Fairy Tail is one of the most popular anime shows on television. It follows the adventures of a group of magical creatures known as fairies. The show has been aired for over 10 years, and it has been picked up by many different networks around the world. To watch Fairy Tail in its entirety, you will need to watch all episodes in order. However, there are some episodes that are better watched in order than others. Here is a step-by-step guide to watching Fairy Tail in the correct order:

  1. Start with episode 1, which is known as the pilot episode. This episode introduces the characters and their world.
  2. Next, watch episode 2, which is known as “The Magic of Friendship.” This episode focuses on Levy’s search for her friends and family.
  3. Finally, watch episode 3, which is known as “The Dragon Slayer.” This episode features Jellal’s fight against a dragon.
  4. After watching all three episodes of Fairy Tail, you should be ready to start watching the series proper.

True to the Shonen characters, Fairy Tail is packed with actions scenes which are fast-paced , and amazing fighting poses. Not only does it offer a wide range in characters but it also offers a variety of fan-services.

The show ran for the last decade (2009-2019) and offering a huge variety of content that will keep you engaged.

The show runs the span of nine seasons. The show includes the totality of 328 episodes all in all and takes viewers on an amazing adventure. The animation style is captivating and brilliant in the creation of worlds. Fairy Tail is an enormous cost of time. If you can invest in it the cost will be worth it!

Fairy Tail Anime Release Order

Fairy Tail Season 1

First, we must identify the number of fillers, as well as the number of episodes of canon in this episode. There are just two fillers , as well as the forty-five episodes are canon. One episode contains a blend of both fillers and canon. It is also the season with the most astonishing amount of seasons that’s 48.

The first season is all about what happens to Lucy Natsu as well as Lucy. Natsu. They are at first unaware of one another, but they do meet, and they soon develop into friends. Then, they venture into the adventure world, becoming a part of different magical tools to earn cash..

A fun aspect of the current season that is loved by many is the Cat that is Natsu. This cat from Natsu isn’t a normal cat. It’s actually an animal that can fly , and the nickname”Happy”. “Happy”.

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Fairy Tail Season 2

Season 2 includes 24 episodes which include five episodes. Five of them are filler and 19 episodes are canon. Many fans were disappointed with the number of episodes given that they were relatively few compared to the previous season.

The season is made up by two episodes distinct from each other. The first arc is a period between episode 1 to 19 and the subsequent four episodes are the result of the creation of a distinctive episode. The protagonist set out to combat against the Dark Guild..

The third season is filled with surprises in it, which enhances the excitement of this season’s third.

Fairy Tail Season 3

Season 3 also contains the most number in episodes of the series, as there are three filler episodes from an overall total of 28.

Gildarts set off on Gildarts adventure through for a century of excitement and came back. The current season shows Gildarts’ return. But the main character has the responsibility who will deliver negative information concerning Igneel. Natsu is aware and determined to help them and their loved ones.

It follows Carla until they finally arrive at their destination. After that, they transform into their individual Fairy Tail version of Edolas. What’s coming up next? Watch the season for more information.

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Fairy Tail Season 4

This episode sees Hades gets involved in a fight within the battle of Makarov and eventually wins Makarov. The other players later recognized him and realized the fact that Makarov had been defeated..

But, the other characters are fighting Grimoire’s army. It is impossible for Grimoire’s Fairy Tail team to win. Therefore, outside help is needed. Seven Sins are saved by Fairy Tail and help them by bringing magic into the Fairy Tail.

The season is made up of 25 episodes and of them the only one is a filler. Fantastic at this point isn’t it?

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Fairy Tail Season 5

Season 5 is a distinctive season in comparison to the other seasons. The most interesting aspect about this season is that it doesn’t have an episode of the series that is included. That’s right. Season 5 is comprised of 25 episodes. And the majority of those comprised include empty episodes.

At this time of the year the enemies will have only one objective to accomplish in order to end the power of the Infinity Clock. Thus, the adversaries have been in hiding and has been killing people in addition to the the destruction of church buildings regularly.

They’re on on an task and who is in the situation to stop them? Watch the show to find out!

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Fairy Tail Season 6

After a season that was filled with fillers. Season 6 returns to the canon element. The season is made up of 25 episodes, and there’s no episode that is considered to be an unfilled episode. It does however have an episode that’s mixed and may count as the filler episode or as canon.

Natsu and Lucy keep going Natsu as well as Lucy continues the voyage. The current team is one of the weakest teams because of being able to the ability to lose some of the most talented and talented members in their team during earlier battles.

To demonstrate their strength front of other people and the event to prove their worth to the world. They join an contest. The event promises thrilling adventures and you should watch the video below to find out more!

Fairy Tail Season 7

The current season is one of the longest in the series when compared to other seasons. One of the primary factors that makes it longer is the number of filler episodes mixed with canon-related episodes that it has. Let’s discuss the details of it.

Because it was among the longest seasons, it’s not surprising to have one of the the most arches. This season is an overall of three arches composed of. Lucy Natsu and Lucy Natsu are determined to continue and are certain that they’ll will complete their mission.

They search for and uncover the secrets that they’ve been wanting discover. When they reach where they want to go, it’s normal that things get more complicated. They find out that this was all a fraud.

Fairy Tail Season 8

Season 8. This is the second and season of the show Fairy Tail. It’s comprised of 12 episodes. And out of the 12 episodes there’s one filler episode. One episode has an unmixed episode as well.

Okay , here’s an spoiler beware of this kind of information in case you don’t want to get spoilt. Mavis and Yuri will reach at the conclusion… Let’s believe that there’s something unique in mind for Mavis along with Yuri. It is the time that darkness begins. Phew! There’s plenty going on I’d say.

Fairy Tail Season 9

We are moving closer to the conclusion this season. Fairy Tail. Season 9. It’s got 51 episodes and zero! Filler episodes. This is great for the viewers and for viewers as well as the viewers of the show.

The current season consists from two arches. The first is an extension of the previous season the second arc is the final part of it. All of us will be aware that Makarov was the one who made an important decision disband his group. But don’t fret that they’ll all be returning with each other and will be back together again.

Fairy Tail Movies’ Release Order

Prologue: The Sunrise

There’s nothing much to comment on this prologue, since it’s a 12-minute teaser for the film Phoenix Priestess. It was released with the entire collection, which includes The 38th and 37th volumes of the Manga.

The audience was thrilled and were excited to see the film be released. I recommend that you go through the film because it could be interesting and also. There are a few things that will help you appreciate the ideal flavor from the documentary.

Fairy Tail The Movie: Phoenix Priestess (2012)

Fairy Tail the Movie: Phoenix Priestess had a prologue that sparked excitement about the movie.

In the movie, the world is on the end of its life. The reason that this world has been dying isn’t as confusing as one might imagine. A prince who sought unfettered authority and control all over the globe.

In the search for the power He becomes lost and then releases the huge force across the entire globe that puts the entire Earth in danger. Only powerful mages who can save the Earth from danger. Can they succeed? Visit the film to find out.

The First Morning (2013)

In this movie, they explore all the events of Eclair’s life. It will be clear what Eclair actually is in Fairy Tail. Eclair’s hometown suffers the effects of an incident and she’s required to leave the village.

She is carrying valuable Phoenix stone fragments along, and is in the responsibility of it, as well as protecting it from the other people. Lucy is aware that Eclair was taken away and rushes to help. How did the stones get there, and what makes them so important? Watch the video to learn more.

Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry (2017)

The tale is told in Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry, Dragon Cry is released, and then it runs away. It must be taken captive and brought back to the home base. Natsu, Lucy along with all the other members of the guild travel to nowhere but The island of Stella’s Island Kingdom.

Dragon Cry, the name doesn’t sound very impressive, however I’ll discuss what it can do. Dragon Cry is an ancient artifact which could quickly conquer the entire world. Your jaw might have dropped when you read this, but it’s fine. I was sure it would happen.

Fairy Tail OVAs Release Order

OVA 1: Welcome To Fairy Hills!! (2011)

A strange note of transcription note is what keeps Lucy interested enough. Lucy discovers that someone had written the note on paper, and she asks her to locate this object. The item is found in the women’s bathroom..

It appears, however, to be a real counterfeit. To ensure there’s no falsehood, she embarks for an adventure to prove that it’s not an untruth.

OVA 2: Fairy Academy: Yankee-Kun And Yankee-Chan (2011)

This OVA is about Lucy moving to the new school. This school houses numerous weirdos. The students at these schools are quite bizarre. This OVA depicts her adjustment to her new classes along with, like usual the thrilling new thrilling adventure awaits her.

OVA 3: Memory Days (2012)

Natsu, Lucy, and their companions have been taken back to the past by an mysterious object. If they alter one thing in the course of their adventure, they could put the entire future to be to be in danger. So the way they act is to try to avoid people to ensure that no incident is created.

Are they able to protect their own future?

OVA 4: Fairies’ Training Camp (2012)

The OVA can be described as the 4th OVA from the story Fairy Tail. Mavis is not in the circle she decides to travel to the area. She wasn’t informed that other people in the group were on vacation. After she heard about when she heard the news came to her, and she joined the whole group.

OVA 5: The Exciting Ryuzetsu Land (2013)

The Grand Magic Gamesare currently being played out and the magicians want to rest. However, it’s not that straightforward as that, is it? Crazy quickly happens during the tournament, and the players are in problems.

What was initially an informal gathering and a place for people to interact with other players has become a challenging arena.

OVA 6: Fairy Tail X Rave (2013)

It’s a crossover between two television shows: Fairy Tail and Rave. Both shows have been joined after they discover that they have many similarities. However, things start to go out of hand when confusion occurs within the various groups.

But, a extremely powerful enemy comes in and they be required to come together to defeat their adversaries. This OVA is interesting.

OVA 7: Fairies’ Penalty Game (2016)

This OVA is quite a different one. It will include many magicians seeking jobs, using their magical talents and hoping to earn some money. Natsu however, sets out on a adventure to find out more about his stepfather.

He is taken into to his world in Fiore and is finally able to find Igneel the Dragon. Igneel.

OVA 8: Natsu Vs Mavis (2016)

The subtitle says that the OVA concentrates more on the battle scene and the differences between Natsu and Mavis.

This OVA is packed with twists and twists, teamwork, of friendship and rivals. It includes everything you’ll need.

OVA 9: Fairies’ Christmas (2016)

The annual Celebration of Christmas is held at Lucy’s house. However, Ezra is always the the one who causes trouble. She convinces everyone to take part in some sort of game, is then the one to take over the game. The event is transformed into the the most chaotic celebration you’ve ever witnessed.

This was the final OVA of Fairy Tail and the excitement and thrills remain exactly the same.

Did Fairy Tail Watch Order Help You?

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Furthermore, we at QuoteTheAnime leave and wish you the best luck watching The Fairy Tail in the right order for watching. Enjoy the film beginning to beginning to the final.

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