Spirited Away is a Japanese animated film released in 2001. It is directed by Hayao Miyazaki and written by him and his wife, Miyazaki-san. The story follows Chihiro, a young girl who is taken to the spirit world after her parents are kidnapped by a dragon. Chihiro must find her way back to Earth and overcome obstacles along the way. The ending of Spirited Away is one of the most debated aspects of the film. Some viewers believe that it is ambiguous and does not provide a clear resolution, while others believe that it provides an adequate conclusion. In this article, we will explore both sides of the argument and provide our own opinion on what happened at the end of Spirited Away. The first thing to note about the ending of Spirited Away is that it does not provide a definitive answer as to what happened to Chihiro’s parents. At the end of the film, we see them being taken away by a dragon, but there is no indication as to whether or not they are alive or dead. This ambiguity has led some viewers to believe that Miyazaki-san did not intend for us to understand what happened to them; he simply wanted us to feel sadness at their disappearance. Others believe that Miyazaki-san intended for us to understand what happened; he simply wanted us to feel sadness at their disappearance in an ambiguous way. In this interpretation, Chihiro’s journey into the spirit world represents her attempt to find answers about her parents’ fate. Towards the end of the film, she comes across a witch who tells her that she can find out about her parents if she brings back some water from the spirit world; this water represents Chihiro’s search for closure. Ultimately, we are left with two possible interpretations: either Chihiro’s parents are dead or they have been taken away by a dragon but we do not know which option is correct. While many viewers may be ..
Hayao Miyazaki directed Spirited Away. Studio Ghibli is responsible for animating the movie. They are also known for Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind and My Neighbor Totoro. Although Demon Slayer Mugen Train broke all records, Spirited Away remains the highest-rated anime movie, with people still being captivated by its ending. It has an IMDb rating 8.6.
The movie broke all records within a matter of days. It was Japan’s highest-grossing movie until Demon Slayer Mugen Train took it over. It is still Japan’s 2nd-highest-grossing movie. It was released in 2001, which is another impressive aspect of the movie. Spirited Away is the only movie that has managed to achieve its success after more than two decades. It was so popular that it won the Oscar at the 5th Academy Awards for best animated feature film. BBC voted it the fourth best film of the 21st Century, making it the highest-ranking animated movie.
Since years, the ending of Spirited Away is a hot topic with anime fans. That’s right. This article will cover the ending to Spirited Away!
Plot Spirited Away
Chihiro Ogino is a 10-year old girl who is travelling to her new home with her parents. To get to the destination quicker, her father uses a shortcut. Their car stops at a tunnel that leads to an abandoned amusement park.
Chihiro is reluctant, but her father insists that they go into the park. Chihiro wanders until she reaches a bathroom. She meets Haku, a boy. Haku tells her that she must leave the park before it goes dark. She discovered that her parents were turned into pigs before she was able to escape. She is now unable to cross the riverbank and escape.
Chihiro is sent by Yubaba, the owner of the bathhouse. Yubaba hires Chihiro, renaming her Sen. Sen quickly realizes that she forgot her name. Haku reminds Sen and warns her that if her name is forgotten like his, she will be locked in the same place forever.Spirited Away Yubaba
One day Sen sees Haku injured grievously. Yubaba’s twin sister Zeniba surprises her when she goes to visit Haku. Sen learns from Zeniba that Haku stole a magical golden seal belonging to her. He will be punished for it. Sen rescues Haku, and he promises to apologize to Zeniba for his actions and return her seal.
Sen’s Resolution
Sen and No-Face travel with Boh to Zeniba. Yubaba, on the other hand orders the murder of Sen’s parents. Haku claims that Boh (Yubaba’s son) is still alive and can bring him back. Yubaba will release Sen and her parents if Sen passes a final test. Haku appears in dragon form and takes Sen and Boh with him. Sen remembers an incident in the past and discovers Haku is his true identity.
Yubaba asks Sen for her parents’ identification in the final test. Sen claims that her parents aren’t here. Sen passes the final exam and her contract is voided. She gets her original name back. Chihiro crosses the riverbed and Haku promises that they will meet again. Chihiro, her parents and her siblings walk to their car. Before she leaves, Chihiro takes a look at the tunnel. She is unsure if the park was ever used for its events.Ending with Chihiro, Haku
The Spirited Away ending explained
Although she was initially scared about her new school, Chihiro has grown to be confident in it. Director Miyazaki also confirmed that it took some time as the grass around the entrance was larger in the end. The car is also covered with dust. Fans can feel satisfied that the events actually happened, even though Chihiro may be unsure.
Many fans believe that Chihiro will one day meet Haku. Some believe that Haku died and that the pink glow around Chihiro’s hairband is evidence of his tears. It would be a profound symbol of Haku’s death, and it is.
This film is truly a masterpiece that has many hidden meanings. Hayao Miyazaki is deservedly praised for his movie. The movie deserves all the accolades and awards, including the Oscar.
Why in the ending of Spirited Away was the entrance to the spirit world green and the car dusty and full of leaves?
It is likely that the green color is a result of lighting. The dust and leaves indicate how long they have been gone. According to what I have seen, Chihiro and her parents spent around three days in the spirit realm. However, I believe it was up to five. Even though it was the peak of 5+ days, that is not enough time for a car that has been in the spirit world for that long.
No matter how long it takes to say that Chihiro’s parents were in the spirit realm, the reality is that their car was in the real world. This context could have made Chihiro’s whole ordeal seem like a child’s nightmare or bad dream.
How to Watch Spirited Away
We would love to hear your opinions on the ending of the movie, and any other theories!