Witch Bolt is a spell that is found in the spell list of the D&D 5e game. It is a ranged spell that deals damage to one target. The spell has a casting time of 1 standard action and a range of 30 feet. The caster must be within range of the target and must make a ranged attack with their weapon. If successful, they deal damage to the target and cause it to be knocked prone. If the caster fails their attack, they instead cause all adjacent creatures within 5 feet of the target to take an amount of damage equal to their Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). Witch Bolt can also be cast as an action if you have 3 or more uses of Witch Bolt left in your spellbook.

The majority of spells last longer than a few rounds. Some spells can even hit multiple targets. Witch Bolt is one such spell that does quite a bit on the battlefield.

What is the best way to use the spell of the witchbolt? What is the best time to use it? What can you do to enhance its utility in times of war? This Witch Bolt 5e guide will help you to use it in all ways.

What is the Witch Bolt?

Here are the statistics on The Witch Bolt, as presented in the Player’s Handbook.

1st Level EvocationTime to cast 1. ActionRange 30 feetClasses: Sorcerer, Warlock, WizardComponents comprise of V S, M, and V (a twig that was taken from a fallen tree hit with lightning). Duration Concentration of up to 1 minute

A blue-colored beam sparkling and bright is directed toward any creature within your reach. It creates a continuous lightning arc that is between you, the target and the target. You can cast an attack that is ranged against the creature.

The target is hit and causes it to suffer 1d12 lightning damage. Each time you turn during the time your action, it will be utilized to automatically deal 1d12 lightning damage to the person you are targeting. If you make use of your action to carry out any additional actions, your spell will end. The spell is over if you take your action to perform something else.

Higher levels. Cast this spell using an appropriate slot on the second or higher. The damage at first is increased by 1d12 per slot level that is higher than.

Let’s examine this spell. It’s a first-level evocation spell which can be employed by a wizard, sorcerer or warlock.

It is able to travel up to 30 feet. There’s a vocal, material and somatic component, that we’ll talk about in a moment. If the concentration isn’t broken, it may be used to make an enchantment spell.

It can last for 1 minute (or 10 times).

The blue light is directed at any creature within its reach. The lightning then travels between you and the target.

Imagine Star Wars’ force lightning. Use a ranged attack to take 1d12 damage from lightning in the event that it strikes the goal.

It is now possible to use an action each round (up up to 10 times) to push more energy along an arc, and then to hit the target once more with lightning damage of 1d12.

The spell is over in the event that you do anything that is not moving or sending energy along the arc. The spell is also ended when the target is moved beyond 30 feet or is fully covered.

The damage that you receive at the beginning is increased by one point for each slot you use to apply the spell in an upper slot.

Note it’s the original damage, not the cumulative damage 1d12. No matter what it is, it will always be 1d12.

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Using Witch Bolt-In Combat

If you apply this spell level 1. properly it could be impressive and powerful. The witch bolt connects you and your target using the energy lance.

You may also suffer 1d12 lightning damage when you take a ranged roll. You’ll be able to continue rolling the 1d12 to your target dies, or you perform another action.

You can do up to 1d12 damage when you cast the 1d12 damage when using Witch Bolt. This is a massive amount of damage which can instantly turn an enemy into an ash.

If they’re not killed, they’ll cause enough harm for other to take them down.

This can be applied to larger opponents who are in a position to be pinned down by your heavy hitting hitters.

They’re not likely to move far and you’ll continue to send damage down the lance for as long as you’d like. Casters who are considering this spell must know the disadvantages associated with this type of spell.

The Downsides of Witch Bolt

First, perform an attack that is ranged against your adversary to determine if the attack is successful in hitting the intended target. If the spell isn’t able to reach the enemy’s highest AC then you’ve destroyed the first-level slot.

If you don’t tie your opponent with the one-time strike, there’s other ways the spell can be ended. The spell is over if the opponent moves more than 30 feet away from the target, or enters the full coverage.

Your action can’t be used for anything else except to do 1d12 points damage to the opponent.

You are able to move indefinitely as long as the opponent is within 30 feet of you. You aren’t able to strike or use another magic or assist, or perform any other action.

You have successfully linked your target and you to each other for the duration of the event.

The damage that is initially incurred increases when the spell is cast up however the damage per hour is at 1d12. However, this doesn’t mean that the spell is ineffective.

But, all damage is achievable even when fighting lightning-resistant enemies. However, you’ll have better options when you’re more advanced.

While it’s not a bad spell with a huge damage output however, Its limitations render it heavy. Witch Bolt is still a excellent spell to use in the early games.

Keeping Enemies Still

You’ll need to keep your distance from your adversaries to ensure they don’t cross 30 feet out of your reach.

The ideal tag-team spell employing”Hold Person,” a spell ” Hold Person” to incapacitate the target for a maximum duration of one second.

While a holdperson works only with humanoids however, there are enough monsters are able to allow it to work for most times.

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Your fighter could knock down your opponent. However, they’ll have to limit their movements to rise.

This may cause them to slow down, allowing you to get back within the range.

It isn’t easy to keep your enemies quiet when you tank are rushing into combat and the massive beast is in a tense position. However, it is possible to make it work.

Do you have the ability to move when casting a witch bolt?

It’s a bit complicated because the rules of Witch Bolt clarify that the spell is over when you’ve used your spell to do anything else.

Most of the time things like striking your sword in order to hit someone else or drinking a drink can result in the loss of actions. But what happens to bonuses actions, reactions and movements?

It will depend on the DM as well as the regulations for their home, but the majority of the reactions of players are not considered to be acts.

Uncanny dodge allows you to evade an attack or melee attack that allows you to react to triggers.

Bonus actions are often referred to as bonuses, however they do not count as actions.

If you make use of both your actions to sprint your way through the air, you don’t have to count it as an action. It’s still possible to move insofar as your goal is within 30 feet and you’re okay. Every other move will break the spell.

Homebrew Witch Bolt

Witch Bolt is a powerful spell, but it has its limitations. Homebrew is a favorite choice for players as well as DMs.

This lets them create spells that are logical in their worlds, fit with archetypes more effectively or simply have more enjoyment.

Witch Bolt homebrew focuses primarily on the fact that you’re linked to your target by beam energy.

Instead of making the target get off from the spell, and immediately break it, some DM’s provide their adversaries with reasons to fight.

They might have to do assessments of their strength in comparison to the wisdom of the caster, or perform a check on their constitution while engaged in a mental tug of war.

The players are able to use the spell in the water to shock enemies near and cause environmental damage.

Some DM’s draw a physical battleground map that the caster is able to target their targets. Anyone who comes in contact with the line suffers 1d12 lightning damage due to The Witch Bolt.

This can make fighting difficult, particularly in indoor areas in areas with limited space.

If your spellcaster needs to think about the maneuverability of your group, it could help to make repeat dungeon crawls more enjoyable.

This can result in some intriguing team-ups and strategies as you plan your approach in every room.

Which enemies are at risk from Lightning?

You can try to throw an Witch Bolt at the most powerful enemy and hope they’re not lightning resistant.

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It is however recommended to do some study before doing this. Based on the Monster Handbooks only 35 of your enemies are immune to lightning, and only 10 are invulnerable.

Lightning damage isn’t an issue for any monster.

There is no problem unless you’re fighting the Djinni or Behir, Ochre Jelly. Lightning damage isn’t an issue in any one of these enemies mentioned.

A lot of these enemies have exceptionally rare and have a high CR. You’re unlikely to find an Black Pudding nest, Bronze Dragon Lair, or another odd encounters in your encounters during the day.

There is a chance that you will encounter resistance from some enemies, but your Witch’s Bolt is going to cause the most damage.

Your DM could also include the third-party or homebrew creature which are susceptible to lightning. If so you’ll require the creatures to be lit!

How can I roleplay Witches Bolt?

It could be viewed as force lightning that emits blue light beams which get more intense when you increase the energy that goes into it.

It is all dependent on how your character is depicted. A wizard may be, for instance, pray to the gods of death, and then throw decaying energy on the target to cause it to die or wither.

A warlock may ask their god to lighten the lightning in the color they love using sounds as well as other effects to scare the victim.

The attack may be executed with one hand initially, however the attacker could add strength to the mix.

It’s more than just cool spell damage, it’s an awesome duration of spells. Take your time with it! This isn’t something you’ll be able to use later on in conjunction with all the alternatives.

Should I keep Witch’s Bolt to use in Big Fights?

Answer: It’s incredible how spellcasters overcome battles with only chance and cantrips till the moment arrives for a rest.

It’s possible to accomplish this, however you must ensure that you make use of your spell slots. In the absence of this, they’ll rest in the corner.

Witch’s Bolt is a powerful weapon you can use to take on the tougher batterers your DM will give you.

Your party and you will benefit from huge damage when combined with fighters or spells that help keep creatures in reach.

It’s not a good idea for your group to have to fight the giant gnoll boss or even a mimic when the time comes. If it’s successful the Witch’s Bolt spell could help you even out the chances.

While it’s not a 100% guarantee however, it can aid you in winning battles and let you have a break.