Misty Step is a powerful ability in the Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game. It allows a character to teleport up to 30 feet away, and can be used multiple times in a row. When used, Misty Step creates an area of effect that lasts for 3 rounds. The character can then use another Misty Step ability to teleport back to their original location, or take another action. Misty Step is one of the most versatile abilities in the game, and can be used to escape danger or take advantage of advantageous positions. It’s also an excellent way to increase your speed and evasion while fighting enemies.

You can use the spell to defeat your creaturethat is close to you, and then you run toward the gates. The portcullis was closed when you went through it.

You’re not hitting as hard and are confronted by creatures that you’re unable to take down by yourself.

Your friends are trying to save you , but cannot see beyond the gate. What do you do?

Spellcasters are able to cast spells that have diverse effects and are very effective. There are numerous spells the spellcaster can select from.

This lets them be imaginative in their spells and to solve any issue. This spell, called the Misty Step spell is a powerful one that is able to get out of danger.

Misty Step lets you travel to different locations similar to Blueno as well as Nightcrawler from the game One Piece. The spell is widely regarded as the best found in the book. Many people recommend it as a must have spell to have in your arsenal.

For more information on how it functions and what you need to perform to cast it as well as whether or not you should have it, take a look at the Misty Step 5e Guide.

How do you describe Misty Step?

Misty Step, a level 2 conjuration spell can be located inside The Player’s Handbook on page 262. Conjuration spells help summon creatures, materials or other things from another location to the spellcaster.

Conjuration spells may also be used to transfer different creatures, materials or other objects from the area of the caster to an additional space. Here are some important facts regarding this Misty Step spell.

Misty Step2nd-level conjurationTime to cast:1 bonus actionComponents: VTime: Instantaneous

This article includes additional information about what to do in casting this spell and the way it will work after it is cast.

Misty Step

Misty Step requires that one is able to follow the rules when performing the spell and that includes being able to meet the prerequisites. The rules are given below so that the reader can follow the instructions as the steps on a checklist.

The spell must be included within the list of spells used by the caster. e. g. This spell could be employed as an element of race or class feature. Misty Step is a level 2 conjuration spell. So, the spellcaster should have at minimum a level 2 slot in which spells is able to be utilized. Misty Step is a level three or higher slot. There are various levels of accessibility for spell slots at level 2. Check on the “Spell Slots Per Spell Level” tab to determine what class is equipped with them. To make use of to cast the spell person casting must be able to perform a bonus. This spell can’t be used to perform an action. Keep in mind that bonus actions can only be used each turn. The spellcaster has to be able of speaking freely and without limitations. The spell requires that the person casting it use certain magical spells with an audible voice in order to enable it to work.

Once you’ve met all the prerequisites After you have met the requirements, you can apply your Misty Step spell. Misty Step allows you to move to any location you want to go. Follow the instructions below to accomplish this.

The caster has to choose the empty space It must have a minimum distance of 30 feet away from the caster and accessible to him. For casting this magic spell the casting person must make use of the bonuses actions.

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What exactly does Misty Step do?

The spell will activate when all requirements to activate Misty Step have been met. The spell is immediately initiated by the silvery mist which covers the casting person.

Then it takes them to the desired location. At that point, the silvery mist will have disappeared. Remember that only casters must be able to discern the area they pick.

They are able to make Misty Step even if they’re gazing through a portcullis or glass door.

Only the spellcaster is able to be transported because it has its own “self” area. Misty Step does not have any other effects when cast on spell slots that have higher levels, but that can be done.

Misty Step does not require saving casts as well as spell save DCs. The caster simply teleports anywhere they like in the event that their vision permits them to.

Who can spell Misty Steps?


Misty Step is a spell that is very easy to access. It’s only accessible to three classes however it is possible for subclasses of those classes to gain access to it. The spell’s source and the three main classes with access to it are listed below.

Sorcerer (Player’s Handbook, page 99)Warlock, (Player’s Handbook page 105)Wizard (Player’s Handbook, page 112)

The Wizard and Sorcerer classes possess two 2nd level slots for spell slots. These slots are required for casting Misty Step when they reach level 3.

Two spell slots of 2nd level are also accessible for members of the warlock class, however they are unable to use lower-level spell slots when compared to Wizard and Sorcerer classes.


You can own seven subclasses which are derived from different sources. They can also gain access to an unlimited number of spells, including the Misty Step spell.

Below are the classes listed with their class of origin.

Each of the Oath of the Ancients and the Oath of Vengeance paladins have access to this spell when they reach their 5th level.

This is a part of the oath spells they take. This spell is also available for Horizon Walker and Fey Wanderer rangers in their 5th level in conjunction with their respective class spells.

The Eldritch Knight fighter and the Arcane Trickster Rogue have access to the Wizard spell lists for their class.

Misty Step is also used by druids who have chosen the coast as their residence in their Circle Spells subclass function. This spell does not work with daily spells prepared by the Druid. Also Read: Shocking Grease 5e D&D Guide


Some races have the ability to use the spell simply by being themselves. They have natural abilities in using Misty Step. Below is a list of their origin and class features.

Do you think Misty Step work?

Though it’s a subjective one, Misty Step can be an excellent spell for a variety of reasons.


The spell is the first one cast as an extra bonus. It is possible to cast a spell and then attack using a weapon or other actions that cost the player an action. You can then you can cast Misty Step as an additional bonus action.

You could, for instance apply for instance, the Witch Bolt spell on an opponent within your range , and then teleport away using Misty Step through the bonus actions. This spell is perfect for getting out of any difficult circumstances.

The spell is activated by using incantations. This spell is great for situations when it is impossible to hold your hand.

To get away from an opponent’s grapple it is possible to use Misty Step. In order to avoid a grapple the creature needs to take the Acrobatics or Athletics check. A Athletics check is required by the creature that is grappling.

Rolls are to be compared. The roll that is higher indicates that the wrestler will release itself from the grip.

The grapple won’t end when the person being fought has an increased roll. Spellcasters don’t usually have high Strength (Athletics), or Dexterity(Acrobatics), because they must prioritize their spellcasting abilities instead. Misty Step is a simple solution to this issue.

To be able to use the spell, the third thing you must do is to to locate the location you want to teleport. Misty Step can be used to bring the caster wherever they want, regardless of whether they are inside a cage, in jail or on the other side of the wall.

Misty Step is a powerful spell that is able to get around the restrictions. It’s useful in accessing difficult-to-access areas and for entering into.

If you are having difficulty climbing an incline, Misty Step can be used to transport to the cliff (as as it’s in the 30’s) without effort, objects or time wasted.

It is not necessary to have the key to gain access to an unlocked room, but you can view through the door using a hole. Misty Step will allow you to travel inside the room by using the Misty Step.

Voila! You can also unlock the door from inside which means that your guests can also enter.

It is true that the Misty Step spell has its advantages, but it could be rendered unusable for those who are incapable of speaking because of physical or supernatural limitations, or another reason.

It could also be unusable in the event that they cannot perceive the area to which they want to travel to. It is possible that they have lost perception due to the magic or the fog. If the person who is caster has darkvision, it may only function in dark. Also read: 15 best DnD Warlock Spells That Everyone Should Be Able to

The adversary must shut their mouths or blind you by blinding your eyes using cloth. After that the caster is no be able to escape their prisons with Misty Step.

To know this restriction, the adversary must also be aware of the secrets of.

Misty Step can also be an advanced level spell. It could difficult for characters who are only getting started with levels 2 spells.

While leveling up the sorcerers or warlocks get restricted the ability to use spells. This isn’t an issue for wizards.

You can create the list following a long time off to switch Misty Step with another level 2 spell from time time.

Misty Step cannot teleport anyone else, it is only able to transfer the person who is caster. Misty Step isn’t capable of saving everyone else from the abysmal situations.

It’s a very self-centered illusion. However, the advantages Misty Step offer more than outweigh the drawbacks.

This is a subjective issue, therefore you’re free to make your own decision. You might think that there’s something wrong that is causing Misty Step. It’s entirely up to you.

Does Misty Step an action or reaction?

Misty Step can be cast through the bonus actions.

Misty Step cannot be cast as a reaction or an action.

Do I have to Step into the air?

Yes, as long as the airspace is not occupied, and is within thirty feet.

Also, you must be able to see the air that you want to teleport to.

If you’re not able move or lift, you’ll be thrown down when you lift off to the sky.

Can I misty Step with Someone?

No, you cannot. Misty Step will only target the person casting it. If a magic effect does not allow auto-target spells targeting people however, you are not able to transfer yourself.

What’s the most effective way to lift an uneasy step from a grapple?

Yes. If you’re capable of speaking and understand, you can.

Misty Step doesn’t require its casting caster to move its hands to operate.

You can make use of Misty Step to free yourself from a grip.

Does Misty Step prevent or mitigate the risk of injury from a fall?

It’s all up to. There’s no set rule about spells for teleportation that keep momentum even in an accident. It is entirely dependent on the DM to allow you to land safely using Misty Step.

It’s an innovative approach to solving the problem and looks cool.

Some people want to be realistic and make you take fall-related damage. If you’re able to land safely certain DMs may even allow the player to roll.

Can Misty Step traverse the walls?

Yes, if there’s an gap through the wall to the opposite side that you are able to see through, you should be able to.

To activate to use the magic, just have to locate the location you wish to be teleported.

It would not be a good idea when it was an exterior wall that had no holes.

Could Misty Step be counter-spelled?

The spell works by reducing or blinding its user. In order to be able use the spell you must be able to talk and look around the area that you want to teleport.

This is possible with numerous other spells, like Silence as well as Fog Cloud.

What can I do with Misty Step without a mount?

Your ordinary mount will not be taken along when you travel using Misty Step.

However, you can transfer a mount to another location by using one of the Find Steed or Find Greater Steed spells. The spells allow you to apply any spell that targets the self in conjunction with the mount.

Are there spells I can cast? Misty Step or another spell?

Yes, as long as the spell you want to cast is cast in an action.

Misty Step can be cast as a bonus effect. It is possible to cast a second spell, and Misty Step afterward.

What is different of the Dimension Door or Misty Step?

Misty Step, a level 2 conjuration spell that allows you to travel anywhere that is within 30 meters of you, so long as you are able to discern unoccupied areas.

Dimension Door Dimension Door, on the other on the other hand, is a four conjuration spell that permits you to travel anywhere up to 500 meters.

Dimension Door could also be a source of another in a way that Misty Step cannot do.

Dimension Door is a more powerful spell. This is evident from the differences between their level.


Subclasses that can cast Misty StepClass of originSourceSourceThe Oath of the Old TestamentPaladinPage 86 in the Player’s HandbookPage 82 in the Player’s HandbookArcane TricksterRoguePage 97 in the Player’s HandbookPage 94 in the Player’s HandbookEldritch KnightFighterPage 74 in the Player’s HandbookThe page 70 in the Player’s HandbookFey WandererRanger“Tasha’s” Cauldron of Everything page 58Page 89 in the Player’s HandbookHorizon WalkerRangerPage 42 of Xanathar’s guide to EverythingPage 89 in the Player’s HandbookCircle of the Land, (Coast).DruidPage 68 in the Player’s HandbookThe page 64 in the Player’s HandbookOath to RevengeancePaladinPage 87 in the Player’s HandbookPage 82 in the Player’s Handbook
People who are able to spell Misty StepThe features that permit the use ofElf (Eladrin).Fey StepDungeon Master’s Guide, page 286Gith (Githyanki).Githyanki PsionicsIn Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes page 96Human (Mark of the Passage).Magical PassageEberron The Rise From the Last War, page 46