерировать свое тело. Когда-то она была принцессой, позже королевой. Однако она была взята в плен своим дядей и вассалами, которые предали ее. Затем они запечатали ее. Но позже они показали, что защищали ее Эхит из-за ее необычайного уровня магии и регенерации. После освобождения она становится главной любовницей Хадзимэ.

https://www.youtube.com/embed/zfvYGXO6_tA?feature=oembedАвтор: АниСкаут


Юэ — вампир с волнистыми светлыми волосами и малиновыми глазами. У нее также фарфоровый цвет лица. Из-за побочных эффектов бессмертия Юэ кажется 12-летней, несмотря на то, что ей более 300 лет. Юэ теперь свободна от контроля Эхита и может изменить зрелость своего тела, чтобы стать подростком или взрослым. Юэ обычно спокойна и стоична, но она улыбается Хадзимэ.

Приключенческий наряд Юэ включает в себя белоснежную рубашку и черную мини-юбку с оборками. Синее пальто и короткие сапоги также носят Юэ.


Hajime gave me everything I cherish. He saved me from my fate that day. I’d likely still be in the deepest depths of the abyss if he didn’t. He gave me reason to live. He helped me meet my best friend, who is a member the race I admire and can be myself around. I know that I will continue to receive things from Hajime. That is why I want Hajime find important things for me. They can be objects, people, or something entirely different. After this adventure is done, I would like to see Hajime smiling, surrounded with tons of people that he treasures.

Hajime has a profound effect on Yue’s personality. Yue puts Hajime’s happiness and safety first. Yue is a pervert, as she bites Hajime to get his blood. She also has no problem seducing Hajime while they are bathing and while she’s naked. Yue claimed that she was his only property because of her unending love for Hajime. She obeys all orders Hajime gives, even killing enemies. She believes everything Hajime said to her. Yue, as a sign her unwavering loyalty to Hajime, will not leave Hajime. She claimed that her loyalty is Hajime alone.

She is adamantly loyal to Hajime and her love for her. Any other men she encounters flirting with her or calling Hajime a small man will make her angry and disgruntled. Although she thought Hajime was handsome and attractive, she also considered Kouki and Freid unattractive. Yue is particularly resentful of anyone who would harm Hajime in any manner and will not rest until they either suffer great or die. Both of these traits are displayed when Yue goes after Freid bagwa during an attack on the Kingdom.

She injures Hajime and Shea also kill KoukiAmanogawa for their weak attempt at killing Hajime. Apart from Kouki, Freid and Yue, Yue also disliked Daisuke Hiyama. She looked down upon him when she heard the stories from Hajime and Kaori about his actions and considered him a nuisance and worthless.

This can be used to apply to Hajime’s love rivals as well as females who flirted with Hajime, as she documented in her diary entries regarding Shizuku, Shizuku, Kaori and Tio. She is open to fighting for Hajime’s affections, but she will not be a pawn in a fight with women who love Hajime like she did with Shea and Kaori.

Yue is not only loyal to Hajime and loves her deeply, but she also has abandonment issues. She is able to see this in her time in the Schnee Frost Caverns where she encounters traps that reveal her insecurities. These insecurities lead to her not being able to stay at Hajime’s side with her friends. She worries about her past coming back to haunt her. Shea was therefore forced to trust Hajime to Shea.

Yue, a former queen, still exudes the aura of someone who is above all others. She radiates a royal and majestic air. Many find her stunning beauty and her awe-inspiring magical charm attractive and would be happy to serve her. Yue is a strong enforcer of her will and doesn’t care about others’ opinions or feelings. Hajime has experienced this many times. Yue will punish anyone who tries to defy her or is annoyed by her in the harshest manner possible (usually by punching them).

Yue grew up in the same time period as the Dragonmen and had a deep respect for them. She still has a deep respect for Dragonmen, as she can see when Tio behaves like her refined, noble self, which causes Yue amazement.

Yue is extremely lustful and seductive with Hajime. She is proud of her actions and wouldn’t even try to hide it from anyone (much to Hajime’s shame). She is a vampire and has a lot blood lust for Hajime. She often bites him and sucks his blood. This was even before they started a relationship. To the dismay of other girls, she enjoys flirting with him, drinking his blood, and having sex with them. Yue has been known to attack Hajime when they are alone or when there is an opening.

These desires are borderline addictive and she cannot stand to be without Hajime for long periods of time. Hypocritically Yue called Kaori a pervert for minor reasons. Kaori is more perverted than Yue, having done many things that Kaori criticizes. Yue will admit it, even if it is to further irritate Kaori about their relationship.

Yue, despite her maturity and age, is very childish. She is also shown to be lacking a lot of common sense. She is often a attention seeker in Hajime’s eyes. She’s constantly looking for praise and won’t listen to him when they have a conversation. She loves acting smug and is a serious loser who takes too much pride in the small things.

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Yue is the only person in the Nagumo family who has their own room. Yue’s room has an antique European theme and many antiques she purchased on her first date with Hajime. Yue usually wakes Hajime up in the morning by going to his room. However, sex can develop if nobody intervenes.

Yue was in Hajime’s school class and she is usually the one who controls Hajime when things get out of control.

Yue has a slight inferiority complex after her first Valentine’s Day since her arrival on Earth. She is unable to beat Myu with her homemade chocolates. She is also proud of her appearance, but she doesn’t like being called out on her childlike body or her age. She is also irresponsible. Although she doesn’t like being lectured about her mistakes, she will try to avoid it or shift blame onto others even when she’s clearly at-fault. Kaori is her closest rival and she displays her childishness more.

She has been known to pull off inappropriate pranks, brag about Hajime’s actions in front of Kaori, and even get into small fights. Yue became more childish after moving to Earth. She only realized this when she saw that she was the only Nagumo family member who wasn’t always busy. She couldn’t keep her job search going for very long because of different reasons.

Yue is a very ruthless, sadistic woman. She has never hesitated to kill her enemies. Yue has never felt guilt or hesitation in torturing or killing others. She mainly brutalized men and believes it’s the fault of the other side for being killed or tortured. Yue’s ruthlessness was not influenced by Hajime’s imprisonment, unlike Shea and Kaori. She would even wipe out the invading armies herself before she was imprisoned.

She admits that she was more violent after her imprisonment, to the point that she wanted to kill Hajime. She is also a cruel person, causing agonies by smashing the balls of men she dislikes. Yue is Hajime’s worst friend/companion due to her cruelty and sadism towards men.

Yue is a prodigy in magic and takes great pride in it. Yue would use magic in everything she did and wouldn’t mind using Age of Gods magic to pull off her pranks against Kaori. She used magic to make things easier until she had nothing to do. Although Yue was a laughing stock to her mother-in law and husband, Hajime finally offered a solution. She said that being a homewife is an occupation. While that solved Yue’s concern about NEET, her understanding of what it means to be a housewife shifted more towards the sexual side.

Yue gained this ability through the experience she had while being possessed by Ehit. She could change her appearance depending on her mood, but she prefers to remain in her loli mode because it’s more comfortable to cuddle in Hajime’s arms.




Divinity Stone Access – A necklace and ring made by Hajime that act as a battery-like magic container, helping Yue fight more effectively. The set arrived with a matching ring. This caused confusion. Hajime proposed to her, but she still wears the ring on her finger. Anime


Four water canteens with one each on her waist and two on her shoulder. They can release powerful streams of water. These are used by Yue during her time in Miledi Traveln’s labyrinth because they have the ability to drain mana.

Mini Treasure Trove – This ring-shaped artifact had a small one-centimeter ruby in its center. Actually, the ruby was a dimensional space that could be used to store things. It is a smaller version his Hajime’s Treasure Trove and is the same size as a house’s storage. Smartphone – This hybrid smartphone combines modern technology and a crystal display from another world. It can communicate with other worlds and fire lasers of concentrated, super-small sunlight that is the thickness of a needle. In the event of an abnormality in the owner’s vitals, the smartphone opens a small gate and releases the light from the satellite type resurrection magic artifact, Bel Agarta.



Enhanced physical abilities – Yue is a magical prodigy and has very few combat skills. However, she is stronger than most people (even those with special abilities) and demons. As she eats only Hajime’s blood, her strength and life force increase when she bites humans. Shea’s strength is enough to crush other men with kicks and smashes their balls. This was evident when she and Shea easily crushed the Bastard Four as well as a bunch of thugs. Genius Intuition Yue is a magician and genius. She was able to learn everything from a young age and is a great expert on many subjects. Inmortality Yue, unlike her fellow vampires, has immortality thanks to her “Automatic Regeneration”, which has halted her natural ageing process. She appears like her 12-year-old self despite being more than 300 years old. Yue can still be killed if her mana runs out. WillpowerYue’s willpower is so great that she can barely get free from mind control. This was evident when she got rid of Ehit, which allowed Hajime to eliminate the fake god.


Immense mana – Yue has extraordinary mana levels and is capable of chanting large, powerful spells. With every labyrinth she completed with Hajime, her reserves grew. Her Mana is greater than that of normal mana blessed demons and humans. She has now surpassed the Evil God’s capabilities and gained them all after defeating Ehit. She has enough mana to be able to use magic deep in the Great Reisen Labyrinth. This is a place where magic is almost impossible to use, but it drains her mana reserves. Magic Master Yue was a magician from an early age and is perhaps the most powerful mage of the series. She is able to use a variety of magic, from the simplest to the most advanced. She can also control them perfectly and merge pre-existing spells with Ancient Magic she has learned from the Great Labyrinths. Tio is a powerful Dragonmen, older than Yue and with more experience. She has openly admitted that Yue’s magic skills are superior to her own. This is made more impressive by the fact Yue was kept in prison for 300 years, and was unable do anything. Yue, who was also the strongest vampire in Avatarl, was able to wipe out an entire army without assistance before she was sealed away. Yue’s magical abilities, including the ability to travel across entire worlds alone, have increased to a divine level after Ehit was defeated.


Automatic Regeneration Yue’s signature talent, which she developed at the age 12 It not only regenerates any injured or missing body parts, but also stops her from aging and dying. She will live if she has enough mana to continue living, but she won’t die unless her body is completely destroyed. However, she would not be able to heal any injuries she sustained while her mana was depleted. Pain Dampener– This skill can be used to numb all pain. Regeneration control Yue can easily manage her regeneration abilities. All Elmental Affinity A skill that allows you to use all types of magic. Spell melting – This skill allows you to combine 2 types of magic. Mana Manipulation – The ability to use magic without the need for chants or magic circles. Излучение маны Умение излучать ману и использовать ее для определенных действий, таких как крик. Компрессия маны Умение сжимать ману. Дистанционное управление — этот навык позволяет управлять маной удаленно издалека. Более высокая эффективность Повышена эффективность использования маны. Поглощение эфира — это навык, который позволяет вам поглощать ману из окружающей среды. Укрепление тела — этот навык использует ману для создания силы и жизненной силы для всего тела. Композиция изображения Представьте себе это, и вы сможете создать волшебный круг. Высшее воображение Навык, который позволяет создавать магию с помощью вашего воображения. Композиция изображений с несколькими заклинаниями Навык, который можно использовать для объединения более двух магий. Отложенный кастинг — это навык, который позволяет вам бросить магию позже. Преобразование крови — способность использовать кровь для заживления ран и выносливости. Стабилизация тела — этот навык позволяет вам строить все свое тело с помощью крови. Превращение маны Навык, который превращает кровь в ману. Превращение выносливости — этот навык превращает кровь в выносливость. Усиление — навык, который использует кровь для усиления магии. Кровавая клятва — это резкое повышение статуса человека, выбранного для сосания крови.