Akame Ga Kill is an anime series that follows the story of Tatsumi, a young man who is drafted into the military and must fight in the war against the Empire. The Empire is a powerful nation that controls most of the world, and Tatsumi must use all of his skills to survive and defeat them. In this guide, we will be discussing each character in Akame Ga Kill and their abilities. We will start with Tatsumi, who is one of the main characters in the series. Tatsumi has high physical strength and can fight on even ground with most opponents. He also has excellent skills with a sword, which he uses to kill his enemies. Next we have Akame, one of Tatsumi’s best friends in the military. Akame is a skilled assassin who can kill anyone with ease. He also has strong mental abilities, which allow him to stay calm under pressure and make quick decisions in combat. The next character we will discuss is Kurome, another member of Tatsumi’s squad in the military. Kurome is a skilled fighter who uses her speed and agility to her advantage. She also has strong magical abilities that she can use to attack her enemies from a distance or heal herself or others. Finally, we will discuss two other important characters in Akame Ga Kill: Leone Arisuin and Kamui Sakuraba. Leone Arisuin is a member of the imperial guard who opposes Tatsumi and his squad throughout the series. Kamui Sakuraba is an assassin working for Emperor Shishioh who challenges Tatsumi throughout the series. Both characters have unique abilities that make them difficult opponents for Tatsumi to defeat ..

What happens to the the main characters? .. well…. they’re dead.

What is it with love interest ?…. umm .. Dead.

All of Bad guys? Sure, they’re dead.

Don’t be concerned, simply because everyone’s dead doesn’t mean this show doesn’t have excellent characters when they were alive.

The series is filled with the most exciting battle scenes and character growth and each death is painful and, oh .. it’s true that there are numerous deaths throughout the series.

Let’s get started on the list of all Akame Ga Kill characters from all time.

Spoilers note: the nature of this show means that it’s difficult to not to reveal some very emotional deaths. Beware!

Akame Ga Kill: 15 Main Characters Ranked

Akame Ga Kill may not be the only anime that people shout at the person who asks for recommendations, but it’s an intriguing one. It gives a glimpse of the fascinating characters that leave us wondering which one is the best.

We have chosen to create this article featuring 15 of the major Akame Ga Kill characters and they were ranked to determine what ones rank among the most effective.

Akame Ga Kill main characters Ranked

1. General Esdeath

Esdeath was a top Empire general. Night Raid ultimately becomes the commander of the Jaegers , under the orders of the Prime Minister because of her role as an assassination team. She was fascinated by Tatsumi to the level of obsession.

Esdeath was a brutal and dishonest sadist, who had no remorse for the weak due to her father’s belief that the strong will survive and the weak perish. She was fond of inflicting extreme physical and mental pain on her enemies.

She was not shy about murdering innocents to obtain what she wanted and justified her actions using the old religion of her father.

Esdeath was known for her kindness to her subordinates and letting them be as they wanted she sparked the highest level of loyalty and loyalty among her followers which made them the Empire’s strongest offensive force.

2. Najenda

The assassin group Night Raid is headed by Najenda. She was a general from the Empire who along with Lubbock and Lubbock, resigned into the Revolutionary Army at the conclusion of an expedition that was led by her and Esdeath to thwart the Ban Tribe’s rebellion.

Najenda is a beautiful lady with dark purple eyes and silver locks. The place where her right eye was covered, she now wears an eye patch. She’s wearing the black suit, which shows her the cleavage. The right hand of her is electrical.

Her hair was longer, and she kept her hair braided and twisty when her younger years.

Najenda is calm, shrewd and calm, and she manages the group with the most gentle, yet firm attitude. Her experience as an officer in the Empire has prepared her to become an excellent leader.

Due to her youthful appearance, Najenda is often mistaken as a male, and her friends have called Najenda “The Hottest of Rebellion.” Najenda is known for making horrible puns and telling “cold humor.”

3. Tatsumi

Tatsumi is the main persona Tatsumi is the main character Akame Ga Kill!. Tatsumi is a compassionate person who would like everyone to live in peace, but isn’t afraid to be violent when his family or values are in question. Tatsumi set out with two of his childhood buddies to make an impression and raise funds for his community.

Tatsumi got invited to be a part of Night Raid the group of assassins who were allied to the Revolutionary Army now at war with the Empire after learning of the evil and greed of the Empire and witnessing the demise of his fellow soldiers.

He accepts the invitation, and slowly adapts to the new world and profession, grieving over the departure of former acquaintances while discovering new ones. He was once the owner of the Teigu Incursio prior to being joined to it and transformed into the dragon. He had promised that he would make use of this opportunity to take over the Empire in general.

He fought against the Emperor in order to end the unjust regime that caused so much pain to the people. The body of his body has turned to a dragon however his consciousness hasn’t.

4. General Budo

Great General Budo headed Budo was the leader of the Imperial Guard, the power responsible for guarding the capital. He was among the Emperor’s most detested and revered generals. He earned a lot of respect from his staff and other factions because of his courage and overall combat skills.

General Budo who has been described as being a tough man who barely left Imperial training grounds and was a tough man that was transformed by years of military training and suffering in the military to the present state. Budo felt proud of his own and the honor of the empire as a general whose lineage was an influential lineage.

He didn’t associate himself in any way with Prime Minister like other generals, and in actual fact, despise the man. He also stated that after the insurgents are defeated those who cause instability on the country will suffer His “wrath.”

5. Chelsa

Chelsea as well as Susanoo is one of two new members joining Najenda’s Night Raid branch. Her complexion is fair, sporting auburn locks and red features. Her head was decorated with a butterfly-shaped headset.

The model wore a white long sleeves shirt with the red ribbon that was wrapped around her collar and a black vest an red checkered mini-top and black leather beneath-the-knee boots, a sexy outfit that reminded her of a singer. The singer carried the stuffed Teigu, Gaea Base, in her. She was often seen wearing a lollipop inside her mouth since her Teigu was filled with the lollipops.

Chelsea is known for her sly nature It’s possible it was a trick. Chelsea had a cold, more rational side that led her to criticize individuals and situations.

In the final, she was deemed as having positive motives and tried to help Night Raid members Night Raid participants in being more rational. She was seen to be genuinely for them. She didn’t want to lose them simply because she had left her previous group.

6. General Liver

Esdeath’s personal bodyguards, as well as the toughest group of her army The Three Beasts, were led by Liver. Liver was a well-groomed and battle-hardened soldier who had owed Esdeath an enormous amount of loyalty.

Liver was a tall guy sporting a beard and gray hair that was pulled back in an elongated ponytail. The blue eyes of his face, and his hair was in a ponytail. He was wearing identical black pants as his co-workers.

Liver was a good general who fought and gained lots for his country. He also believed that his honesty was evident because he did not accept the bribes offered by the Prime Minister. Bulat declared himself to be a superior, which implied that he was worried about his soldiers’ safety.

7. Sheele

Sheele was part of Night Raid as well as an assassins’ group as well as she was a Teigu Extase user. Sheele appeared to be a thin and slender female with dark eyes and long hair that was purple.

The usual outfit was white boots and a provocative silk lilac cheongsam, with loose lilac arm sleeves. Her Teigu was still in her. She was cut on her cheek. She was wearing contacts.

Sheele was a fool who often misplaced her glasses , or was unable to complete any task she tried due to her inexperience however, she was exceptionally affectionate and tender to her fellow students, and was willing to sacrifice her life to help them, just like she did with Mine.

However, when she passed away her manner of speaking changed completely as she became cold and aloof and she explained it by creating “a screws loose” in her head, making her an expert assassin.

She believed her only chance to do was to get rid of “society’s trash,” so she couldn’t be considered insignificant. The public saw her apologizing for the people she killed regularly.

8. Dr. Elegant

Dr. Stylish was an eminent scientist and doctor in the military of the Empire and was also an officer of the Jaegers which was a secret police force that was created on the orders of the Emperor to combat Night Raids and illegal activity in the Capital.

He was tall with black hair that was spiky and brown eyes that had an elongated white patch. He was wearing an orange suit, blue shirts with a belt and a white lab coat . He was sporting glasses.

Dr. Stylish was fascinated with two subjects: his research and the things he believed to be trendy. The first time he met the Jaegers, he made Seryu scatter rose petals across the air when he was entering the room, which showed his fascination with the former. The main focus, however was in his experiments.

He was uncovered to be self-serving and inscrutable, procuring materials for his studies in the back of his superiors (such as his attack in Night Raid) and secretly performing experiments that were not humane (the development of Humanoid Danger Beasts).

In addition, he claims to be sad for all his test subjects who get injured or killed in his position however the opposite is true. He has no sympathy for them , and considers them corpses to study.

9. Seryu Ubiquitous

Seryu Ubiquitous was an ex- Imperial Police officer who joined the Jaegers. She was a teen with an irresponsible sense of fairness. In the time before her death she was the owner of Teigu Hekatonkheires that led to Teigu’s death.

Her hair was a ponytail that was close to touching her feet when she first came out and was cut off to shoulder length when she was Jaeger.

She was averse to wearing a uniform for military by opting for informal clothes and skirts, and she wore body armor often. Due to Dr. Stylish’s many body modifications the arms of her are made out of metal instead of flesh. She was often seen wearing a green coat or cap, and often wore an ethereal skirt when she wasn’t wearing her uniform for military.

Her face is likely to distort into a bizarre and demented smile when she’s engaged in battle and is thinking of justice, and has become her trademark as time passes.

Seryu appears to be an affectionate and loving individual initially but she’s really an insane, cruel sadistic, disturbed individual who appears to enjoy killing people whom she regards as criminals, as if it were a pastime.

10. Akame

Akame Also called Akame from Akame, also known as the Demon Sword Murasame, is the main protagonist of the manga prequel Akame ga Kill! Zero and also the heroine of the title and lead antagonist of the Manga manga Akame ga Kill!

She also appears in Hinowa ga Yuku! as a significant support character, primarily because she is Hinata’s own swordsmanship instructor and elder’s class fighting instructor.

The Empire originally sold her together with the help of her sibling Kurome to be trained to become killers, Akame ultimately defected to the rebels following her being ordered to take down General Najenda Najenda, the commander in Night Raid, and joined the rebels in their efforts to uproot the unjust monarchy.

Akame is a girl of just a few years old with eyelashes of red and long black locks that reach her ankles. She is wearing the red belt and the red side skirt cover over an edgy black pleated skirt, and an sleeveless black tank and a white collar as well as the tie of red.

It’s coupled with black shoes as well as long, black gloves. Also, she wears gauntlets in red. When fighting, she typically wears a dark, long coat. Murasame is her Teigu is frequently present alongside her. Murasame’s power card has caused her to have faded red marks all over her body.

Akame appears to being very tough and cold-hearted girl. This originates from the horrible training that the Empire forced them and their sister in However, it’s discovered that she’s socially uninformed.

She is extremely concerned about her fellow soldiers and is always worried that one will die due to her personal experience of the high mortality rate of war.

11. Kurome

Kurome is the younger sister of Akame and was once a part of the Jaegers. Their parents gave her along with their older sister Akame in the Empire and they were trained to be murderers. The sister was recruited into an assassin’s squad that was separate and the siblings broke up.

She is strikingly similar with her sibling. She has dark brown eyes and black short hair with twin tails. She is dressed in the black sailor look that has a red belt, and the red side skirt cover which is similar to Akame.

Kurome is more reserved and is prone to revealing more dark sides of her character when it comes to killing her enemies. She’s terrified of being perceived as fragile as she knows that if was a deadweight inside the Assassination Division it would be her downfall to be quiet.

12. Leone

Leone was an experienced assassin who was part of The Night Raid assassination squad. She is adept at gathering information and making sound choices whenever necessary. Leone is often seen checking the authenticity of the people who the Night Raid is tasked with killing.

Her eyes are golden and she has short blonde hair that has two long tufts of hair that frame hair’s sides. Wearing an Black tube-top, detachable gloves pants, boots and a wrap at the waist of her, she sports an edgy outfit.

Hair grows longer and she acquires the lion’s ears, tail and claws when she changes. Hair grows longer, and her ears get bigger following the time her Teigu, Lionel, merged with her. Her paws are also lion-like and a few areas that make up her are covered in fur, creating a the appearance of a beast.

She has a relaxed optimistic, positive attitude. On Night Raid, she acts as a big sis figure in the lives of Tatsumi along with the members younger than her and refers to her in the role of Big Sis.

Regarding her sometimes morally questionable nature, Leone is not one to be tolerant of cruelty. And she is particularly cruel to people who commit the most horrific of criminal acts. Her passion for fighting is still to be found in her enemies, according to Najenda the woman who advised her on how to stop the habit.

13. Prime Minister Honest

The Prime Minister of the Empire and dictator de facto, Honest, manipulated the young and inexperienced Emperor to act according to his own way. Honest was the series the main antagonist.

Honest was an naturally arrogant, wicked and evil psychopath. He was a master of manipulating emotionally people with the power his personality offered, not concerned about his country or about those who pleaded for help to have a better life.

In almost all of his interactions when he was with his young Emperor He was an humble man who was polite and gentle. But under the guise of an individual who declares to be the perpetrator is a spirit who does not have any compassion for any human being.

He is not remorseful for the horrible acts he engages in because he views them as another step in the direction of reaching his goal of having greater power over all of the planet.

14. Bols

Bols was Jaegers the oldest Jaeger. He was part of the Incineration Squad before joining them. His face is concealed under an mask because of the tank of gasoline that he carried in all times to the fuel source for his firethrower.

He was wearing long gloves to protect Bols from danger and also to assist him with the flamethrower. Three cuts were cut across his chest area and also. After his mask was taken off while his face was revealed his hair revealed itself being short, spikey and brunette. The eyes of his were revealed to be blue.

Kurome Wave and Kurome Wave were profoundly affected by Bols passing. Kurome screaming in anger when he learned that Chelsea was the one who killed him, and threatening her brutal execution.

15. Mine

Mine is self-described as a “Genius Sniper” and a quick-witted and sharp-tongued participant in Night Raid the assassin’s team.

My model is a young lady with a medium height. Her long , pink hair is typically tied in twin tails both on the left and right sides of her head but it is also free-flowing at times.

Her eyes are huge and she is wearing pink. She’s wearing the pink robe that has the shawl tied with an elongated collar and a long-sleeved pink shirt, black stockings and pink shoes.

Mine is depicted as a temperamental, cold and violent persona who can be easily irritated and easily annoyed by people she doesn’t know. Mine was known to mock Tatsumi when he was a member of Night Raid, implying that Tatsumi would not survive since it was his first time joining.

Which is your most well-known character from Akame Ga Kill?

Subreddit r/anime created a wonderful poll, complete with an image that clearly shows the character Esdeath being the top talked about character from Akame Ga Kill.

15. General Esdeath

A popular sexy fan however, not entirely for this kind of fan.

She’s way too powerful to the point of becoming ridiculous , but as with all cartoon villains, she makes the decision not to use her full power, except for certain situations.

Her power is in controlling the ice. The writers must have been yoga instructors since they extended “controlling ice” to mean sending meteors (made from ice) to the earth, freezing entire countries or even time itself.

Another reason why I don’t love her is the fact that her entire character is based around sadness and having a hot relationship with Tatsumi who’s about half her age.

Discuss the idea of freezing your libido.

14. Najenda (Boss)

Despite being bossy (that’s the title they give her even) I personally didn’t enjoy her character at all.

She is a lot of the series on-screen fighting for support in the rebel army. We kind of think of her as the matriarch of the tower of ivory.

There is an interesting story and is crucial to Night Raid… But as a personal list? Top of the line.

13. Tatsumi

Does it constitute a crime to place the protagonist in the fifth place?


He’s more of an emo with depression Mary Sue.

Now I realize that the entire series is made up of archetypes dressed in fancy clothes. However, Tatsumi is the dull hero archetype of anime, whereas everyone else is an awesome superhero archetype.

He is dressed in an imitation uniform during the majority of the show! We’ve never even stepped into an actual school!

12. General Budo

I’d be interested in knowing the more details about General Budo. However, in the animated series, General Budo doesn’t have any screen time.

But his appearance in a few episodes established his status in the ranks of one Night Raid’s most feared ambassadors.

While he is the head in the Imperial Guard, he admits privately that he is aware of the nation’s corruption and is not interested in it.

His respect goes in the Royal Family as well as his spirit is that of the nation. True knights by all definitions of the word.

We’re on the other side of the show, and the guy gets the Guillotine.

11. Chelsea

The tough shapeshifter who would become one of the show’s most memorable horrific deaths.

Chelsea was employed initially by a savage Viceroy who was known to murder his subjects for the sake of sport. However, after discovering the Imperial Arm: The Gaea Foundation that allows her to transform into a living being as she grew, she killed her employer and substituted him with the less brutal person.

Prior to becoming a member of Night Raid, Chelsea was an ally of a different radical sect of mercenaries… however, she was there to witness them dying.

She’s since become more blunt and stoic however, it was due to worry and respect for her team.

10. General Liver

Another character with very limited time on the screen, but with interesting background. Liver was a shrewd general in the Imperial army who refused any bribes from the The Prime Minister Honest.

However, in a place that was as corrupt as the Imperial Empire, his name was convicted of treason, and sentenced to execution in front of an already corrupt justice system.

Everyone believed that he had died, even Bulat, who resigned from his position in the Imperial Army and joined Night Raid exactly because Liver’s fate showed him how screwed up the Empire was.

However, surprise! Liver was not killed in the end, and it is now what he fears the most.

9. Sheele

Fantastic backstory, but a bit too typical. Sheele might have been more highly had shennot been sacked off so quickly.

She was born in the ‘Industrial area in town’ (read: Chinatown) Sheele was bullied and molested for her clumsiness.

The next day, when she saw her friend attacked by her ex-partner, she shot the victim with cold blood and did not feel anything. Then she realized that her purpose was to become an assassin. Despite this, she lost a friend along the way.

In the course in Night Raid, she was awkward. Then she’d be a mess. She’d throw everything away. In the comedy short skit spin-offs, she’s demonstrated that she’s got an entire box of glasses since she is unable to locate them.

8. Dr. Elegant

The archetype of the insane doctor needs some love too!

Dr. Stylish is the sexually sexy lover baby from Dr. Frankenfurther and Japanese body horror.

He recruits human subjects who are on death row and turns them into horrific creatures with superhuman powers. They all turn super-camp and vow to defend their creator.

Not just insane not only insane, but really a brilliant, Esdeath allows him to conduct his experiments in his own lab. The place is filled with his unique inventions.

He also upgrades a different member of Esdeath’s Jaeger Army See the next paragraph…

7. Seryu Ubiquitous

The Protectors for Justice Seryu Ubiquitous is at your disposal!

Together with her pet Coro (who is in reality a gigantic regenerating monster) This spirited police officer isn’t letting any criminals escape her sights.

What’s that? The Empire is corrupt? The entire Police force has been corrupted?

This isn’t true! It cannot be real! You’ve…you’ve been afflicted by the evil.

Seryu Ubiquitous: twisted, zealous. Judge juror, judge, and executioner.

Morally gray because she believe that this Empire is good but not redeemable due to the exact same reason.

6. Akame

The protagonist of the show, but not the primary character due to reasons. Akame has been an assassin who was raised from birth to take out.

As an Empire’s most powerful killers Akame leaves and joins Night Raid after Boss convinces her to look forward to a new future in which murder will not always be the only option.

She’s calm because she understands what death is all about.

She has a reason to live because she isn’t able to be a failure after all the people who have slain themselves for her blade.

She’ll take out anybody and everything is needed to ensure better times because, in the end, that’s how she was taught to do.

5. Kurome

Siblings may either love or dislike one another. However, it’s more often a combination of both.

Kurome is Akame’s sister who has disappeared. When Akame left his position with the Imperial Army, Kurome stayed at home.

While she’s as strong as her older sibling, she’s equally wounded in the inside.

Kurome’s sword, Yatsufusa is the antithesis to Akame’s Muramasa. The Muramasa is a weapon that kills anything it even scrapes. The Yatsufusa is a symbiosis of its victims and allows the user to return them to life as powerful corpses later.

In a state of not being able to bear the loss of her allies and friends, Kurome keeps the souls of her former teammates in her heart within her armour. Forever.

4. Leone

Being a child in the poor areas can be that is worse than death.

However, Leone was able to get it known and be famous for it.

She might not have the fervent conviction of justice that’s required to be hero. However, she’ll always fight for the weak. Although she’s said she’ll never sacrifice her life to serve the cause of her choice since she’s been through the worst and even more.

She will do everything to ensure that people like her are cared for in the future.

Be wary of not making this usually jolly girl be angry, or else you’ll be able to hear a lion’s roar following you.

3. Bols

The perfect representation of ‘don’t-judge-a-book-by-its-cover’, Bols might look scary in his incineration squad outfit (It’s health and safety goddamit! This is a risky job!)

He’s actually shy and sweet. He’s shy, sweet, and an ideal man to his wife and daughter.

While he’s a part in the Jaegers the man is morally wracked by guilt.

In the course of his incineration crew the man has set fire to villages filled with innocents – his karma, he says will eventually take over him.

2. Mine

When I first began to watch the program, I was disgusted. Mine.

She’s a bit giddy, appears uncool, and appears to be uninteresting to the majority of mains with no cause.

However, as it is revealed, she’s an ordinary Tsundere. Particularly one that has a great background and character development.

The daughter of mixed race and discriminated against until she was forced to live in the streets, and even begging for food.

Her group is part of Night Raid hoping to rid the Empire of racism, however the task isn’t straightforward.

She has a habit of putting herself in a defensive posture throughout her life to be cautious of weak links that join … however she’s not stopped from falling head over heels in love too.

1. Prime Minister Honest

He’s ranked first not just because he’s talented. He’s a good writer.

While he’s a kind of stereotype, as the others Honest’s absurd character is hilarious, however, it is also incredibly cruel and completely irredeemable.

A person so corrupt is the reason why the Empire ends up being the corrupted state it is.

It’s Honest who bribes the young Emperor to believe all he claims, even until the point that he’s killing his own citizens.

The way he dies during the animation is a brutal one. However, in the manga the character truly receives what is due to him… becoming torn from his limbs bit by bit by the people in the Empire.

The Most Effective Akame Ga Killing Characters Of Night Raid

10. Bulat

Bulat is considered to be among the most highly ranked Imperial Officers since there is no doubt that he is the most powerful and fastest Night Raid assassin. Additionally the fact that he is referred to in the role of”the “100-Man Slayer” due to his incredible strength and invisibility, as well as his dexterity and tough armor.

Additionally, we can observe that Bulat does not need to hit the fitness center and work out because all he has to do is summon his Teigu sword, an armor type. The body transforms into fully-pledged armor. Prior to gaining his position in the group Bulat is able to take on and defeat the most skilled warriors. And the feat is accomplished even though he is poisoned and fighting and proving his skills even in the final moments.

9. Najenda

Najenda as the head of the group and Head Assassin in the Night the raid is worthy of a place in this listing. She has many years of military experience and consequently, she held the level of a general in The Empire and became one of the top players of the Akame ga Kill. Najenda is a skilled strategist in her ability to strategize and leveraging her influence for her benefit.

Her manner of speaking is relaxed but a little flirty and clever , making her a formidable leader. When you look at her clothes she displays a strong masculine look and has a strong appearance that is the reason for his nickname “The The Hunk from The Rebellion”.

8. Sheele

Sheele is among the very first Night Raid members to die in both the manga as well as the anime, so viewers don’t witness her action at all. We do see some scenes however, which showcase her power, and you’d surely have a difficult to beat her using her Teigu, a massive pair of scissors she appears to enjoy using to wield her weapon.

Apart from cutting with her scissors, Sheele does not appear to have a particular aptitude for combat. Sure, she’s fast and tough, just like everyone else is in Night Raid is but her combat abilities aren’t as impressive as those of Leone.

7. Chelsea

Like Najenda, Chelsea is a difficult character to identify when weighing Night Raid’s power scale. Although Chelsea is considered to be an average physical strength however, she’s Imperial Arms allows her to change shape and is an impressive and practical power , if ever there was one.

Unfortunately, her shapeshifting appears to be her only real talent, and one that she’s totally dependent on during her time in charge of the series. With no aspect of surprise Chelsea does not manage to cause much harm because she lacks the combat skills to support her actions.

6. Lubbock

Lubbock is another character from Night Raid that doesn’t be noticed for his combat capabilities on his own, but Lubbock does own a helpful Imperial Arms. He utilizes this Imperial Arms to his advantage in numerous instances throughout the show. His Teigu that is referred to as “Infinite Utilization: Cross Tail”, creates a string of wire threads which can be used offensively or defensively in combat.

Lubbock’s threads have helped the teams out of a number of pinches throughout the season They also aid him in one-onone fights. But even without Teigu’s help, it’s difficult to know the level of power Lubbock is. However, Lubbock is pretty confident in his Teigu

5. Leone

Leone is among the most powerful combatants in Night Raid. Her Imperial Arms are the belt she wears provides her with increased power, speed, and agility and everything else you can wish for in the field. Lene’s Imperial Arms also grants her the ability to regenerate and there’s nothing more powerful power than that.

Leone excels in gathering information because of her quick thinking and ability to fool people. Also, she has shrewd judgment on other scenarios. Leone is frequently the person who is seen to confirm the legitimacy of the targets Night Rais has been assigned to assassinate.

4. Mine

Mine is a tsundere character and that is the reason for her fame. In addition she is also a strong girl and the most formidable female assassin since Akame in Night Raid. Being an “genius sniper” Her pride rests on her spirit gun, which is named Pumpkin. The weapon is distinctive not only for its ability to use deadly ammunition, but also because of the capability of reflecting the mood of the user.

But it was when Mine unleashed her most powerful and passionate emotions in a battle, the weapon overheated, and then became ineffective. However, she was capable of regaining command of her Teigu. Mine showed her strength in taking on tough adversaries.

3. Susanoo

The majority of the members of the Night Raid depend on the Imperial Arms to grant them strength or even increase the abilities they already possess. Susanoo however, on the contrary on the other hand, isan Imperial Arms one of the few Teigu who’s also an animal. Another character that is rare in this anime.

Being a living weapon, it’s probably not a surprise that Susanoo is so highly regarded when compared against fellow members in Night Raid. Then again, Esdeath acknowledges his power when he defeats him, and the honor isn’t something to put on the back of. Don’t be a fool, guys!

2. Tatsumi

Tatsumi has been named Tatsumi is the Night Raid male rookie protagonist and not just that Tatsumi is also the strongest character when in the Final Incursio Evolution form. When he’s in his dragon form, there’s no stopping him from destroying the world.

Before Tatsumi began his training for the series Night Raid, he already had a remarkable talent in combating many incredible fights. Tatsumi even slays an enormous monster in the very first part of Night Raid, showing the speed and strength before he reaches the Capitol. In the following episodes, Tatsumi’s body been adapted to the reptilian features of the Tyrant’s dragon , and beat the Emperor.

1. Akame

As is apparent, Akame appears to be the female main character and is the most powerful member in The Night Raid in the series. Her main appearance in the show can be evident when she swung the decisive blow to Esdeath’s heart! Akame since the beginning was trained to become an assassin within her shadow, akin to one Gozuki. She is a master of swordsmanship and particularly guns and hand-to-hand combat.

Since she was working with poisons since the age of a child, she was a guru regarding the subject of medicinal herbs and was able to make her own way in the wild. “Red Eyes” is the name given to Akame, and we can are able to see the eyes in crimson. She certainly is the most formidable of the group.

This is our top 10 most powerful members of the Nighttime Raid from Akame Ga Kill! Do you agree?