Black Clover is a manga and anime series created by Hirohito Araki. The series follows the story of a group of young people who are sent to a parallel world where they are able to use their magical powers to fight for justice. The show has been praised for its unique and creative characters, as well as its innovative storytelling. In this comprehensive guide, we will be taking a look at each character and power in detail. We will also be discussing the possible implications of their individual abilities and how they might be used in the story. We begin with our protagonist, Black Clover. Black Clover is an interesting protagonist because he is not your average magical user. He does not use his powers for evil purposes or to hurt others; instead, he uses them for good. He is a young man who has been sent to a parallel world where he can use his magical powers to fight for justice. In this world, there are two types of magic users: those who use dark magic and those who use light magic. Black Clover is part of the latter group, and his ability to use both light and dark magic makes him one of the most powerful characters in the series. Black Clover’s backstory is interesting enough on its own but it also provides us with some important insights into his character that we may not have known before. For example, we learn that he was once part of an organization that was responsible for killing many people using dark magic. He was forced out of this organization after it was revealed that they were using their power for evil purposes rather than fighting for justice. This experience has shaped Black Clover’s view on magic and its potential consequences; since then, he has become an advocate for using light magic responsibly in order to protect those around him rather than abusing it like his former organization did. Black Clover’s other abilities are also very interesting; they allow him to travel between different worlds (a feature which is central to the plot) and

The story of Asta, a boy who was born without any magic powers. Because everyone seems to have some kind of magic power, this is not known to his world. Asta, along with his fellow Black Bull mages, plans to be the next Wizard King.

You will find the strongest Black Clover characters ever when you scroll down the page. They all have a lot of superpowers, which is why they are so strong.

The popular animated series Black Clover is based on three main characters namely, Asta, Yuno, and Noelle–there are many prominent characters who help with the Clover Kingdom as well as its the most elite Black Bull magicians in their fight against The Dark Triad and other evil foes. Along with different magical abilities and abilities, the main characters typically differ in their personalities, making some more entertaining to watch than other characters.

Furthermore, what makes these characters so captivating to watch in Black Clover is their kindness moral compass, sense of humor, quirky behavior and their determination to defend their fellow citizens no matter the consequences.

10. Fuegoleon Vermillion

Even though he’s a nobleman from his first family of Vermillion One thing that makes Fuegoleon popular is his moral integrity and his non-judgmental view of those who are less fortunate than him. He’s a gentleman who judge people based on their actual merits, not by their social standing or wealth. He’s not an elite the nobles tend to be present.

Of course, Fuegoleon’s captivating charisma is what draws viewers to his charismatic leadership style and his hilarious exchanges between himself and Noelle as a conflicted father figure just makes him more charming on the dark fantasy series.

9. Mimosa Vermillion

The most loved Black Clover characters is Fuegoleon’s cousin Mimosa Vermillion, a charmingly gentle, yet well-mannered teenager with an irresistible sweetness and love for black tea. Mimosa immediately embraced Asta rather than the rude Klaus and demonstrated her love for him right immediately.

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Mimosa appears to have learned her lessons from Fuegoleon that it is not a good idea to evaluate people according to their social standing and belittle those with humble beginnings. She’s caring, kind and most charmingly her unpredictability that can lead to a number of hilarious but harmless mishaps.

8. Vanessa Enoteca

One of the key members of the Black Bulls, Vanessa Enoteca is among the most beautiful and dirty characters in the show. Although she is a strong Witch, Vanessa is so sexy and has a addiction to alcohol that others consider her to be to be the Drunken Frenzy Witch. Attracted to handsome men Vanessa is sexy, fun friendly, and an absolute blast to hang with out on the town. In this way, she deserves be included among the most memorable amazing girls from anime.

If she’s not in the quarters in a t-shirt that says nothing and displaying her insanity, Vanessa can be found frequently counseling Noelle on how to manage her lust, demonstrating that she is a compassionate soul is beneath her boozy façade. Additionally, her role in saving Asta’s existence in Witch’s Forest proves her dedication to the cause.

7. Luck Voltia

A little psychotically cheerful, Luck Voltia’s unwavering zeal of life and love for it is irresistible it is easy to draw people to his. This is especially true for his fellow Black Bulls, who depend on Luck’s excellent combat skills and sly nature to take down their foes.

One thing that make Luck so beloved is his pranks and humor, usually taking items from his teammates or booby-trapping them at times when they are the least likely. Additionally, he is one among the most formidable characters in the Black Clover and the combination of his perpetual grin and a penchant for brutal combat makes him fun to watch. This has led to the name Smiling Battle Maniac.

6. Charmy Pappitson

In keeping with her title, Charmy will always be one of the most charming characters from Black Clover. The character is defined by her unending appetite and love for all food related things, Charmy is often so attracted by delicious scents and mouthwatering food that she forgets about her petty duties to satisfy her appetite.

Additionally, her kindness and compassion, Charmy has no qualms serving her meals to the rest of her Black Bull squadmates and even serves food long after they’re full, in hilarious ways. When food isn’t the focus, Charmy increases her casual and relaxed attitude. She often exhibits a playful spirit, particularly when she is competing for Yami’s attention Sylph.

5. Secre Swallowtail

Also known under the name Nero, Secre Swallowtail’s hilarious and contradictory personality is what makes her such a charming main character. After the noblewoman joined Black Bulls, she turned into an anti-bird that serves as Asta’s protector angel and the devil’s advocate in one go. Secre is a snarky and threatening character who treats Asta with anger and resentment frequently poking and pecking in his face until he accepts her advice.

Even though she is a bit mean to Asta most of the time her unwavering loyalty to him and unrelenting affection for him has been proven repeatedly. She doesn’t ever lead the way, but instead assists him in dangerous situations. The odd-couple dynamic that exists between them is among the most fun relationships in the show.

4. Yuno Grinberryall

Yuno Grinberryall is one three main characters that are officially featured in Black Clover. The orphaned child became Asta’s closest friend, and together they made”The Magic Emperor. Soft, calm and extremely generous, Yuno often goes out of his way in order to make Asta appear better even if it means making his look less attractive. He’s a friend to all and it’s impossible to hate him.

With a firm determination and a strong sense respect for his fellow soldiers, Yuno’s commitment to his team’s safety make him one of the best comical characters that can count on even during the toughest of situations.

3. Noelle Silva

The fundamentally changed personality that has transformed Noelle Silva from a vainglorious royal to a humble , self-effacing Black Bull member makes her one of the three most loved characters in the show. Although she is arrogant and smug at first Noelle’s modesty, modesty, and humility and eventually affection for Asta are the core and spirit of the show.

Dismissed by the royal family because of her inability to be a magician Her arrogant attitude gradually changed after being recruited from her fellow members of the Black Bulls. In the process of gaining confidence, courage and the ability to acknowledge her mistakes over time, Noelle undergoes the most satisfying character adventure from bad to good.

2. Yami Sukehiro

Despite his harsh tongue, fiery temper, and reckless conduct, Yami Sukehiro is the leader of the Black Bulls who recruited Asta and the other members of the group . He also serves as a mentor and father figure for the entire team. A highly regarded magician and an excellent combatant, Yami sets the tone for the Bulls and guides the group with aplomb.

A regular on the top of the majority of polls What is it that makes Yami so enjoyable watching is the strong fatherly love he shows to his teammates in the form of teaching them lessons in life and imparting wisdom through problems that push them to become the best they can be.

1. Asta

The most prominent of the main three protagonists Asta must be the most beloved Black Clover character. Based on his unique magical abilities, the majority of the action is viewed by the lens of a young orphan, when he and his fellow Black Bulls work to take away Diamond Kingdom. Diamond Kingdom.

With a lively spirit and a pulsating energy, Asta’s awe-inspiring enthusiasm for all that he does is reflected onto his teammates and in turn, the audience. In addition to his sharp wit and a playful disposition, as well as an uncanny conviction of justice, a non-judgmental perspective, and his adoring connection to Noelle in an example of one the top fighting teams in animation, Asta is easily the most charming character when he’s in his prime.

Who Are 19 of the Most Strongest Black Clover Characters In Live ?

Magic is going to have some powerful spells, so let’s dive in to this list.

Let’s get going!

19. Fana

Asta and Yuno were faced with the Eye of the Sun, along with other Magic Knights. The villainous organization was composed of three people. It was a powerful trio, I should add.

Fana was a member of the Third Eye from Eye of the Midnight Sun. She was an rogue wizard who escaped the Diamond Kingdom.

With her Fire Magic and Healing Magic, she is quite strong on the battlefield.

Her Fire Magic was so powerful that she was also accompanied by Salamander, a Fire Spirit who currently fights alongside Fuegoleon.

She is average in height and has a well-built physique. Her thick, long-wavy pink hair is stunning with her pale skin.

18. Vetto

Next, we have Vetto (or as I prefer to call him Mr Zetsubou), a member of the Third Eye from Eye of the Midnight Sun.

Vetto is a remarkable character. His appearance, personality and powers make him a formidable enemy. He is also known as “Zetsubou”, which means “Despair”.

He is tall and muscular, with six-pack abs when he is reincarnated for Eye of Midnight Sun. His magic aligns with his physical power.

Beast Magic is his weapon of choice. It gives him an extra boost to his physical abilities, including faster speeds, stronger attacks and agile movements.

Vetto’s Beast Magic makes sense because he used to be an elf and was very fond with animals. He had tons of hope, but all of it turned to despair.

17. Rhya

We’ll be completing the sixteenth member of the Third Eye trio, Rhya. Rhya is laid-back and hates fighting, but he’ll fight if necessary.

He was lazy as an elf, and would often nap under a tree. Rhya, also known as “Fujitsu”, which means “Disloyal”, is known for his special ability to discern if someone is lying or deceiving.

Rhya can imitate any spells his opponent uses once he touches their grimoire. His spells aren’t just a copy, they are as powerful and as effective as the original.

He is tall with muscular build and has long, blackish hair with white patches.

He has a tattoo on the left cheek in his reincarnated form and is wearing a cool outfit that includes a dark blue vest and a white robe, as well as a brown satchel.

16. Patolli

Patolli, the leader of Eye of the Midnight Sun, is next on the list. Under the leadership of Licht, the leader the Elf Tribe, he led the organization.

Patolli, after being completely reincarnated, had two tattoos on each side of his forehead. He was tall due to Licht’s appearance and has long white hair.

Patolli can use Light Magic to make his attacks go at lightning speed, much like light. His magic can also be used to blind and move at incredible speeds.

Arrows of Judgement was the most powerful spell of his spells. This spell threatened every human being in the Clover Kingdom.

15. Yuno

Next, we have Yuno, one of deuteragonists in the anime.

Yuno is tall and lanky with a gift for magic. He is a short, messy black man with amber-colored eyes.

“The Clover’s three leaves represent hope, faith, and love. A fourth leaf contains Goodluck, while the fifth holds a Demon. This is one of the quotes from Black Clover. It is believed that good fortune and prosperity can be found in a grimoire that contains a four-leaf clover. Yuno is the only person who has this rare clover.

Yuno can use Wind Magic to generate and manipulate wind at will. He also has powerful spells at his fingertips.

He has a lot of mana and magic, which he is known for, and he can cast spells as well.

My favorite moment was when all of the Squad Captains wanted Yuno to be a part of the Magic Knights Exam.

14. Asta

Asta, the main character in the anime, is at the fourteenth spot.

As a baby, he was left behind by Yuno in the Church’s front yard. He lived in a faraway village from Clover Kingdom.

Asta, who did not receive the grimoire on the day of his acceptance, became the laughing stock among all his peers. But little did they know that Asta would be the master of the five-leaf clover.

Asta has no mana, but this makes him the ideal host for his devil with Anti-Magic Powers. He can negate or reflect any incoming magic attacks.

He has several swords, each with its own unique skills. Asta is a great protagonist. He has a lot of strength but is not too weak or too strong. He is also likable and approachable.

13. Nozel Silva

Nozel Silva, the Silva Household’s eldest child, is Noelle’s younger sister. He has three younger siblings: Nebra, Solid and Noelle. Nozel is also Captain of Silver Eagle Magic Squad. This squad is one of the most powerful in the kingdom.

Nozel is royalty and a nobleman. He takes great pride in being a royal. He is a bit arrogant, just like the Silva House members.

Although he does not think highly of goonies and peasants, he doesn’t hate them. He is arrogant, egotistic, but he is serious about business and won’t let anyone down.

He is unique in his abilities. He uses Mercury Magic to manipulate and generate mercury at will. This allows him to create many things such as a giant, silver bird for riding, and a silver spear.

His long, silver hair flows down to his shoulders. The front of his hair is styled in a braid that hangs between the eyes. He has pale skin and light blue eyes.

12. Fuegoleon Vermillion

Fuegoleon is next on the eleventh spot and is the Captain of Crimson Lion Squad. He also happens to be the first son of House of Vermillion which is a royal house in Clover Kingdom.

Fuegoleon, like his family members, is a Fire Magic user. Because he is a royal, Fuegoleon is extremely skilled in Fire Magic and has a lot of mana. He is able to manipulate fire and flame at will.

Fuegoleon, who is also the current and most recent mage, is accompanied by Salamander the fire spirit.

Fuegoleon is tall, muscular and well-built. His crimson-colored straight hair is neatly combed except for his long fringe. He is a hardworking, humble captain.

11. Gadjah

There are four kingdoms in the Black Clover universe: Clover, Spade Heart, Heart and Diamond. In the diamond kingdom, Queen Lolopechka has five powerful mages known as the Spirit Guardians.

Gadja, one of five Spirit Guardians is probably the strongest and a fan favourite. He uses Lightning Magic to fight, along with Heart Kingdom’s speciality of using real elements during battle. In the case of Gadja, that would be Real Lightning Magic.

He is tall and muscular, with a badass mark on his left cheek that runs down to his neck. His outfit is essentially a purple robe with a deep V neck shirt.

His black hair is spiky and has a white sprout at the top of his forehead. He is composed and calm with an easygoing personality.

10. The Witch Queen

Without witches, how can magic be created?

The Witchs’ Forest is governed by Queen of the Witches, a neutral kingdom located in the forest between the four other kingdoms.

It is located in a dense, impenetrable wooded forest. Only witches can live here. No males are permitted inside the Witches’ Forest. Also, no witch is allowed to leave the forest.

Vanesa, a Witch from the Witches Forest, is a rebellious witch who fled because she wanted to explore the world and follow Yami.

The Queen of the Witches is an incredibly powerful woman. She uses Blood magic, which allows her to control blood and generate it. Blood Magic allows her to manipulate any body to do what she wants, which is kind of scary .

She also has one the strongest Healing Magics in this series. She can heal curses and mend broken bones.

9. William Vangeance

William is the Captain of the Golden Dawn Magic Knight Squad, the most elite Magic Knight Squad in history. He is the most likely of all the Captains, to be the next Wizard King.

William’s magic is unique. It is called “World Tree Magic”. He can manipulate world trees at will and create many things with them.

Although his magic isn’t ideal for 1v1 fights, it is powerful enough to save entire squads from certain death while fighting off an enemy strong.

He is the most elegant of all the captains. He wears the Golden Dawn Squad uniform, which includes a red cap and an off white robe. The upper half of his face is covered with a blue and golden mask.

His short, white hair is complemented by his bright purple eyes. But what I love most about him is his soft-spoken nature. He doesn’t ever seem arrogant and talks softly and kindly to all, even his enemies.

8. Yami Sukehiro

Yami is one of the most evil characters in anime! The captain of the Black Bulls, the most bizarre squad, he is. Julius discovered him as a foreigner, who had escaped from faraway countries.

Yami is a tall, muscular man with short black hair. Under his Black Bulls Squad robe, he wears a white shirt over it.

Yami literally means ” dark”. You know the character will be cool when their name is so awesome. Dark Magic gives him the ability manipulate and create the element of dark.

He channeled his magic into his Katana, then slashed his opponents with his sword. He is a unique personality. He doesn’t like formalities or rules, and wants to live a life that is full of joy.

“Ima Kokode Genkai Wo Koeru!”

7. Mereoleona

Mereoleona, the older sister of Fuegoleon, is the eldest member of the House of Vermillion. She could have been the next Crimson Lion Squad captain, but she chose not to.

She is tall and young looking, with frightening eyes and a scary-looking face. Her hair is wavy and reddish in color . She wears a white tunic over which she has a blue robe. Over this, she has a crimson cape.

She is terrifying. She is very aggressive and has a quick temper. She is so frightening that even Yami is afraid. She is an excellent mentor for the younger generation, even though she is frightening.

Like everyone else, she uses Fire Magic. She was able to defeat five formidable enemies at once, where other women could only manage one. This battle was the most famous battle in the Eye of the Midnight Sun Arc.

She is undoubtedly one of the most powerful Magic Knights in the kingdom.

6. Lolopechka

Next on the list is Lolopechka, Princess from the Heart Kingdom. With her magic, she watches over the whole kingdom and its lives.

Although she looks young, she is incredibly powerful. Her vast mana reserves mean that she can see over all of the Heart Kingdom’s parts with her magic. She is a long-haired black woman with soft, pale skin.

It is quite funny to see her being clumsy. She falls and breaks her specs often. Although she isn’t exactly royal-like, she falls a lot and looks beautiful in her royal gown.

Water Magic and Spirit Magic are her main tools. She is currently the priestess for Undine, the Water Spirit. Water Magic allows her to create reflections from different parts of her Kingdom, which she can then view from her castle.

5. Julius Novachrono

You would assume that the Wizard King would be one of the most powerful characters in anime. He is, after all, the King of all Wizards. But that’s not true.

Julius is a tall man in the forties who has short, messy blonde hair. He also has fair skin. His elegant look consists of a white tunic, pants and a red robe with white fur.

He is a joy to be around.

Funny enough, this was how he met William and Yami, Asta, Yuno and many other interesting people.

4. Zagred

Zagred is the devil behind all the evil plans in the Eye of the Midnight Sun Ark. He was responsible for a major event that caused the division between humans and elves, although he tried to keep it under wraps.

Zagred is tall humanoid devil who has black wings that rise from his back and black horns. He also has a black-arrow-tipped tail. He is large-clawed and has long, slender legs.

His magic is absolutely terrifying. His Kotodama Magic allows him to alter the environment through his speech. He can create all magical and physical objects, as well as other magic spells.

He is a wicked person. He is arrogant and cruel. He considers himself superior than humans and elves, and treats them only as toys.

3. Zenon

Zenon is one the Dark Triad members from Spade Kingdom. He is a devil-possessed mage with terrifying magic and mana that goes beyond imagination.

He is tall with a fair complexion and messy black hair. He wears a brown jacket, brown pants, and a black shirt over his pants. A black robe is worn over his jacket, which is bordered by fur at the neck.

Now, let’s get to the meat of it. He uses two types magic: Bone Magic, and Spatial Magic. Anyone who has seen the episodes recently will be able to see what he can do. He can manipulate thousands upon thousands of bones to make many things.

A high-ranking devil has possessed him, but he is not named in the anime. His devil grants him tremendous power and enhances his magical and physical abilities.

After watching him in anime, I can say that he has an objective-oriented personality. He is calm and composed every time.

2. Vanica

Vanica, another member of the Dark Triad hailing from the Spade Kingdom is also a devil-possessed Mage with incredible magical abilities.

She is tall and young, probably in her early twenties. Her hair is straight and black with a fair complexion. She wears a brown vest, short skirt and brown knee-high stockings. A black robe with fur bordered at the neck is topped by her robe.

She is able to use Blood Magic as well as Curse-Warding Magic. With the latter, she can curse people. For example, she cursed her disciples to resurrect after they die.

Megicula is her devil possession. He is a powerful Curse Magic-wielding devil of high rank. Although he is an important character in the plot, I won’t spoil the story.

She is a quirky person. She is arrogant and sadistic, and thrives on the pain of others. She is always looking for good fights and wants her opponents to fight with all they have.

1. Dante

Third and strongest member of Dark Triad, from the Spade Kingdom. He is also possessed and able to use two types of magic, just like the other two.

He is tall and has short dark hair. He is wearing a brown vest, black pants and a black cap with white bordered fur.

Two types of magic are available to Dante. One is Body Magic. This allows him to manipulate and repair any tissue within his body, including his head. Gravity Magic is his second magic, which allows him to manipulate gravity.

Lucifero is Lucifero’s highest ranking devil, and he has taken control of him. He resides at the bottom of all hell layers.

Who Are Top 15 Strongest Characters Black Clover ?

You will find the 15 strongest Black Clover characters ever when you scroll down the page. They all have a lot of superpowers, which is why they are so strong.

15 William Vangeance

William Vangeance was the first captain of Clover Kingdom’s Golden Dawn squad, the Magic Knights. Vangeance is believed to be the closest person to the title of Magic Emperor. He has a tremendous amount of magic power and can create a hole in space and summon huge tree roots. One of the most powerful Black Clover characters.

14 – Charlotte Roselei

Charlotte Roselei is a supporting role in the Black Clover series. She is a Magic Knight who serves in the Clover Kingdom. Charlotte is able to manipulate and create briar’s thanks to her magic. Her coat’s body is also in mana to protect it.

13 Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper, a former commoner, is the captain for the Clover Kingdom’s Green Mantis team of the Magic Knights. Jack is a strong man despite his slim build. He can even beat Vetto in a duel. Jack can keep up with Vetto’s speed and is also extremely fast. One of the most powerful Black Clover characters ever.

12. Yuno

Yuno Grinberryall was an orphan left behind by House Grinberryall, the former royal family from the Spade Kingdom. He is a formidable magician, and he was able to fly around the Magic Knights entrance exam without being harmed by any anti-birds. He is able to fight with two of the Eight Shining Generals of Diamond Kingdom and defeats one.

11. Natch

Nacht Faust, vice-captain for the Clover Kingdom’s Black Bull Squad of the Magic Knights, is also a devil host. Nacht manipulates shadows with this magic. Nacht is able slip into and out of shadows and immobilizes people and objects, as well as physically restrain shadow-bound people. He is one of the most powerful Black Clover characters.

10. Mereoleona

Mereoleona Vermillion was a noblewoman. She is also the first child of House Vermillion of Clover Kingdom, one of its royal families. Mereoleona uses magic to manipulate fire and increase her physical capabilities. She often shapes fire into a lion’s foot.

9. Lemiel Silvamillion Clover

Lemiel Silvamillion Clover, the first Magic Emperor of Clover Kingdom’s Magic Knight Squads, is Lemiel. Lemiel uses his magic for light manipulation and to create light. He shapes light into an arrow which turns into a beam that he can fly along. One of the most powerful Black Clover characters.

8 Litch

Licht is the leader for the Elf Tribe. He was the leader of the Elf Tribe and was previously married to Tetra. This magic allows Licht to create swords and increase his physical capabilities. He is a master swordsman and conquered both Yuno and Asta with his swordsmanship.

7 – Yami Sukehiro

Yami Sukehiro, one of the best fighters in the series, is also one of the strongest men in the Clover Kingdom. He is also the first captain in the Clover Kingdom’s Black Bull Squad of the Magic Knights. He is a strong, stoic man who believes in action more than words. He is one of the most powerful Black Clover characters.

6 – Zagard

Zagred is a powerful devil who was responsible for the creation of Licht’s five leaf clover grimoire, the massacre by the Elf Tribe and the reincarnation and enslavement of the Elf Tribe. His magic allows him to manipulate his environment through speech, and manifest magical and physical objects. He has a lot of mana. It is more than any other powerful elf.

5 – Vanica Zogratis

Vanica Zogratis belongs to the Spade Kingdom’s Dark Triad. This magic ability allows her to manipulate and generate blood. Zogratis shapes blood into claws which can produce flying slashes of bleeding blood or spikes to impale her enemies. She has a tremendous amount of magic power. One of the most powerful Black Clover characters ever.

4 – Zenon

Zenon Zogratis belongs to the Spade Kingdom’s Dark Triad. Zenon uses his magic ability to create and manipulate his own bone. Zenon releases large tangles, or spear-like, bones that are hard to escape and offer no way for his enemies.

3 – Dante

Dante Zogratis is part of the Spade Kingdom’s Dark Triad. This magic attribute allows Dante to manipulate his bodily tissue, which allows him to alter and repair his body as he pleases. He can also greatly distort the body and create additional limbs. Dante excels in unarmed combat. With his naked hands, he dominates a Black Asta Berserk completely. He is one of the most powerful Black Clover characters.

2. Asta

Asta is one the most beloved characters in The Black Clover. He is an orphan who was raised by Hage’s church. He is a master of the 5-leaf clover Grimoire and a member both of the Black Bulls as well as the Royal Knights. He is a Junior Magic Knight of 3rd Class.

Asta uses this energy to nullify magical effects. Asta, despite not being able to use magic, has been awarded the rank Arcane Stage mage for his control over his Anti Magic energy and the uniqueness of that power.

1 – Julius Nova Chrono

Julius Novachrono, the most powerful character and 28th Magic Emperor of Clover Kingdom’s Magic Knights, is Julius Novachrono. Julius uses her magic time manipulation. He can alter, accelerate, decelerate or stop time flow.

Julius is extremely quick, as demonstrated by his instantaneous appearance between two Eye of the Midnight Sun magies, killing them before their bodies could react. He also dodges attacks from Sally, George, and all the while being very agile.